Chapter 9

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Abel Waking up, next to my mate is the best feeling in the world. I know yesterday was tense but seeing her sleeping so peacefully at least she’s not losing sleep over having to kill someone. I’m still in awe at how she confronted my uncle like she did. I’ve never seen anyone challenge my uncle the way she did, I couldn’t help but be turned on seeing it. For someone who is half my size, she stood up to my uncle like she was ten feet tall, and the way he fidgeted… “What are you looking at?” She murmurs as she opens her eyes. “I was looking at you,” I admit. “I can’t stop thinking about yesterday.” “I know it was stupid to challenge your uncle, just all my anger swelled up. He is responsible for murdering my entire pack, but more importantly my family. With your family being threatened and seeing his concern, I…” I cut her off with a kiss. I can’t contain my want for her any longer. I pull her pajama pants down and enter her with force and need of excitement. “You are so sexy,” I grunt as I find my rhythm. I continue until we both find release. I roll off her with a sigh and kiss her temple with a smile on my lips. “You excite me so much, Janelle. I don’t want you to think I think less of you for challenging my uncle. You had every right to do so, and you're right. Him being concerned about us is what saved you any backlash.” “Don’t lie to me, Abel. I heard what your dad said. My questions were what caused your uncle to pause and not react. To give me an answer, he would have to admit what he did.” Janelle snapped getting out of bed. “Where are you going?” I ask as I watch her pull her clothing back on and head downstairs. “To get dressed for the day,” She answered. “Bring your things up here. This is our room now, and I want you to live here with me.” “And if I don’t?” “Janelle, I don’t want to argue with you. I told you what I want. But at this point, you need to do what you want.” I reply. “I’m never going to hurt you or force you to do something. You are not a slave; you are my mate and I’m going to take care of you if you allow me to.” “Right,” She mutters and goes downstairs. I get up to take a shower. ************************************************ Janelle His words bounce around in my head as I tenderly wash myself up in my bathroom. I’m so sore from how rough he is with me when he wants s*x. No one ever told me s*x would hurt so much. I just wish he would give me a day without having s*x with me. I guess letting him have s*x with me when he wants is better than him having s*x with someone else. I just wish it didn’t hurt so much. I walk into the parlor and see Helga sitting on the sofa feeding Sadie. “Ma’am, is there anything I can help you with today?” I offer. “Could you do some laundry? Maybe start with Sadie’s clothes.” Helga requests. “Sure, I remember how much laundry Vicki used to go through when she was little,” I recall with a smile as I walked into the nursery and grabbed the hamper. I walk down to the laundry room with the hamper and start the load, all while trying my best not to cry out in pain with every step. It feels like I’ve been torn to pieces down there. I’ve never felt like this before. I took a few deep breaths, then walked out of the laundry room to gather the hampers from the other rooms. I’m sure the bedding needs to be done, but right now I’m not going to attempt to move around a bed to remove the sheets and remake it. As I switch over the laundry, the door opens and closes. I breathe in Abel’s sent and fight back tears knowing what he wants. I swallow hard as he wraps his arms around me from behind. “I need to go out for a bit. I can’t hide out in this house; I need to investigate and try to figure out all that has happened and why.” Abel explains as he just holds me. I can’t stop praying over and over for him to just leave without having s*x again. “Okay, be safe,” I whisper trying to keep my voice level. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing, why do you think something is wrong?” “You sound upset.” He sighed kissing my neck tenderly. I wrap my arm around his head, running my fingers through his hair. “Are you upset about me having to work, or that I told you I want you to move your things upstairs?” “A little of both,” I admit. “Well, I have to work. I need to solve this mystery before someone in my family gets hurt, but the other… Let’s just take it slow. I do enjoy having you sleep in my bed, but if you’re not ready to make my place, yours yet I understand.” He explains as his hand gently trails up and down my body, and his tongue dances on my neck. “I thought you were leaving,” I remind him. “Yes, dear. I’ll see you tonight.” “Bye.” He crushes his lips to mine. I feel him deepen the kiss as he picks me up and sits me on the counter where I fold the clothes. I wrap my arms around his shoulders hoping kissing is all he wants, but I have an aching feeling he’s going to take more than a kiss before he leaves. “Damn, Janelle.” He rasps as he breaks the kiss. “You make it so hard to leave.” “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to.” “I’m leaving, but only because I need to be somewhere by a certain time. I’ll make it up to you tonight after dinner.” He replies by kissing my forehead and leaves the room. I let out a sigh of relief and covered my mouth as a sob broke. I’ve always wanted to meet my mate, but no one prepared me for these feelings. Mom never discussed s*x with me aside from stressing that saving myself for my mate would make it more special and memorable. I have no idea what she’s talking about because I find it painful and tormenting. I remain in the laundry room trying to regain my composure as I cry my eyes out from the pain, I’m