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After traveling for several days, he met several classmates on the way. They were all in Beijing earlier like Yuncong, waiting for the imperial examination. With company along the way, he was not lonely. Later, more and more people gathered, and there were a total of 17 people going to Beijing to take the exam. Most of these young upstarts were happy. Yuncong suggested, "If we go to Beijing as scheduled, we will still have several months of leisure. The ancients read thousands of books and traveled thousands of miles. Experience and knowledge are equally important. Why don't we take advantage of this leisure opportunity to visit famous mountains and scenic spots instead of traveling thousands of miles?" Among them, there was a candidate named Song Shi, who said, "Brother Nian, I agree with what you said. I have heard that there are many famous scenic spots in Shu. Why don't we go to Chengdu to play for a few days?" Everyone was young and had fun, so they all had no objection. After discussing and stopping, they asked their followers to carry their luggage and go according to the schedule to gather in Chongqing. There were 16 people in their group. Except for Yuncong who brought a book boy, everyone only brought a small package with their personal belongings, and they went straight to Chengdu for fun. Wang Fu was afraid that they rarely went out and were deceived, so he repeatedly advised them. Song Shi said, "I have been running around outside for ten years. I know all the ways in the world. You can rest assured, old housekeeper." Wang Fu saw that he could not stop him, and he knew that the road to Chengdu was a main road and very quiet, so he had to let him go. He also called Xiao San'er aside and repeatedly told him to serve the young master well in the morning and evening and not to cause trouble. Although Xiao San'er was young, he was quite alert and nodded in agreement. Then they set off separately. The sixteen of them were silent and happy all the way. When they arrived in Chengdu, they found a big inn to stay in. Every day they went to the famous places and had a good time. One day, Yun Cong went out with everyone and played for a while. Then he suggested going to Wangjiang Tower for a drink. They had come here twice a few days ago. Except for three or four poor scholars, the rest were rich children who didn't care much about money. Seeing that it was a good customer, the bartender naturally flattered him twice. Yun Cong suggested that instead of going to the elegant seats, four or three people should sit at a table, leaning against the railing to drink and looking out over the Yangtze River. Everyone agreed, so they asked the bartender to reserve the window seat. Who would have thought that there were only four tables on the floor near the window, and at one of the tables there was already a Taoist lying on the table, so Song Shi asked the bartender to call the man away. The bartender saw that the Taoist looked poor, and that he had come in to drink in the morning and had not left until the afternoon, and he was no longer willing to leave. He had not cared much before because there were no guests, but now that so many gods of wealth wanted this seat, he certainly felt more justified. He asked them to sit at the three tables first, and went over to call the Taoist twice, but there was no response. Then he pushed the Taoist twice, but the Taoist not only did not wake up, but instead began to snore loudly. Song Shi was a very manic person in this small tour group, and when he saw this situation, he could not help but get angry and was about to speak. Suddenly the Taoist yawned and said, "Another gourd of wine." Then he raised his head and saw that he was sleeping with a red gourd of wine in his arms. The bartender saw that the Taoist wanted wine, so he said, "Master, do you still want to drink? You came in early this morning and have already drunk all that wine. Don't drink it and ruin your health. In my opinion, you should go back to the temple." The Taoist said, "Bullshit! You run a hotel, don't you allow me to drink? Stop talking nonsense, and take my gourd to get the wine." The bartender agreed "yes, yes", and said to the Taoist with a smile, "Master, I want to ask you a favor." The Taoist said, "I am a poor Taoist priest, what do you want to ask me?" The bartender said, "Our four tables were reserved by a dozen gentlemen over there yesterday, and they said they would come at this time today. You came to drink this morning, and I thought you would leave after drinking, so I gave them to you. Now that all the people who reserved seats are here, please make way and drink over there." The Taoist heard this and became furious, "They pay for their