Chapter 15: Shia Cristella Michirian

1087 Words

“So, we are going to have a visitor tomorrow night,” Justin said while we are having breakfast. “And as you know, our helpers are all going home to their family. That’s why I want to ask you for some favors.”   “What is it?”   “Can you go home early tomorrow to cook us some dinner?” he said. “I will be the one who will do the shopping for the ingredient that you need.”   “Hmm,”   This is the first time that Justin invited some friends of his since me and my mother moved in here so I don’t think it will hurt to cook for them.   Mom and Uncle Jasper will not be here tomorrow because they have a plan to visit Justin’s grandparents in another city so I am the only one who can cook for our dinner tomorrow night.   “Okay,” I said. “I have nothing to do tomorrow so I can do that.”  

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