21. A Boring Couple and A Drowning Girl

1942 Words
“Hold down!” Althea told Fiona, who held her wrist and rushed towards the dark ocean, that was surrounded by cold and foamy waves, sparkling underneath the moonlight. Althea held herself back on the sand, looking back at the crystal pool, that looked perfectly purple, reflecting the lamppost lights, set up all around the pool area. Neon stripes were embedded within the side bar and even on the dining bench that was set up in the north corner of the pool area. On the other side of the dining benches, were at least five pool chairs, all stretched out in a single line. Right behind the small bar counter were tall trees and shrouding bushes, that covered up the hot tub, that was placed in a secretive manner, giving privacy to whoever was trying to have good time in that hot tub. And currently, Martha and Anthony were the ones who were trying to relax and also hide from Nicholas at the same time. “Remember when we used to hide from Alejandro and sneak in to this hot tub.” Martha chuckled, moving closer to her husband, as the two rested by the pool. She tried to flirt with him and allure him, by placed her palm against his jaw, whilst rubbing her nose against his neck. Anthony’s eyebrows were knitted, as he looked at his phone, swiping through the pictures on his phone. “Anthony…” Martha called him out, seductively and he simply hummed back at her. “What?” he asked, not moving his face even an inch away from the phone. “Remember the good old times, when we were hiding our relationship from Alejandro and we used to sneak in here and get all hot and steamy and doesn’t it feel the same now? Now that we are hiding from Nicholas and being all sneaky…” she laughed softly and Anthony only hummed back at her, making her roll her eyes in aggression. She looked down at his phone and sighed, finding him scrolling through their daughter’s pictures, who was vacationing in a remote area in Europe. “She said she was out making some stupid documentary with her friends but what the f**k is she up to?” he asked from his wife, who snatched his phone out of his hands and placed it behind him. “Hey!” Anthony turned his neck to get his phone but Martha, forced his face towards her and forced him to look at her. “Listen, Selena is not a kid. She doesn’t like it when you keep tabs on her like that and have her spied. Okay?” Martha reminded Anthony, who shrugged. “So, what? Am I supposed to leave her like that, on her own? What kind of parent does that make me?” “A normal parent.” She argued. “Anthony, I know you are worried about Selena and her rebellious attitude but a part of the reason why she is like that, is because of the way you treat her. Even when she told you that she would be somewhere in Europe, you still have her tracked down and photographed like this. You know, she trusted you this time and gave you a chance to trust her as well. If she finds out that you still had her spied, she might actually run away this time and never come back home.” She tried to scared Anthony, who was simply, unbothered by his wife’s method of giving freedom to their daughter. “How would she find out?” He argued with his wife, making Martha roll her eyes and move away from her husband, who also took the moment and grabbed his phone back. The two sat at opposite corners of the hot tub, sipping on their mimosas, Anthony busy in having his daughter spied and Martha angered at her husband. She was obviously bothered by the fact that she saw the romance in her marriage fade away. Among all of their friends and siblings circle, they were the first one to get married but the last one to have a child, which made Selena the youngest and the most spoiled one. The reason for them to have a late child was because they were wildly in love and they spent the first ten years of their marriage, living carelessly and sense free and once they had Selena, Martha felt that Anthony became too serious in life, since he had a daughter and became overly protective of her. Martha felt that ever since Selena went off to college, she had an opportunity to regain a spark back in her life with Anthony. But instead, all Anthony did was spy on their daughter, fight and argue with her, leaving Martha helpless. The reason why, she immediately agreed on coming to the island was the fact that even her vacation in Italy wasn’t working and she thought that coming to the island might ignite back her spark with Anthony but it was failing so far. As the two sat apart from each other, over the beach side, that was an extension of the pool area, Althea stood shaking with fear, as Fiona, took her clothes off, revealing the skimpy bra and thin strap panties. “Let’s jump in.” Fiona screamed in excitement and Althea simply shook her head. “I don’t know how to swim.” She admitted, to which Fiona scoffed. “It’s not that difficult, you just have to flay your hands in the air and legs in the water, as if you are on fire.” She squeaked and held Althea’s wrist, pulling her along in the cold ocean water. “Wait!” Althea told her, taking off her chiffon cloak that she wore on top of her one piece yellow swimsuit. “Gosh! I really wanted to just chill by the pool.” With that Althea