
1359 Words
The man in white clothes asked again: "What is the purpose of my brother's coming to Sichuan this time?" The old man said: "The country is ruined and the family is ruined. With such luck, what other purpose do I have? I just come to this far away place to avoid disaster." The man in white clothes said Hearing this, he said happily: "It has been three years since I came to Sichuan. I found a stone cave in the back mountain of Emei. It is very quiet and has beautiful scenery. I just came back from the mountain yesterday. In addition, I taught a few people Meng Tong, I came back to pack up and prepare to live in seclusion in a cave in the back mountain. Fortunately, I met my eldest brother. But it is very secluded and uninhabited, and there are many ferocious beasts. If you are not afraid of your niece, the three of us will go to live in seclusion together. Waiting for the opportunity. What do you think of it?" The old man was very happy when he heard that there was such a good place, and said: "This is very good. But I don't know how far away from the mountain is this place?" The man in white said: "It's only eighty or ninety miles away by dry road. Here. Why don't you develop the boat house, stay in my house for two days, and walk with me on the dry road?" The old man said: "My dear brother, go ahead. Foolish brother, you will live in the boat tonight, develop the boat house tomorrow, and then build the house. Yes. But I don’t know where my dear brother lives now? You and I are both people who are hiding from each other. Have you ever changed your name?” The man in white said: “Although I changed my name, I didn’t change my surname. Tomorrow you come to Qian Village to find me, just You need to ask Zhou Chun from the Education Center, they all know it. It's getting late, I have an appointment tomorrow, and I won't come to pick you up. Fortunately, it's not far from here. I'll be waiting for you at the dormitory." After that, , he broke up with the two of them and went away. When the woman saw the man in white leaving, she asked, "Uncle Zhou, is he Uncle Zhou Langzhou who is the same name as dad and is also known as Qilu Sanying?" The old man said, "Who said it wasn't him? Remember me back then? Li Ning and your two uncles, Yang Da and Zhou Lang, are famous in the Qi, Lu, Yan and Yu areas. Since the death of Ming Dynasty, your uncle Yang has been framed by his enemies because he cares about his homeland. Now I and your uncle Zhou are the only two people left. I don’t know yet. I can't protect the leader. I'm going to Mount Emei, and I'm glad to have a good companion, so I won't have much to worry about. My son has a good rest early and will go ashore tomorrow." At this point, I saw two boatmen coming back drunk. Li Ning said to the boatman: "I remember that there is a relative of mine here. I plan to go and stay for a few months. I will go ashore tomorrow morning. You have worked hard all the way, and the boat money will be paid to you. In addition, I will give you four taels of silver and wine money." . You guys can take a rest early." Upon hearing this, the boatmen hurriedly thanked them and took a rest. Don’t mention it. On the next morning, Yingqiong and his daughter got up, carried their luggage and packages, said goodbye to the boatman, and walked straight to Qiancun. After walking for about half a mile, I saw a little boy walking by the roadside. He was about eleven or twelve years old, with a face as good as a crown jade, and two double-haired horns combed on his head. It was only July or August, and the weather in Sichuan was hot. He was only wearing a pair of blue cloth shorts and trousers. Seeing the two approaching, he stepped forward and said, "Are the two of you here looking for my teacher Zhou Chun?" Li Ning replied, "We are here to visit Mr. Zhou. How did you know?" After hearing this, he hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Master, I don't know something. Last night, my teacher came back and he was so happy that he didn't sleep all night. He said that he met his master and sister at Crow's Mouth. I got up early this morning because I met him yesterday. I have an appointment and cannot come to greet you, so I was ordered to lead the way with my uncle here. In front of me is the old man, the teacher. The teacher has gone to the appointment and will be back soon. Please go in and sit down for a while, and have some breakfast." Li Ning saw that this child was very handsome and articulate, and he liked him very much. As we talked all the way, we arrived at Zhou Chun's house. Although it was a thatched cottage with a bamboo fence, it was kept clean and elegant. The boy went inside and moved three sets of bowls, cut a large plate of bacon, a plate of blood tofu, a pot of wine, and invited his father and daughter to sit down, while he stood beside them. He said, "Uncle, please use some breakfast." When Li Ning wanted to ask him something, he went to the back and brought out three bowls of vinegar noodles and a plate of kimchi. Li Ning liked him even more when he saw that he was very attentive to entertain people despite his young age. While having some food and wine, he asked him, "Brother Shi, what is your name? When did you study with your master?" The boy said, "My name is Zhao Yan'er. My father was a Hanlin scholar in the Ming Dynasty. He died at the hands of Li Chuang. . My mother and uncle fled here, not wanting to see his uncle die again. My family was very poor, so we had no choice but to herd cattle with others, and my mother did some work with a wealthy family to make ends meet. Mr. Zhou came here three years ago. Because I was a eunuch, he asked me to be his teacher. He often helped my mother and son, and taught me reading and martial arts every day. Teacher Zhou had no children, except for a daughter named Qingyun. Last year, a girl came from outside the village. The old Taoist nun also wanted to accept me as a disciple. Because my mother was in the hall, I refused to stay away. The Taoist nun suddenly saw the junior sister, so she came to meet my teacher. After talking for a long time, she took the junior sister there and said that she was going to Huangshan to learn. I said goodbye. I was extremely reluctant to let go. I asked the teacher several times to find my junior sister back, but the teacher always said it was still early. I wanted to go by myself, but the teacher refused to tell me the way to Huangshan Mountain. I think if I grow up, I must go find my junior sister back. My junior sister looks the same as this senior sister, but she doesn’t have the two red moles on her eyebrows.” After hearing these words, Li Ning just smiled and said Ask him what martial arts he knows. Yan'er said: "I'm not very talented. I only know a set of Liuhe swords, and I know how to fight darts and darts. I heard from the teacher that my uncle is very capable. In a few days, I will ask my uncle to teach me!"
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