Chapter 19: Shia Cristella Michirian

1448 Words

For all I know, Mirco will only need to spend most of his time with me after class. That’s why I didn’t expect to see him waiting for me outside my class during our lunch time.   And right before I could go near him, I could clearly see the fear in my classmate’s eyes when they saw him standing in the hallway.   I can also see how they do everything they can to avoid making eye contact with him as if Mirco will kill them if they try to even look at him.   And from that situation, I can understand why he  was really nervous when Justin kept talking about the things that he did before.   To be honest, I am kind of relieved upon seeing that.   “Hey,” I called him as soon as I got out of our classroom.   Most of my classmates were shocked when they saw me approaching the man that t

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