
Legend of the Sword Immortal

magical world

Omei school as the main gang of justice, tells the Omei disciples to learn the art and the experience of demon removal, especially hungry, Omei disciples three Ying two clouds, seven short and four disciples as the main object of account, although young, in the process of going out to cultivate, and continue to get strange encounters, to get a lot of exotic treasures, but also more and more strong skills. Among them, Li Yingqiong (one of the three) is the most important junior character, describing in detail how she, from an ordinary woman, through countless coincidences, got the Purple Ying Sword of the Long-browed Realist, recovered the Divine Eagle Buddha Nu and the Orangutan Yuan Xing, ate many rare vermilion fruits, and got the Taiqing Divine Flame Rate Doodle Fire and the White-browed Monk's Fixed Bead left behind by the former Immortal, and finally got the power of the Sacred Nun of the previous life, and eventually became the most important person among the descendants of Emei Sect.became the most outstanding figure among the descendants of the Omei Sect. The story of the youngest generation is based on the third Omei sword fight, which is a final competition between the good and evil characters, and all the grudges are finished at this time. In addition, there is another clue in the whole book, the great calamity of the immortals 500 years ago. Those loose immortals and earth immortals who did not become Golden Immortals must constantly go through the Great Calamity in order to realize the fruit of im

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chapter one
A lone boat on a moonlit night, the singing ape climbing the plank road in Wu Gorge It is said that Mount Emei in Sichuan is a famous resort in Sichuan. People in the past said that Western Sichuan has many wonderful mountains and rivers, and Emei is especially beautiful. This sentence is true. Xishu has the most sacred power. There are hundreds of temples on the mountain. Devotees and believers come from thousands of miles to the mountain every year. In addition to the beautiful mountains and rivers, the numerous mountains and the scenery, there are also many people who come here just to enjoy the scenery. . The scenery in the back mountain is particularly strange. Since it comes from the deep mountains and swamps, there are many dragons and snakes, and the deep forests and valleys are mostly the habitats of tigers, leopards and jackals. People who travel to the back mountains often never return. Most people make wild speculations. Some say they were eaten by tigers, wolves, demons, and some say they were saved by immortals and Buddhas. There are many lawsuits and no consensus. After all, human beings are made of flesh and blood, and nine out of ten people are weak-willed. Because of the lessons learned from the past, people who visit the back mountains gradually hesitate to move forward, which makes it easier for those experts and scholars who are resting in the back mountains to save the time. A lot of dust troubles, enjoying the pure happiness of Lingshan Mountain alone. Not to mention this. Since Sichuan experienced the Zhang Xianzhong Rebellion at the end of the Ming Dynasty, ten houses and nine empty houses were often deserted for hundreds of miles, making this land of abundance become miserable and miserable, like a ghost market. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Xinjiang officials petitioned people from nearby Sichuan provinces such as Lianghu, Jiangxi, and Shaanxi to move to Sichuan. In addition, Sichuan was a vast land with abundant resources, and everything they needed was available. The moved people would not be happy here. Thinking about the hometown. Feeling at home like this, the densely populated scene gradually returned. I remember that in the second year of Kangxi's accession to the throne, there was a small boat going up the river from Wu Gorge. Except for the boatman who was driving the boat, there were only two people in the boat, a father and a daughter. One shoulder was carrying luggage, which was very cold. The other luggage was very heavy, as if it contained iron tools. The old man was only half a century old, and his beard and hair were all white. He looked up with dazzling eyes, and his face was full of wrinkles. At a glance, it was clear that he was an old man who had suffered a lot. The woman was only twelve or thirteen years old, and was very beautiful. She leaned beside the old man, pointed at Yanlan in a low voice, and asked questions, showing her innocence and admiration. At this time, dusk smoke was everywhere, and the scenery was vast. A bright moon hung from the corner of the mountain, shining clear light, looking at people's eyebrows. The old man suddenly said loudly: "It's worth looking back at my homeland in the bright moonlight! With such a country and mountains, when will I be able to return to my home?" His words were sad, and tears filled his cheeks. The woman said: "Dad is sad again. Everything in the world has its own destiny. It is useless to be sad alone. Please take care of your health." Just as she was talking, the boatman came over and said: "Old man, it's getting late. The road ahead is There are villages and towns at the famous Crow's Mouth. Let's rest ashore and go ashore to buy some food and wine." The old man said, "Okay, just go ahead. I'm a little sleepy today and won't go ashore." When the boatman finished, Having arrived at their destination, they each went ashore. At this time, the moon is as bright as day. The father and daughter put the food and wine they had brought on the bow of the boat to have a drink. When I was bored, I suddenly saw a man in white walking out of the woods in the distance. Under the moonlight, I could see it very clearly, getting closer and closer. The man walked and sang songs all the way, his voice clear and clear, which could c***k metal and stone, and gradually he was not far from the boat. On a whim, the old man shouted: "It's a good night with a bright moon, and the scenery can't be disappointed. There are wine and food on my boat. Brother, why don't you come down and have a few drinks with me?" The man in white was singing happily when he heard someone calling him. I thought: "This place is mostly home to people from Sichuan and Hunan, and it's hard to see people from the north. This man speaks in a Beijing tone, so he must be from my hometown. Since he made an appointment with me, I might as well disturb him for a few drinks." While thinking about it, Let's go, and we'll be on the boat before we know it. The two met, took a closer look, and suddenly started crying. The old man said: "We are separated from each other in the capital, who wants to meet again here! The characters are still the same, but the mountains and rivers are completely changed, how can it not be heartbreaking!" The man in white said: "In the battle of Yangzhou, I heard that my eldest brother has turned into a foreign body, who wants to be in a foreign land? We met each other. From then on, I fell to the end of the world and added a close friend. It can be said that I am not alone. This girl, I think she is a daughter, right?" The old man said: "When I saw my dear brother, I was so surprised that I forgot to teach my little daughter Yingqiong. Greetings." He then called out, "Yingqiong, come here to greet your Uncle Zhou." After hearing her father's words, the woman came over to bow her head. The man in white returned a half salute and said to the old man: "I see that the virtuous niece is very handsome. The daughter of a general, my eldest brother's unique skills must be inherited by someone." The old man said: "The virtuous brother does not know something. Because the foolish brother knows a little about martial arts, so The family was ruined. Moreover, as soon as she was born, her mother died with me in the rebellion. She has been on the run for ten years, with no place to live. She always troubles me and asks me to teach her martial arts. I am determined to be mediocre. The idea of ​​good luck in numbers, coupled with the fact that this child's eyes are too sinister, he will definitely have troubles in the future if he learns martial arts. My martial arts skills are only average, there are many strange people in the world, and if they are not good at what they learn, they will be killed. Brother Yu is worried about having only one daughter, so he didn't teach her anything. I hope that in the future I can recruit someone with a seed of learning and send me back to the west. That will be enough." The man in white said: "Having said that, I think my good niece looks good. , we must not end up as a girl, let’s see in the future.” After hearing the words of the man in white, the woman couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows and beam with joy; she looked at her elderly father, and couldn’t help showing a bit of resentment.

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