drinks, and I pay for my drinks too, so why should you move them around? If you had reserved them for others, you should have told me when I came in. You are clearly bullying me, a monk, and your Taoist master is drinking here today!" Song Shi had waited for half a day and was already impatient. Seeing that the Taoist looked poor and spoke in a domineering manner, he could not help but get angry, so he walked over and said to the Taoist: "We originally reserved this seat. If you don't give it up, don't blame me for being rude!" The Taoist said: "I don't understand. Why should I give it to you? What ability do you have? Use it." After hearing this, Song Shi walked up and slapped the Taoist in the face. Yun Cong saw that they were arguing and was about to step forward to persuade them, but it was too late. He only heard a "ah!" and Song Shi was already holding his hand and shouting in pain. It turned out that his slap on the Taoist's face was like hitting iron and stone, which was painful. How could these candidates tolerate it? They said: "Rebellion! Rebellion! Drag him out, beat him half to death, and then send him to the government for punishment." Just as they were about to step forward together, Yun Cong hurriedly blocked them and said: "Wait a minute, brothers, let me say something." Because Yun Cong was the only one who had a lot of money and was willing to spend it, he became their leader invisibly. After he said this, everyone had to stop for a while and wait and see how he would deal with it. When Yun Cong came over, the Taoist had already stood up and looked at him carefully again and again. Yun Cong saw that the Taoist's eyes were shining brightly, and knew that he was not an ordinary person. I often heard Wang Fu say that there are many strange people in the world, and you can't offend them casually. So he said to the Taoist: "Don't be angry, Taoist master. The sixteen of us are all classmates and good friends. We came here to drink today. Because we want everyone to sit together and have a good chat, we asked the bartender to come over and disturb the Taoist master. It doesn't matter whether he lets you go or not, I hope you don't mind." The Taoist master said: "Who is here to blame you? You saw that he hit me, and I didn't fight back!" At this time, Song Shi's right hand was in unbearable pain, and it was red and swollen in a moment. He said: "This thief Taoist must have some magic, and he must be sent to the authorities for severe punishment." Yun Cong quickly winked at him and told him not to speak. On the one hand, he said to the Taoist priest, "My friend has offended me. I wonder what magic I used? He is in unbearable pain now. I hope you will be merciful and help him." The Taoist priest said, "It's his own fault. He wanted to hit someone but he didn't know how to hit him, so he suffered this pain. I didn't even move, so how could I know any magic?" At this time, the owner of the restaurant also knew about it. He was afraid that the matter would get out of hand, so he tried to persuade him, but the Taoist priest still refused to admit it. Later, Yun Cong begged him hard, and the Taoist priest said, "I don't want to be angry with a dying person. He didn't know how to hit someone, so he used the wrong force and bent his muscles. Otherwise, for the sake of you, a living person, just let him feel the pain. You go and call him over, and I will treat him." Song Shi was still cursing there. Yun Cong came over and helped him over, but Song Shi still cursed him. Yun Cong was afraid that the Taoist priest would be angry and refuse to treat him, and he didn't listen to his advice, so he was very embarrassed. Who would have thought that the Taoist listened to Song Shi's scolding, and acted as if nothing had happened. He objected to Yun Cong and said, "Don't make it difficult for me. I don't want to be angry with a dead person." After that, he took Song Shi's hand. The Taoist put his two hands together on Song Shi's hand, rubbed it gently, and said, "Okay. Next time, don't hit people casually." After that, he looked at Song Shi and sighed slightly. Song Shi's hand was still a little red, but it was no longer painful or swollen. Yun Cong was afraid that he would scold again, so he pulled him over. He came over to thank the Taoist and asked the bartender to ask the Taoist if he wanted to drink more, and the wine bill would be settled later. The Taoist said, "I have drunk enough wine. I just need another five catties of Daqu wine, which is enough for dinner." Yun Cong hurriedly asked the bartender to bring it and put it in the Taoist's gourd. The Taoist didn't thank him at all, took the wine gourd, put it on his back, and left without looking back.
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