gently walked inside the cold water, shaking as the cold temperature hit her body. “It is so fun!” Fiona chimed, as she began swimming, going deep in to the water and Althea remained still by the edge, making sure to not to go too deep in the water. She looked up at the sky, clouded greyishly, with the moon hiding behind those clouds but she could still tell that it was a full moon, which meant that the level of the water was risen and also the wave current was jetting with full speed. She didn’t crawl much in to the water but the speed with which the water hit her calves was still quite fast. The water flowed back and forth, making her lose her balance with each step she took. “Don’t be a wuss! Come further.” Fiona told her, making Althea shiver with fear and anxiety but she still continued taking careful steps in to the water. She could feel the cold and wet stand submerge all around the feet, with each step she took, signifying that the water was clear and having a little stroll during the day time would be perfect. But Fiona didn’t let her turn back and as she swam further away in to the water, she urged Althea to walk right ahead and far in to the ocean. “You can come in to the ocean up till your chest, it is safe.” Fiona yelled, as she swam further and deeper and looking at her, Althea felt slightly motivated. So, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths, she continued walking further, until the water reached her breast. She laughed slowly, opening up her eyes. Gently, she lifted her feet up in the air and let go off the pressure from the body, feeling slightly stable and afloat on top of the water surface. She sighed and smiled to herself, proud that she was trying something new. “I guess, I am floating.” she laughed and told Fiona, who also chimed at her with excitement. But before the two of them knew, a huge wave of water came in, running across the ocean and hit the two, carrying them apart and far away from each other. Fiona lost her balance for a minute but before the water wave could’ve taken a hold of her, she fought back, moving her limbs in the cold water and reached the top surface of the ocean, breathing out loud, once her head was out of water. She gasped for air, squeezing her eyes with thumbs and drenching the excess water that had gotten in to her vision. She tried to look out for Althea, understanding the fact that she didn’t know how to swim so in that state, if she should be worried about anything or anyone, it should be Althea. She tried to look around for her but she just couldn’t find her. She saw another huge wave, coming her wave. As white foams floated quite up and above the water surface and danced in a to and fro motion, making their way towards the ocean’s surface. Fiona realized that the water levels were to high and the waves must have taken and washed Althea away with them. She immediately swam back towards the surface and rushed back and inside the house to get help. Still in her bra and underwear, she rushed inside the mansion, through the back door, attaining Serena’s attention, who was climbing down the stairs. She gasped, seeing Fiona in such an atrocious attire. “Fiona! What do you think…” Before Serena could’ve schooled the girl, she ignored the old woman’s pleas and rushed inside the dining hall, where Salva stood along with Garry and Gigi, discussing how they could keep Nicholas away from the entire monstrosity and also keep his at an arm’s distance from Althea. Hearing Fiona’s wet footsteps splurging throughout the entire dining room, everyone turned in to her direction and Garry’s eyes bulged out, seeing her drenched in her bra. His instincts kicked in, as he immediately removed his sweat shirt and threw it over Fiona. That small little move by him, melted Fiona’s heart right away, making her realize that Garry was indeed observant and also caring towards her. “What happened, why are you in such a condition?” he asked, gently touching her shoulders. Fiona gasped for air, “It’s Althea! She is in trouble. She might have drowned.” She spoke with broken breaths, gesturing towards the backside of the house, signifying that Althea might be somewhere around the pool area. “What?” both Salva and Gigi shrieked, as the two rushed out of the house and went towards the pool area. Salva last remembered watching Althea go out to hang by the pool but once he reached the pool area, he just couldn’t find Althea anywhere to be and instead, the pool was entirely empty and static. “Where is she?” he asked, turning to look back at the glass door that was slid open, where Fiona stood silently, raising her finger towards the ocean. Serena also joined them in, covering Fiona with a towel and finally caught on everything that was happening. Salva turned to look at the ocean and his eyes bulged out, as he realized that Althea had gone to the ocean to take a swim and seeing the heavy and heightened waves that came in, hitting the surface of the ocean, his heart drenched with fear, sensing that Althea might have drowned. --------------------------------------- What do you think would happen to Althea? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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