Chapter 7 The Falls

3983 Words

CHAPTER 7 The FallsAs soon as we were on board our ship with our tools and supplies, the Master gave the order to cast off and make sail. If the wind held and providence kept us from accident, it would be less than a day’s journey to the falls. We soon separated from the other party as their destination took them across the river. We glided upstream, swept along by a flooding tidal current and a reassuring wind on our starboard quarter. It was one of the most pleasant journeys of my life. The water, though dark and turgid, fairly danced and sparkled with the morning light. Fish of all kinds seem to leap everywhere in a kind of unspoken joy. The shore glowed with greens and blues. Nature was to me that day almost like a lover unbound with soft sweet kisses and whispered promises of a hap

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