94. Relationship?

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"What are you doing here?" Serena stated rudely and abruptly, in order to tip Althea off, that she was not pleased with the presence in front of her. Althea knew that for some unearthly reason, Serena was simply agitated by her and found Althea to be fractious. Althea believed that it was probably due to the fact that she had a more open view towards life, compared to Serena, who had a more conserved view towards life and when Althea urged Fiona to be more open and vibrant, Serena found Althea’s words to be consuming and in alternate order to her conservative views. Little did she know that Serena was simply of the view that Althea was spoiling her daughter and pulling her away from her. “Umm, actually I wanted to tell you that Fiona went on a date with Andrew.” Serena’s eyes widened as the new broke on her and she felt extremely agonized, that Fiona wouldn’t tell such a big news to her but instead to Althea, As if, it wasn’t already frustrating enough for Serena that she had to share her daughter with another woman, it had started to become more agitating that now Fiona would be more dependent on Althea to share her progressions in life. “But I came to tell you that after Fiona gets back from the date you should talk to her. I know you consider her as a child of your own. I mean, I don’t get how but somehow you are closer to her than the rest of the contestants and she also considers you as a motherly figure. So, she would be happy to see you supporting her in such moments and she would never forget how you were there for her, when even her real mother wasn’t. I know you also don’t like me because we have different views on life but I hope that you would not let our differences, divide Fiona’s affection in between us. She looks at you like a mother and I am just a best friend and both of the two people have different places in one’s life. In fact, my own mother always urged me to hangout with my friends because there are things in life that you can only share with your friends. But being asked about how a date went by your mother is always something special. Fiona would feel nice. She had never talked to me about her family, so I assume that she is not much close to her family or doesn’t have one. So, while she is on the island and has your affection, you should give it to her, as much as you can.” With that Althea turned to leave and Serena’s heart drowned in guilt as she realized not only how wrong she was about Althea but also that the poor girl did not even know why Serena was agitated by her. Serena finally came to the realization that she had made up her grudge against Althea in her own mind and things were actually quite different than they actually were. Althea was about to leave when Serena called her out and made her turn over on her heels. “Althea!” “Yes?” “Your mother must be a very nice lady. One day I would love to meet her and tell her how nicely she had brought you up. Your grooming is exceptional and your mother deserves credit for it.” She walked up to Althea and gently patted her cheeks, making Althea smile gently at her. she bid her a goodnight and walked towards her room. Suddenly a pang of homesickness hit her heart and she had started to miss her mother the most. Throughout the entire day, she had gone through a number of feelings. She didn’t know exactly what she was supposed to say or do and at times, a hug from her mother would automatically mend all of her problems and fix every situation. She entered inside her room and closed the door behind her, walking towards her bed, ready to call it a night. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t want to be even with Nicholas at that time. Listening to Fiona’s words did get under her skin a little. Nichoals had not even once, professed his true feelings and they had only had senseless s*x in the past two weeks, f*****g each other at any moment the two would be together. Their conversations during sunsets at the balcony, had also became extinct and instead, any tike the two would be together, they would be naked with Nicholas thrusting in and out of Althea. She had barely unhooked her dress when she felt two strong arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her back, in to a strong and firm figure. That strong teakwood musk was enough to make Althea realize that it was Nicholas who had pulled her back in his arms. “Already undressing? Weren’t you going to come to my room? Or were you going to be just ready for when I was going to come to your room.” He snuggled his face in to her neck, fanning the crook of her neck with his warm breath. Althea felt slightly sensation of pleasure building up inside the pits of her stomach, as she felt Nicholas’s nose running through the length of her neck. “I was just really tired today.” She stated honestly and Nicholas turned her around, bringing her face closer to his. His eyes rested on her lips, as he lowly whispered at her in a coarse voice. “Tired already? But I haven’t even begun.” With that he threw her back on the bed and jumped right on top of her. She gasped slightly, as she felt Nicholas weight pushing on top of hers. His lips found the length of her neck first, where he placed multiple kisses at once and then moved to kiss her lips but stopped, giving a good look to her soft expressions for a brief amount of time. He rubbed his nose next to hers and lowly murmured closer to her mouth. “You are incredibly beautiful Althea.” He told her, as he captured her lips in a long and devouring kiss. His hands travelled down her body and found the back of her dress, where he finally unzipped it and removed it off her body. He let go off her mouth and made his way down over her breasts, kissing them and fondling them alternately. Moans escaped Althea’s mouth, who felt lost within Nicholas’s touch and in the midst of being lost in the sensuality that devoured