Chapter 10

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2 Weeks Later Janelle Abel went back to work on Monday. According to his uncle, the investigation continued for an entire week, and it was determined that I killed the person attacking the family so everyone could return to their normal routines. I didn’t buy it, but Abel was more than ready to return to work. He’s given me the space I need during the week he was stuck in the house, but he also made it clear that he was there if I needed or wanted him. How he holds me at night makes the world seem to melt away. I’m still angry, but much less angry with him. He has kept his word in letting me be in control of when we have s*x, he’s even refraining from kissing me unless I initiate it. This week though, he’s barely home. He’s gone for the entire night and comes in only to fall into bed and sleep. Yesterday, he came home late at night and left shortly after his alarm went off. This just makes me angrier with his uncle knowing that Abel is at his mercy for working schedules. I think Helga is doubtful that the threat is gone because I overheard a discussion between her and Serge about the kids returning to school on Monday. It ended with him agreeing to let her keep them at home this week, and then they will go back to school next week. I think Helga is right to be cautious as the means of threat are drastically different, I don’t believe the person who poisoned Nia and Conrad is the same person who abducted Masey to lure Serge into a fight. I don’t know who to tell this to, as Abel and I haven’t had a chance to talk at all since Monday. He only found out he was going back to work when his uncle called and told him that he was scheduled for the night shift of territory patrols an hour before he needed to leave. I have been helping Helga with the household needs as there is nothing else for me to do. The last thing I want is to just sit around being bored in the apartment. “Janelle, come with me,” Helga states as she exits the nursery. I set down the rag I’d been cleaning the windows with and followed her into the kitchen. “How are you feeling?” “Me? I’m alright. Why do you ask?” I can’t help but feel like I did something wrong. “How are things with Abel?” “Good, though he’s been working some crazy night patrol hours.” “Oh, Serge has been as well. It’s a form of punishment for them disobeying orders.” “Is this about me still?” “No, dear. Serge urged Abel to continue investigating after we were told to remain in the house under guard. They are being punished for undermining our Alpha’s orders. Hopefully, it won’t be a long punishment.” “What about the punishment for me?” “I still do not know what’s going to happen. Honestly, I think Vinny is still thinking about it as he knows Serge has too much information on him, he doesn’t know the proper punishment without the potential of backlash.” “Oh, I hope it’s not a terrible punishment.” “Nothing Serge can’t handle.” “I miss Abel,” I confess. “I feel like we just haven’t had any time to see each other this week.” “I get that. Things are still so new for the two of you, and it hasn’t been easy. I promise things will get easier.” “My mom told me she would tell me everything I needed to know when I turned 18. She told me s*x would be more meaningful with my mate, and that she’d explain more about the mate bond on my birthday.” “No one could have known she’d be killed so soon,” Helga replied with sympathy. It made me a bit uncomfortable hearing the sympathy in her voice. She’s never expressed any real emotion toward me. “It’s fine.” “I understand that you don’t want to talk about it. Just know, I’m here if you need to talk or have any questions.” “Thank you.” I shift uneasily on my feet not knowing if I can go back to cleaning the windows, or if she still wants to talk to me. When we hear the front door open and close, Helga’s face goes through a series of emotions. “I swear if that is Fletcher chasing another damn insect, I’m going to ground him for a month.” Helga huffs and walks out of the kitchen. She still has the kids staying in the house until next week, and even then, I think there will be some strict rules to protect them. I follow her out of the kitchen, eager to get back to work and smile when I see Abel coming home. