93. A Little Old School

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Over the next few days, love blossomed at the island, while back in Spain, Salva had finally reached his family in Barcelona after reporting and collecting progress and function at his father’s company in Sicily. Althea and Nicholas grew closer and stronger. Having no idea how many times, they had crossed the threshold and had made love to each other because their little rendezvouses as they had decided would be at nights, had turned in to a completely untimely thing. It first began when Nicholas entered the kitchen during one of the lunch cook offs and as his eyes landed on Althea, with her hair pulled up in a bun and her neck all covered with sweat due to the heat that the stove generated. There was just something about watching her cook with sheer attention that pulled Nicholas towards her like a string and that’s why, when after the cook off, she was making her way towards her bedroom to rest, Nicholas pulled her to the side, taking her by surprise and led towards his office, where the two senselessly f****d the souls out of each other. An inexplicable feeling enveloped the two, the moment they would get together. There would be not much words explained and only moans and sighs that filled the atmosphere, whenever the two would kiss. There was not even the slightest hesitation between the two when one of them would get down on its knees, to please and pleasure the other one. Things fell like dominoes in a line and life would be perfect for the two, for the moment in which they would be surviving together, in each other’s love and pure brace. But they weren’t the only one, who were living in that lavender haze. With Selena arriving on the island, she would force her father to hand over any task or work that he had and pushed him with her mother, urging the two to spend as much time that they could together in each other’s arms. Martha was happy as she and Anthony got to relive their younger days and rekindle their romance back on the island. The two would have secret dates planned in the gazebos located at different corners of the gardens of the mansion. But love wasn’t only growing in those who were already in love and close but it was blooming between two young birds, who were still developing feelings for one another. Fiona had started to realize her feelings for Andrew. She didn’t know when, but ever since the day Andrew had taught her how to love truly and selflessly, she had somehow become extremely attracted towards him. coupled with the idea of the fact that Andrew also liked her, Fiona decided to start dropping hints at Andrew, so that he would pick up on them and try and make a move on to her. They were at the stage of confusion and haze but the attraction between them was so strong that they were fighting through it. Andrew had picked the last most station for him, to stay away from Fiona, Garry and Althea but Fiona would still not let him get away. She would deliberately, pick closed jars and bottles from the pantry in the middle of preparing her dish and stop by Andrew’s station, asking him to open them up for her. At first Andrew only considered it an old habit of Fiona’s to agitate him and use him around as her errand boy but as that habit of hers grew during every single cook off, he started to sense that she was actually doing so, only to grab his attention. That’s why, one day, during one of the cook offs, when even Andrew was mentally prepared that Fiona would come to him with a sealed bottle of sun dried tomatoes and stopped by his stations. Andrew’s confidence grew by many folds, as his expectations were met with Fiona stopping by his station. “Can you please, open it up for me?” she offered and Andrew nodded, opening up that jar for her right away. “Thanks!” She smiled and wavered, standing still by his station and Andrew knew that Fiona wanted him to break a conversation. “So, what are you preparing?” she asked and Andrew shrugged. “Just some chicken.” He remained cool, deciding to play it safe with Fiona this time and not come off too strong to scare her off. “Doesn’t look like just some chicken. Looks quite fancy.” She commented, making Andrew c**k at her a little. “Well, if you want I can cook it for you specially. Say, tonight? I can prepare it for you and we can eat it together in the northern gazebo?” Fiona’s heart burst with bubbles of happiness as finally Andrew picked up on her signals and offered to take her out for dinner, in his own little fancy way. “I would love that actually.” She giggled, coming back to her place and continuing on to prepare her dish. Their little daily based interaction didn’t go unnoticed by everyone inside the kitchen. With many thinking that Fiona was finally reciprocating Andrew’s feelings and remaining indifferent, Garry was obviously feeling some sort of pain in his heart that Fiona was no longer interested in him and instead was paying heave to Andrew. Althea on the other hand, as soon as was done with her dish and moved out of the kitchen, immediately grabbed Fiona’s arm and pulled her aside towards the pool area. “What is going on between you and Andrew?” she c****d and Fiona giggled. “I tried my best to drop him hints and…” “Yeah! I could see the daily jar of ingredients, you didn’t even need for your dish, by the way, was being taken to Andrew during every cook off and you very slyly asked him to open it up. While, everybody had seal openers on their stations.” Althea squinted her eyes at Fiona, who blushed hard. “Yeah, well I think even Andrew could tell that I was just deliberately trying to initiate a conversation with him but it worked.” She squeaked in excitement, making Althea’s eyes widen with surprise. “Really? So, after opening up your jars, does he plan on opening your legs?” she winked, making Fiona laughed out loud. “Come on, Althea! I am a proper lady. It’s not going to happen right away. A guy must take me out on dates, appreciate me and show me that he loves me enough to get it, you know.” She strutted with confidence, making Althea raise her eyebrows. “Really? That’s a little old school, don’t you think?” she argued and Fiona simply shook