her, somehow a thought cross her mind, reminding her of Fiona’s words, that a relationship was more than just s*x. Her eyes opened up and suddenly, she didn’t enjoy Nicholas’s touch anymore and instead something about the whole situation seem irksome to her. She fiddled her body and squirmed underneath Nicholas’s weight, who sensed that there was something unusual and uncomfortable happening with Althea. He let go off her breast that he was sucking and straightened up, slightly lifting his body off Althea and looked at her with confusion. “What happened? Are you alright?” She remained silent for a moment, contemplating her thoughts before answering Nicholas’s question and her silence was keenly enough to tell Nicholas that no matter what might be Althea’s answer, there was something wrong with the situation. “What’s wrong?” He asked and Althea sighed, getting up and pushing Nicholas aside. She grabbed her bra and immediately put it back on, rendering Nicholas confused that Althea was not going to proceed further with him in terms of having s*x. “Hey! What happened?” He persisted on his question getting up and grabbing Althea’s hand, who tried to look out for her dress on the floor. “Nothing!” she tried to avoid a conversation that she feared would end up hurting either Nicholas or her or maybe both. “No! there is definitely something wrong.” He held her wrist and brought her back to sit on the edge of the bed along with him. “Tell me what’s going on? Is there anything around the island that is bothering you?” he asked Althea, who once again remained quiet. There was something on the island that was bothering her but she didn’t know how to say it without sounding desperate or demanding. “Okay! What is it? What’s bothering this pretty little head of yours?” Nicholas concluded that something was definitely of the bother and urged right on to his question. Althea finally let go off her breath and deduced her question. “Do you ever think that we kind of rushed in to things?” very carefully she articulated her question and Nicholas’s eyebrows knitted together at the words that he heard coming out of her mouth. “What? Rushed? If anything, I believe that we took our time, got to know each other, spent some time together watching beautiful sunsets, all the while you looking even more incredibly beautiful against that background.” He stated, softly running a finger through Althea’s shoulder and tugged down her bra strap, making Althea’s eyebrows up go up slightly. “Do you even know, how badly I wanted to do this? How much strain and self control, I had to practice and wish for, so that I don’t end up making a move that would have otherwise, offended you?” with that he encircled his arms around her back and unhooked her bra once again, but Althea was quick enough this time and straightened up her back, placing her hands behind her back, preventing the bra from falling down. “And you think, all of this is enough for you?” She asked, clasping back the hooks of her bralette. Her actions and words, suddenly started to get to Nicholas, who felt worried for a moment. “It is not enough for you?” he counter question, turning the statement back at Althea, who immediately shook her head at Nicholas. “What? Why?” “Why? Because Nicholas, just s*x is not enough for me. So, sue me for wanting more in a relationship.” She complained, getting up from the bed and walked ahead, grabbing her dress and putting it back on. Her words somehow seemed to trigger something inside Nicholas’s mind. Who also got up and grabbed Althea’s arm, turning her roughly around and towards him. “Relationship? Are you devising terminologies for what we have, without consulting me?” Althea’s forehead wrinkled, listening to the audacious words that formed out of Nicholas’s mouth. “Terminologies? Two people having s*x, what the hell do you expect me to call that if not relationship?” she argued and Nicholas let go off her arm, taking a step back. He ran his hand through his hair, realizing that he did overreacted to Althea’s sudden push and demands. He was still traumatized from what had happened with him, the last time, he was in a relationship and perhaps the hurt that had come with living in that term, did scare him to be in another relationship as well. He sighed, shaking his head for a minute and sensed that he needed to get a hold of himself. Althea wasn’t wrong and two people having senseless s*x was supposed to have a name and if not him, than at least Althea deserved some sort of name for the kind of the situation that they were in. He gently took a step towards her and cupped her face in his cheeks. She kept her eyes low on the ground, refusing to look up at Nicholas but he only squeezed her face tightly, forcing her to look up. “I am sorry, I got a little surprised, when you said relationship because if I am being honest, then I am not ready to be in a relationship.” He admitted right away, making an unearthly feeling settle right in to Althea’s heart. She didn’t know what exactly that feeling was, but her eyes started to fill with tears, that she did a commendable job, with holding them back. There was an unsurmountable feeling of grief that had started to take up on her heart, an organ, she never realized could hurt as badly as it did in that moment. She took a deep breath and mustered up courage inside her body, grabbing Nicholas’s hand off her face and removed them right away, taking a step away from him. “Then I am not ready to just have s*x with someone without having a relationship. Because just having s*x without any feelings attached, is not my cup of tea. Clearly, I am falling for you and expecting more from you as well. I want to have a normal relationship that involves dates, flowers and watching movies and having long conversations as well. This is something that will just end up taking a toll on me. I want love, not just sex.” Nicholas grunted slightly, as he tried to formulate the right words