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, soaking in the warmth of his holding me in return. I feel him kiss the top of my head with a chuckle. “Let’s go upstairs,” he whispers as he lets go of me. I let him take my hand and follow him to the apartment. “I missed you,” I confess, feeling uncomfortable considering how I have acted towards him. “I missed you, too.” He pulls me back into his arms and then tilts my chin to look up at him. I stretch to kiss him causing him to smile as our lips meet. I reach my arms up around his neck as he deepens the kiss and lifts me off my feet pulling my legs around his waist. When I pull my face away to look at him, he smiles. “Now that’s a way to say welcome home after a long week of work.” “You must be tired.” “I am, but I want to spend some much-needed quality time with you.” He carries me towards the bed and drops me. “So much for quality time, just tossing me away.” “Never,” he replies leaning over me and kissing my lips. “The only way you are getting rid of me is if you decide to reject me. I’ve already told you, I’m yours from now on as the Moon Goddess willed.” “I never got the chance to say I’m sorry,” I murmur against his lips. He pulls away just a little. “You have nothing to be sorry about, babe.” “I said some mean things to you.” “You were upset and expressing your feelings. I’m a big guy, Janie, there’s nothing you can say to me that will make me feel any differently about you.” I look at him and blink my eyes. He smiles and kisses my lips again. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer hoping he deepens the kiss, and to my delight, he climbs onto the bed pinning me to the mattress as we just keep kissing. I can feel him holding back as our lips move together. I move my tongue against his lips, he moans as his mouth opens and our tongues begin a strange dance as we continue to kiss. His hands begin to move tenderly along my sides causing me to shiver with sensation. “What do you want, babe?” he asks, his voice heavy with desire. “I want to have s*x,” I whisper, pulling his head back to me. He smiles as his lips take mine again. His hands move down my sides and grip my shirt. He tugs it off of me, then unhooks my bra. His lips trail down my neck, my collarbone, then my breasts. When his tongue flicks my n****e causing me to gasp. “Abel.” “You like that babe?” “Yes.” I moan as his lips and tongue continue to play with my breast and n****e. His other hand begins playing with my other breast tenderly. “Oh…” “I’m going to make you c*m without my dick.” He states as he tugs off my pants. “What do you mean?” “I’m going to pleasure you completely. Show you how good it’s supposed to feel for you. We’re not meant to just have meaningless s*x. As mates, we should be making love.” “Okay,” I whisper, reaching for him, only for him to move his lips to my stomach and down to my panties. His fingers rub against my panties before he pulls them off. He begins rubbing his hand back and forth over my sensitive spot. My eyes begin to close as my body begins to shiver and I feel the want for him growing. “Someone’s enjoying herself,” He chuckles as one of his fingers pushes inside me. I breathe out as he slowly moves his finger in and out of me. “Ready for one more?” I nod, bracing myself as he pushes another finger inside me before lowering his head down between my legs. I feel his tongue begin licking my folds, and then his tongue slides between my folds as his fingers begin curling inside me as he moves them in and out of me. “Abel.” I breathe feeling a sensation of pleasure fill my stomach. I reach for his head only for his free hand to grab my hand and place it back on the bed. I settle for fisting the sheet beneath me as I feel a rush of liquid leave me. I open my eyes feeling embarrassed, until Abel moans as his tongue laps at my area. “You taste so good, Janelle,” He whispers, pulling my legs further apart. He leans in to kiss my lips but there’s something on his lips that tastes salty and slimy. I pull away and he rubs his hand over his mouth. “I guess, you’re not a fan of your taste.” “I…” “It’s okay, babe.” He kisses my lips. “Better?” I nod in response as he pulls his shirt off and unbuttons his pants. “Are you ready for me?” “I… Yes, I am.” I gulp trying to focus on his words. He pushes his pants down, allowing his manhood to fall out and stand stiff and straight. He picks my legs up around his waist, raising mine off the bed, and then his fingers rub over my folds again causing me to gasp, he gently rubs his manhood against my core before gently pushing into me. “I’ll go slow to make sure I don’t retear you.” He whispers as he begins to slide in and out of me, but something feels different. “You're not inside me like before.” “I will be, just entering you slowly. It’s been two weeks,” He grunted as I felt liquid squirting into me from him. “s**t, I didn’t want to c*m already.” He grumbled as he continued his pace. Soon he moved my legs further up his waist, pushing him deeper into me. “I want you to feel good, Janie.” “It feels good,” I assure him. He smiles and moves his hips more. The more he moves the deeper he slides into me. Soon it feels like before, him so deep it feels like he is pushing on