in. Honestly, this pain is worse than when Serge slapped me in the face. At least that only bothered me when I ate or drank anything. This pain is with every step and movement not to mention the use of the bathroom. Once I fold Sadie’s laundry, I bring it back to the nursery where I find Helga rocking her to sleep. I quietly begin putting the clothing away, trying my best to hide my pain. “What’s wrong with you? Why do you look like you are in pain?” Helga demands as she watches me. “It’s nothing, I’m just a bit sore. I’ll be okay.” I admit trying to force a smile. “Did Abel hurt you?” “No, ma’am.” I lie. At least I don’t think he hurt me intentionally. “Child, look at me,” Helga orders me. I turn and look her in the eyes. “What hurts?” “I’ll be okay.” “I didn’t ask that.” She snaps. “You’re not my mother. I can take care of myself.” I retort. “What did Abel do?” She presses putting Sadie down in her crib and moving swiftly towards me. “Nothing.” “Girl, don’t lie to me.” “Stay out of my relationship. I can handle the needs of my mate. At least he’s coming to me for it now.” I remark. “What?!” “Please, leave it alone.” I plead trying to blink back my tears. “Is he forcing you to have s*x?” “I let him.” Helga purses her lips and looks like she’s about to scream at me. Instead, she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the nursery. “Wait here.” She instructs and then disappears down a hallway which I never enter. When she returns, she’s carrying a basket with some glass bottles in it. She grabs my hand again and leads me upstairs to Abel’s bathroom where she turns the water on and begins to pour the contents of different bottles into the water. I smell the sweat scent of lavender and roses as the tub fills with warm water. “Get in.” She orders. “Umm…” “You'll get in and soak until the water is cold. Then you are going to spend the day resting. I will have a chat with my son as I know damn well that I raised him better than this, and his father taught him how to treat his mate and this is not it. You should not feel pressured into satisfying your mate sexually if you are in pain. Hell, there is absolutely no reason why you should be in pain if he was being gentle with you as he should be. s*x is pleasurable, not painful.” “Yes, ma’am.” I’m too scared to argue with her. She looks like she wants to hurt someone, and I’d rather not be on the receiving end of that anger. She leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind her and I quickly undress and sink into the tub. I feel my body slowly relax in the water as I close my eyes. I wake up shivering with my skin all wrinkly from sitting in the water for too long. I quickly drain the water, dry off, and redress myself before going to the bed and lying down. His bed is much comfier than the one downstairs, but the reality is it hurts too much to go downstairs. I close my eyes hoping he won’t get angry that my hair is still damp and I’m sleeping on his bed. *********************************************** Abel I’ve been looking for clues all day. I’ve spoken to various people, but either no one knows anything, or they are not telling me anything. I haven’t even been able to identify the man who attacked Masey. This pisses me off, how is it possible that no one knows who this man is? It’s obvious he’s a member of the pack as his presence would have alerted our border patrols. Nothing makes any sense, and the more I dig, the more confused I feel. I return home feeling defeated. I’ve never had such bad luck researching and finding out information before. I enter the house to see my dad in the parlor sitting on the sofa with Masey, Conrad, and Welden watching television. “How’d it go?” My dad asks, looking up at me. I just looked at the floor and shook my head. “I figured as much. Your mom is waiting to speak with you in the laundry room. Fair warning, you did something to piss her off.” “What did I do?” I asked, looking at him in alarm. “She won’t say. All I know is she’s fuming and has been for some time.” “Where’s Janelle?” “Not sure, again, I didn’t dare inquire with your mom’s state of mind.” “Great,” I sigh. I walk down to the laundry room and pause to check Janelle’s room first as I want to say hello, but she’s not in there. I open the laundry room door and see my mom folding laundry from the dryer. “Mom, Dad said you want to speak with me.” She spins around and slaps me in the face. “What was that for?!” I demand. “You’ve been raping your mate…” She spits out. I feel like a deer in headlights. “What?! Did she tell you that?” What the hell is going on here? Why would Janelle tell my mom that I’m raping her? I know she feels I took advantage of her, but I thought we cleared that up. “She didn’t say a damn thing about it. The poor girl is in so much pain she can barely walk. When I asked her what happened she replied that she’ll be fine and can deal with it. Upon further prying, I learned that she hasn’t told you no because she’s worried, you’ll find another woman to satisfy your needs. I know damn well I raised you better.” “Mom…” “I’m not finished. You mentioned that you waited until she knew she was your mate before you had s*x with her. Was that because she was inexperienced or because you just wanted to give her time?” “Both, but mom…” She slapped my face so fast I didn’t see it coming. “How dare you?! You disgust me! That girl has been through enough, now the one person in this world who's supposed to show her love and compassion is raping her? I can’t even look at you right now.” “Mom…” “You are not to touch her until she is fully healed. When she wants you, then you can have her again. So, help me, Abel James, if I even suspect that you are f*****g someone else or her before she is healed, I’m