to explain his feelings. “I didn’t mean to say that I don’t like you or love you. Besides, we are on an isolated island, where can I take you out for dates?” Althea looked at Nicholas with sheer bewilderment. There was Andrew, at one hand. Who, despite of being on an island arranged date for a girl that he really liked. And then there was Nichoals, who was coming up with excuse after excuse, only to avoid from giving Althea the feeling of a relationship, because he didn’t want one his own self. And he was being selfish to the point that he didn’t care how much hurt Althea got because of his actions. Athea remained quiet, suddenly reading in between the lines and understanding the fact that Nicholas was simply not ready to give her more than just a dicking down. Nicholas clicked his tongue and got closer to Althea, pulling her face up and making her look in to his eyes and at his face. He looked up for a moment and let go off a breath, as he finally commemorated his feelings and decided to give a little proem to what he truly felt about their situation, “I really like you. I really do and I love the time that we get to spend together. The s*x, is obviously the best part but I wouldn’t have gone for it, had I not liked you as a woman. I really like it when I could mentally connect with someone and I was really lost and had given up all hopes on life when I sensed a profound connection with you. That’s what I really like about us. We are here on an isolated island, together and we don’t know how long we are going to be together, so let’s just make the most of it.” With that he pulled Althea closer to him and kissed her lips longingly, taking her with him on the bed. Althea wanted to resist and even though her mind screamed for her to stop Nicholas and not to let him twist her mind in such a horrendously selfish way but she couldn’t. She didn’t know how, but her body was just like a puppet and Nicholas held the strings to it. He knew just when and where to touch to turn her on in such a way that she couldn’t say no. But once they were done, Althea got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom, locking the door after her, making sure that Nicholas couldn’t come to her. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. Her hair disheveled and dark love bites marked all over her chest and neck. She looked at herself keenly and suddenly a pang of hurt and self loath eroded within her heart. Was she that easy to be fooled? Of course she would be, if she would give in so easily, all the while knowing that she was just a passing by wave for someone, a pastime. She was only good enough for her body and her soul was just some effervesce for others to suck on and get better, all the while imbibing life out of her. Fiona’s words did hold an effect on her. She did started to realize that asking someone to treat her rightly was not asking for much. In fact, with the right one, at times you don’t even have to ask for anything. And yet, Nicholas seemed to only impose his idea of love and perfection on Althea. Althea realized that to Nicholas, she was not someone he saw himself for the long run and she was only a pause for him before he finally found someone, just like his ex girlfriend, for whom he would walk down the aisle and if that was not what any guy wanted with Althea, she had decided that she would not cross any further limits with that guy as well. Putting on a shirt, she walked back towards her bed and saw Nicholas already sat up, resting his back against the headboard of the bed. “There you are, was missing you in bed.” He smiled lazily at her and Althea held herself back, planting her feet firmly on the floor. “I think you should go.” She spoke, bulldozering her own heart and mustering up every ounce of courage in her body, fisting her palms, as she spoke up. “What?” Nichoals squinted at her with surprise. “Althea… I thought everything was alright and just minutes ago we were fine.” “It was fine but I know that it won’t remain fine.” she told Nicholas, who groaned in frustration, throwing his head back. He got up and out of bed and threw his clothes on. “I just can’t f*****g believe it. Everything was just fine, why would you make things so complicated.” He yelled at Althea, who didn’t bother to answer him and simply kept her back turned towards him. Tears escaped her eyes, running down her cheeks, as she realized that for Nicholas nothing more than the s*x mattered and he would rather ruin things between them then to simply give her an important place in his life. Nicholas walked up towards the door but stopped as he heard Althea finally give an answer to his question. “Asking for something that is your duty to begin with, is not called complicating things. It’s called knowing your rights in a relationship and fulfilling your duties as well. I am ready to give you everything that you want. Affection, love and care. I even am ready to plan all the dates, if you can’t. but you know what? You are not willing to even receive those things, giving them is a far fetched idea for you. I get it that you were looking for a s****l relief but I can not keep on giving you that because that is taking a toll on me and I am definitely feeling more for you than I should. I think it is for the better that we end things between us now.” Nichoals clenched his jaw tightly, refusing to speak a single word and simply stormed out of the room, closing the door behind him with great force, creating a loud thud that definitely shook Althea but more importantly his action broke her heart, as he instead decided to let her go then to give in to her demands. It broke Althea’s heart as she finally realized what were Nicholas’s true feelings towards her. ------------------------------- Well, what do you think would happen next? How many of you think that Nicholas is wrong here? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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