my cervices like the doctors did at my physical last year. The more we move together, the more I feel my eyes rolling back as the pleasure begins to mount again. He speeds up our rhythm as a cry of pleasure escapes my lips. I feel the pressure in my loins release and liquid squirt from both him and me. Slowly he pulls out of me and rolls onto the mattress. “Okay, now that was a welcome home.” He states with a chuckle pulling me closer to him. “How was that for you? Did I hurt you again?” “No, it felt good,” I replied nuzzling against his chest. “Thank you.” He starts to laugh. “Are you thanking me for having s*x?” “Yes, and no. Thank you for being patient with me, and giving me space, without making me feel like you don’t want me. You gave me just enough attention while I worked through my feelings last week.” “I’m learning.” He sighs. “You are the first person I’ve ever wanted to be with and build a life with. I know I’m not the easiest person to be with, but as long as we talk to each other and communicate our feelings, I think we can have a solid relationship. I may not give you the answer you are looking for right away, but I do try my best to listen to you and think about everything you say often. All I ask is for you to be patient with me, and I’ll be patient with you.” “I want this to work,” I admit. “I’m sorry I caused a problem between you and your mom. I…” His lips captured mine before I could finish my sentence. “Don’t tell me something is fine or that you will be okay if something is bothering you. I want to know how you feel even if you are just yelling at me. Don’t apologize to me for making yourself heard.” “Okay, I will try to communicate with you better.” “I’m falling for you Janielle. I want us to be happy together as the Moon Goddess intended.” “I want us to be happy too,” I admit. “But I’ll be honest, I’m not going to be happy until I kill your uncle.” “I know, and when the time is right, I will help you.” ******************************************************* Abel She lifts her head off my chest to look me in the eye. “You will?” “I can’t prove it, but something tells me he’s behind the attack on my family as well. I just wish my dad would tell me why he was demoted from Gamma.” “How long will I have to wait for the time to be right?” “First, I need to figure out who his mate is.” “His Luna.” “No, his Luna is chosen, but I know things with him and my aunt Selma haven’t been as perfect behind closed doors as they pretend for a while now. This makes me think his true mate has come into play. I just don’t know who it is.” “Why do you need to know who his mate is?” “Find his mate, find his weakness,” I reply. “I’m your weakness?” “As long as you are here, no, but I’m yours every time I step outside.” “How is that?” She just doesn’t know. Why did her parents choose not to tell her things about mates or being a she-wolf at 18? “Mates are connected in more ways than just being blessed by the Moon Goddess. When we are further along with our relationship, we’ll mark each other, connecting us even more so that our mate bond will be stronger. Marking will make us both more vulnerable because once we are marked, we will feel and sense each other more intensely than we already do. If one was to be killed, the other would become extremely weak, and possibly die from losing their mate.” I explain. “Killing Selma will only cause him discomfort.” “I want to kill him, not his Luna.” “Dad and I have already been discussing this. The only way to rid us all of Vinny’s control is to take out the Alpha, Luna, and Beta at the same time.” “You’re dad?” “He has been challenging Vinny since before I was born. We have a feeling, but no proof that Vinny is behind the attacks on the kids. We keep looking into it, but Vinny has eyes and ears everywhere in this pack. It’s all about biding time and putting the pieces together.” “I understand. I wait for you to say it’s time.” “Thank you, babe.” I yawn. “Get some sleep, I’m sorry I’ve kept you up so long.” “No need to apologize. Will you lie here with me?” I request. I went a week without touching her whenever I wanted, but at least at night she reached out and held my hand while she slept. “I need sleep too.” She yawned. “I have found that I don’t sleep well without you in the bed.” “I’m sorry. I will hopefully be back to my regular schedule next week.” I find myself drifting off to sleep as I gently rub her back. This week has been hell, and I know I need to act as though I’ve learned my lesson for Vinny to let me resume my normal schedule. Dad thinks Vinny will take pity on me as I was only following my father’s wishes and pressure when I disobeyed my Alpha, just as we planned when I left the house.

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