going to tell your father.” “Mom…” “Get out of my face, NOW!” “Can I just…” She slaps my face again making it clear she doesn’t want to hear from me. My mother has never hit me in my life, until today. She’s the patient parent out of the two. I leave the laundry room and go up to my room. I’m pissed off and shocked that my mother slapped me. Why the f**k does she think I’ve been raping Janelle? She never told me she didn’t want me to have s*x with her. I make sure she finishes before I stop… I freeze at the top of the stairs when I see Janelle walking out of the bathroom. Each step looks like she’s trying not to cry. “Janelle…” I whisper. She looks up at me and forces a smile as she stops moving. Even standing still I can see the anguish on her face. Have I truly caused her to be in pain? “You’re home. How was work?” she asked still trying to hide her pain. I move across the room to her. “Why haven’t you told me that I was hurting you?” I pressed as I picked her up and carried her to the bed to rest. “I can deal with it. It makes you happy, and I want you to be happy. I know I’m young and inexperienced, but I will learn in time. I know I’ll heal; it just needs time. Until then I can endure to bring you pleasure.” She answers as I lay her on the bed. I feel sick to my stomach. She was going to endure being raped just so I was happy. “Babe, I won’t be happy unless you're happy.” I sigh, keeping her close to me. “If you told me that I was too rough or that I hurt you, I wouldn’t continue. The last thing I want is to be raping you. s*x is supposed to bring us both pleasure and joy, not pain.” “It will be okay, Abel. I am your mate, and I want you to only have s*x with me.” “You’re the only one I’m going to have s*x with for the rest of my life, but only when you want it. For now, on, I will restrain myself from s*x until you are healed and wanting it again.” “Abel,” I cut her off with a kiss on her lips. “Janelle, this is not a discussion. Please, allow me to treat you better and care for you correctly. Give me a chance to make it right.” I whisper before kissing her lips again. I hear a slight moan catch in her throat as I deepen the kiss. This is going to be torture for me but damn it. A week or more of blue balls is what I deserve for raping her. Hell, I deserve to be rejected for my actions, but I don’t want to put the idea in her head. Yes, I’m being selfish in wanting to keep my mate. “Your mom gave me a bath with some oils and stuff to help the mending process. I can feel my wolf working on healing me. It should only be a few days.” “Take as long as you need.” I sigh pulling her on top of me as I lie back on the bed. She rests her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her. “Please don’t leave me.” “I won’t,” she murmurs against my chest curling her arms around me and pressing her body to mine. After a bit, I noticed her breathing changed to a gentler sound. I tilt my chin to look at her, but the way she’s positioned on my chest, I can’t see her face. I smile to myself knowing she fell asleep holding me. My phone begins to ring in my pocket causing me to have to shift a bit to reach it. I pull it out trying hard not to wake her. “Hello?” I answer softly. “Your mom would like Janelle to join us for dinner tonight.” My dad replies. “She’s sleeping currently, but I will let her know when she wakes up.” “You still need to make peace with your mom, whatever you did has her madder than I have ever seen.” “I know, but this will take time.” “Are you going to tell me what has her so angry?” “I’d prefer to only have one of you angry with me about it. I’ll work it out with Mom, she just needs time to calm down.” I assure him. “It’s that bad, uh?” “Yeah, but in fairness, I didn’t know I was doing it. But I should have known. I was being stupid.” I reply. “That’s a common trait with the men in our family.” Dad sighs. “We tend to do stupid things when we don’t think first.” “Yeah,” I hung up the phone not wanting to talk anymore as she seemed to be waking up. I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arms back around her not wanting her to get up yet. She stretches her arms and lifts her head off my chest. “Did you sleep well?” “I’m sorry I fell asleep, I’m just so tired.” She whispers before covering her mouth with her hand to yawn. “I’m not complaining, I got to hold you longer.” “MMM.” She struggles to sit up while wincing in pain. She gets to her feet and walks to the bathroom. “My mom would like you to join the family for dinner tonight,” I announced as she closed the bathroom door. She opened the door and looked at me confused. “Since when?” “You’re my mate, it makes you part of the family now.” “I’m not up for that.” “Honestly, I don’t think it was a request. She’s very strict on family dinners.” I explain. I await a response as I stretch my limbs out of bed. She looked at me apprehensively. “Does that mean I have no choice?” “Pretty much, I’m sorry.” I understand her not feeling up to joining the family dinner with my entire family, but my mom has never taken no for an answer. I seriously doubt she’d give Janelle a pass on her first invite. “Then, I suppose we should go down.” She let out a loud sigh and walked to the stairs. I follow close behind noticing that she is wincing in pain with every step down. I grab her and pick her up to walk her down the stairs. “What are you doing?” “Helping you,” I answer. “I don’t like seeing you in pain. I hate knowing I caused this pain.” She didn’t protest as I carried her down the stairs. At the bottom, I set her back on her feet and kissed her forehead. I take her hand and we walk down the hallway to the kitchen. *******************************************
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