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In the middle of the conversation, they suddenly heard a crane cry in the sky. Everyone was so absorbed in listening that they didn't pay any attention. Zhou Chun heard it and hurried downstairs and came back after a while. Yan'er asked, "Teacher, why did you rush out when you heard the crane cry just now?" Zhou Chun said, "How would you know? This cave is the highest cave in Emei Mountain. Clouds and mist often surround the middle of the mountain, and it is impossible for ordinary birds to fly across. I was a little surprised that the crane sound came from above us. When someone wanted to go and see, there was no trace of it. It was really strange." Yingqiong asked, "Uncle Zhou, tell me, is Mao Tai so powerful that you have no choice but to escape?" Zhou Chun said, "Although that guy is good at swordsmanship, he is not upright after all, and he cannot practice to the pinnacle. There are many sword immortals who are stronger than him. Take my daughter Qingyun's master, Master Huangshan Canxia, ​​for example. He is no match. But Huangshan is far from here and the place is big, so he can't find it for a while, so he can only talk about it. "Li Ning said: "It's not a good idea for my dear brother to hide from him all the time. It's better to think of a plan." Zhou Chun said: "Who said it's not? I want to discuss with Yan'er's mother and ask Ma Xiang to take care of her day and night and bring Yan'er with me. Before he invites me, I will go to find him first and set a date for a sword fight with him as a delaying tactic. Then during this period, I will find Master Canxia in Huangshan and fight him. Although it will hurt my face, it's not a big deal. "Li Ning listened and agreed, and wanted to go with Zhou Chun. Zhou Chun said: "This trip is not to fight, too many people will only delay things. Your daughter's daily homework is in progress, so she must not neglect it. Leaving her alone in the mountains is inconvenient. It's better for you not to go." After everyone discussed and finished, Zhou Chun said goodbye to Li's father and daughter and walked down the mountain with Yan'er. It was late autumn and early winter, with golden wind blowing and leaves falling off the trees. The master and his apprentice walked and talked, and after walking for half a day, they had arrived at the foot of Mount Emei. Suddenly, they saw a Taoist lying at the foot of the mountain. He was wearing only a single piece of clothing and was very tattered. Next to him was a large red lacquer gourd filled with wine. The Taoist was drunk and was sleeping soundly. Yan'er said, "Teacher, look at this Taoist priest. He is so poor, but he still drinks so much. He can be considered a drunkard." Zhou Chun said, "What do you know, little kid? Our great China was destroyed by the Hu people. There are many people with ambition who are unwilling to serve the enemy and are buried in the dust. He is so unruly and unrestrained. How can we know that he is not one of us? It's just that in such cold weather, he got drunk here and it's inevitable that he will catch a cold. I have been walking for half a day and feel a little hungry. Wait for me to wake him up and have a meal together. I will give him some silver and make some incense." After saying that, he walked up to the Taoist priest and gently called him twice: "Master, please wake up." He pushed him twice with his hand. The Taoist priest snored more and more like thunder and could not be woken up. Zhou Chun saw that although the Taoist priest had a dirty face and dirt between his fingernails, his arms were as white as jade, and he expected that he was not an ordinary person. Because she was anxious to go home with Yan'er, and seeing that he could not be woken up no matter how hard she tried, she had no choice but to take out a half-new cotton gown from her bag and put it on him. Before leaving, she pushed him twice more, but the Taoist still did not wake up. She had no choice but to go to a nearby restaurant with Yan'er, eat some food and wine, and then set off in a hurry. When they reached a deserted place, the master and his apprentice used their flying speed to head towards Crow's Mouth. In less than two hours, they were not far from the village. Zhou Chun knew that Yan'er's mother was very virtuous and would be treated specially by her this time. He felt uneasy to trouble her. Besides, it was getting late and he wanted to finish his meal before leaving. So he went into a restaurant with Yan'er to have dinner. The restaurant was called Zhiweilou. It had just opened not long ago and the cooking was very good. There were many guests drinking there. The master and his apprentice were eager to go home and did not pay attention to others. They were led to the elegant seats by the bartender. Yan'er suddenly saw something that looked very familiar. She was shocked and called Zhou Chun to come and see. Master Zhou Chun and his apprentice went to Zhiwei Building to have a meal. Suddenly, they saw something hanging in the counter, which was very eye-catching. Upon closer inspection, they found that it was the red lacquer gourd that the drunk Taoist at the foot of Mount Emei used to hold wine. Looking around, there was no sign of the Taoist. At first, the two thought that there were many similar things in the world, and it might be a coincidence, so they sat down and ordered some wine and food, and ate and drank at will. Later, Zhou Chun thought more and more strange, so he called the bartender and asked, "The red gourd on your counter is very suitable for holding wine. Where did you buy it?" The bartender replied, "The gourd that the two guests are asking about is not from our store. Five days ago, a poor Taoist came in, dressed very raggedly, and carried this gourd on his back. Although he was so poor, he could drink a lot. He came to our store every day and drank at least ten kilograms. He would not stop until he was drunk. When he was drunk, he would fall asleep and drink again when he woke up. At first, we saw that We thought he was a poor man who wanted to get his wine and drink for free, and that he was going to sell it after eating. Later, we saw that he was not short of money after eating and drinking, and he would take this big gourd of wine with him before leaving. We could sell him at least 50 or 60 kilograms of Daqu wine every day, and he became a good customer in our store. He would sleep when he was drunk, and rarely talk except to refill his wine. He was a very good drinker, so we respected him very much. This morning, he finished drinking with us, and as usual, he took another big gourd of wine. He was gone for two or three hours and came back with a vulgar thing in his hand. The cotton robe at home had been drinking for another hour. This time, he said that he had not brought money, and he had to take the gourd as his head, and could not say that for two hours, someone came to pay for him. Because he had bought us two or three hundred catties in these five or six days, we couldn't sell this a lot for a month. He didn't dare to neglect him. He was willing to accept him. In his life, he had never received people. He forgot to bring money for a while and came back to other people to send money. This gourd was a mark. We couldn't force him to be temporarily. Although the guest officer liked this gourd, our shop could not be sold on behalf of him, and he didn't know where to buy it. "Zhou Chun listened and thought about it," How much wine does this master owe you? Suspected Zhou Chun loved gourds. He wanted to take it out, and said, "This master is the old patriotic of our shop. He will not owe money. The guest officer does not need to bother." Yan Er was about to speak, Zhou Chun quickly made him look at him and not let him speak. Knowing the bartender's intention, he said, "Don't be suspicious. This Taoist is our friend, and I should give him the bill. This gourd is still in your hands. Don't let anyone else take it unless you see him in person." The bartender heard Zhou Chun's words and realized that he had misunderstood. He originally thought that the account with the poor Taoist was not very stable, because the other party had taken too much care of him, so he felt embarrassed to not give him credit; he was also afraid that someone else would take the gourd away and the Taoist would come back to blackmail him, so he refused. Now seeing Zhou Chun's generosity, he naturally agreed. He added up the bills of the master and his apprentice, totaling two taels, one qian and five fen of silver.
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