her head. “It might be old school but still in existence for a reason. It is the perfect scale to measure how serious and how much in love a guy is with you.” “And if you guys aren’t going out on dates and directly jump to the s*x part? What does that mean?” Althea scoffed, still not buying the theory that Fiona was trying to sell to her. She perched down on a pool chair with her legs spread across the head of the chair and looked up at Fiona, who circled around the pole of the shade, held up over those very chairs. “Then, it means that the guy doesn’t take you seriously. He might like you but love is definitely something out of equation.” She told Althea, who knitted her eyebrows in confusion. “What? How are these things determinants of love?” “Only a guy who loves you would always go out of his way to make you feel special and loved. Do you think to have s*x is something that a guy has to put much work for? Althea, you specially out of all the people on this earth should be stir clear of one thing. You must have had a bad experience with that ex of yours that you told me about. He was an ass. He clearly had gold in front of him and got a bit too ungrateful and that’s why didn’t make you feel loved rightly. But Althea, you are one hot specimen. Men would go to war for a girl like you, who is genuinely kind, sweet, nurturing and caring. And on top of that, you are irrevocably the hottest girl I have ever seen and trust me, I have seen a bunch of hot ladies in my life time. Everything about you is just perfect.” “Really?” Althea c****d. “I believe that I am not that successful in life in terms of professional attributes, which make me less of an attractive person.” She shrugged carelessly and Fiona threw her head back groaning in agitation. “Are you shitting me? You believe that you are not professionally successful enough to attract a man?” “A mentally and emotionally strong man.” Althea added, making Fiona scoff a little. “Althea, this is not about a man. This is about you.” Fiona leaned down and gently patted her friend’s shoulders, “You have been degraded and disregarded so much by people around you, that you believe that you don’t deserve more or better in life. You deserve the whole world. You are such a gritty and such a hard w**********l. You also deserve fair share of being treated well and nicely. Don’t ever think that you are any less than any other person in the world. A guy should take you out, give you flowers, buy you things that make you happy, because guy his own self is happy seeing the one that he loves happy.” “Wow! Angelo, my ex did nothing like that. he never even bought be flowers and yeah we did go out to eat at times but no place fancy and he never did anything to make me feel loved or happy.” “And how was the s*x?” Fiona asked and Althea looked up at him. “I thought you just said that s*x was not everything.” Fiona shrugged, “Yeah but it still matters. So, how was the s*x?” Althea gulped hard, drumming her lips in aggression, “If I am being fairly honest, than Angelo was my first and I did not have a criteria to judge him with but now that I think of it, I believe that he was actually boring and basic. And there would be times when I would want him to do more with me or try out new things but all he did was basic missionary s*x, which got boring to the point, I would actually avoid having s*x with him. I guess, it was just the thought of me always being available and being at his disposal that feigned his ego and made him feel valued. That’s why, he would come back and even beg unreluctantly just so that I would take him back. Maybe, that is also the reason why, I believe that a guy wanting to have s*x with me would mean a lot.” Fiona sighed, as she heard Althea’s confession and rubbed her arms on both sides, “Honey! Guys would literally f**k a pillow if they’re horny enough. So, s*x is the last thing that should come in the equation of love. Besides, you deserve all the love in the world and now that you have me in your life, I will make sure to filter the perfect guy for you, who would move mountains just to be with you.” Althea scoffed a bit, feeling a mixture of emotions, enveloping her heart. “I have to go and choose an outfit for tonight’s date. Will you help me do my hair?” she asked Althea, who sniffed back her urge to cry and nodded with enthusiasm, feeling highly grateful for a friend like Fiona and at the same time, her heart felt emotional, that everything that Fiona told her to look for in a guy were the last things that she looked in a guy and not just that, she also had started to believe that even if a guy would be the slightest interested in her, it would mean more than enough. As she helped Fiona get ready for her little date with Andrew, she remained silent and completely lost. As Fiona’s words definitely got under her skin and made her feel burdened and obviously reflect at her relationship with Nicholas. She had started to give her everything to him and he had an unsurmountable amount of control over her mind and her body. She didn’t have to do much and things fell simply together, in terms of s****l attraction but not even once Nicholas had actually shared what he truly felt towards her and how he planned on carrying things between them. He didn’t take her out on any dates nor did he ever even bother to catch a single flower for her as well. Althea couldn’t tell why but these things had slowly started to get to her. As she bid Fiona off to her date, she wanted to go to her room but stopped in the main foyer, hopping off for one final stop before she hit her room. She tiptoed her way towards one particular bedroom and found herself knocking on the door, twice before it finally opened up and Serena stood right in front of her, holding a firm yet a very muddled expression. “Hey! How are you?” She asked the lady, who remained indifferent by Althea’s smile and simply decided to get over with Althea’s visit to her room. “What are you doing here?” ------------------------------ Do you agree with Fiona or do you also think that her thoughts are old school? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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