Chapter 1.1 Shia Cristela Michirian

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“Hey.” I looked at the guy beside me. “I am Nico Fernandez. Can we be friends?” I didn’t answer immediately because I was shocked by what he said. Though I was about to reject him when I remembered the promise I made with my mother so I smiled at him and nodded. “Yeah, sure.” He offered his hand and I gladly accept it. “And now that we became friends…” He put some notes on my desk. “That is my notes about all the topics that you missed during the first month of this school year. I am sure, it will help you because there are a lot of topics that our professors have already discussed and our exam will be next month.” “Oh.” I opened it and read some of what was written on it. “This will really help. Thank you.” This is my first time in this city and I really thought that it would be hard for me to adjust since I am not that friendly. But it looks like this is not the case because there are good people here that will help me to adjust to my new environment immediately. “If you still have things that you wanted to know, don’t be shy and ask our class president,” he added. “I am sure he will help you in any way you wanted.” I smiled. “Thanks again. But I think, adjusting here is the first thing I need to do,” I said. “To be honest, you are the only person I had a conversation with ever since I transferred here in Vind City. Well, aside from Justin.” “Eh? Why?” he asked. “I am not going out of our house,” I said. “Justin is too busy since the school year started so he never had a chance to tour me around the city and I don’t know much about the places here. I might get lost if I tried to roam the town.” “I can tour you around if you like,” he said. “I can bring you wherever you want to go around the city of Vind.” Most of the industrial business is located here in Vind City so most of the people around Avenir are really going here because they can easily find job vacancies here whenever they want. But aside from that, Vind City is also known for its natural white beaches and this city is the closest city to the island where Avenir Palace is located so it is also a tourist spot of the country. “So? Do you want to hang out?” he asked. “Really?” He nodded. “I don’t really have anything to do so I can be your tour guide.” I didn’t answer immediately and think. I do really want to roam the city ever since I got here but I can do it because I don’t know where to go. Justin is busy and I don’t even have the guts to disturb him because of his work. He is also the one who processes my enrolment papers that gives him additional work. The maid at the house is also busy with the house work. So the only choice I have is to stay at home. “Hey!” Nico patted my head. “When will we hang out?” “Maybe after I get all the notes that I need and take the exam that I missed in the whole past month,” I said. “And after I got permission from my brother.” I kind of feel weird every time I am calling Justin as my brother. I have to get used to it because my mother will surely not like it if she knows that I am still hesitant to call him that. “I will tell you the exact date after all of that.” “Okay,” he said. “I will just wait for you.” He turned his attention to Justin while I started to read and analyze the notes that Nico gave to me. I don’t mean to brag but I am quite smart and I can be able to understand these topics even without discussing them with me. Well, we have internet access in our house and it is easy to search for all the things that I wanted to learn. I am also doing some advance reading about all the things that we might discuss and it became a habit for me. “Shia!” I straightened up my body when Nico patted my shoulder. And that’s when I notice that we don’t have a professor in front of our classroom and most of our classmates are starting to get out. “You are too focused on what you are doing and you didn’t even notice that it is already lunch break.” Nico said. “And I can say that you didn’t even realize that aside from Sir Justin, there are two subjects that already passed.” “Eh?” I looked at him. “Am I too focused on what I was reading?” He nodded. “You are being called earlier by one of our professors but you didn’t answer even though they didn’t mind you because they know that you are coping with all the lessons that you missed. They will let it aside for now but you have to make sure that you will listen to the discussion in their class next time.” “Okay.” “We have a two hours lunch break,” he said. “You can go to the cafeteria located at the building behind this one. Just go back here before 02:00 pm.” “Thank you.” Someone is actually waiting for him outside the room so I let him leave the room first. That’s when I started to arrange my things and put it under my desk then get out of the room. I will just eat my lunch first before I continue what I was reading earlier. It is better for me to catches up on our topic as soon as possible. Just like what Nico instructed, I took the road that will lead to the building behind ours and I smiled when I saw the signage of the cafeteria. I hope they will have something delicious. I am kind of hungry.
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