
2100 Words
It is said that Zhou Chun heard what the man said and jumped out to see that Yan'er was nowhere to be found. He was shocked. At first, he thought that Yan'er had gone to the nearby place to relieve himself. But he called out loudly and still could not find him. He was so anxious that he was sweating all over. He did not dare to leave this place easily, for fear that Yan'er would come back and find him. Just when he was at a loss, he suddenly heard a faint voice from inside the door saying, "You haven't left yet?" Zhou Chun said, "I just separated from you. I have a companion who is now missing. He has not taken his clothes and luggage with him. Could it be that the monster you said came and ate him?" The man said, "The monster is yin and will not come out before the third watch. Your companion is missing now, and it is definitely not caused by this monster. Go to Master Baiyun and ask her to tell you the whereabouts. Don't make a mistake. It's getting late. Go quickly." Zhou Chun had no choice but to follow the man's instructions and move forward. He had not walked five miles when he suddenly heard the wind blowing behind him and a fishy smell. Zhou Chun knew something was wrong, and hurried forward like a fly. Just as he reached a nunnery, the wind suddenly stopped. Zhou Chun looked back and saw two red lights vaguely visible in a thick fog, and the road was receding. Under the moonlight, he could see it clearly, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Looking at the thatched nunnery again, it was not very big. There were two withered willows in front of the door, and their shadows were reflected on the ground by the moonlight, and the ground was full of broken shadows, which seemed very quiet. There was a constant sound of Buddhist chanting in the nunnery, and I thought it was the owner who was doing night classes there. He knocked on the door twice gently. A little girl answered, "This is a nunnery. If you want to stay overnight, please go to the front." Zhou Dao replied, "I was in trouble on the way, so I came here to seek refuge with Master Baiyun." Before he finished speaking, the door opened and a young nun came out. She was only thirteen or fourteen years old and very beautiful. When she saw Zhou Chun, she said, "The master is doing night classes. You can wait in the Buddhist hall for a while." Zhou Chun followed her in and sat down in the Buddhist hall. The little nun went to bring a bowl of tea and a few vegetarian buns, and ate with Zhou Chun. Then she went in and did not come out for a long time. Zhou Chun was getting impatient waiting, when he suddenly saw a flash of green light in front of him, like a flying bird flying towards the backyard. Zhou Chun was curious, so he left the Buddhist hall and walked gently to the backyard. Just as he approached the window, he suddenly heard two people talking, like a man and a woman. Listening carefully, I heard the woman say, "Second brother, you come here so late at night. What can I do for you?" The man said, "I just passed by Yunling Mountain and saw the evil spirit rising to the sky. I was about to check what was going on when I suddenly saw a little boy standing under the eaves of a house on the side of the road. I saw that the boy had a strong foundation and could not bear to see him suffer the evil hand, so I picked him up and rescued him from the dangerous place first, and then drove the monster away with the sword. Later, I asked about his origins and found out that he was the disciple of Zhou Chun, one of the Three Heroes of Qi and Lu. I saw that this boy had the bones of an immortal. It would be a waste for him to follow the knights in the mortal world, so I accepted him as my disciple and asked Bai'er to carry him to my mountain. When he left, he said that he was worried that his master and mother would be worried. I promised to take a letter with him and went to find Xing Zhou. Who would have thought that he would inadvertently save the disciple of the seventh junior brother, named Shi Lin, who was also The monster was poisoned and almost killed. I saved him and sent him back to the mountain, and then I found out that the man surnamed Zhou had come to you. When I came in just now, I saw a man sitting in the Buddhist hall, and I thought it was this man. The woman replied, "Zi Juan just said that a man surnamed Zhou came to me, and I was about to go out to meet him, but it happened that my senior brother came here, so we haven't met yet." The man said again, "Just now, the monster looked very powerful. My Xuanying sword only forced it away and couldn't hurt it at all. I didn't dare to act rashly because I didn't know the details. You are so close, why do you let it be so rampant?" The woman said, "I really spent a lot of effort on this monster. I finally found the thing to control it, but I don't need help. It's great that my senior brother has come." After that, she said to the window, "Master Zhou has come from afar, why don't you come in and talk, but just sit there and listen?" Zhou Chun was getting impatient waiting when he suddenly saw a flash of green light in front of him, and it flew towards the backyard like a bird. Zhou Chun was curious, so he left the temple and walked quietly towards the backyard. Just as he approached the window, he suddenly heard two people talking, one man and one woman. Listening carefully, I heard the woman say, "Second brother, you come here so late at night. What can I do for you?" The man said, "I just passed by Yunling Mountain and saw the evil spirit rising to the sky. I was about to check what was going on when I suddenly saw a little boy standing under the eaves of a house on the side of the road. I saw that the boy had a strong foundation and could not bear to see him suffer the poison, so I picked him up and rescued him from the danger first, and then drove the monster away with a sword. Later, I asked about his background and found out that he was the disciple of Zhou Chun, one of the Three Heroes of Qi and Lu. I saw that this boy had the bones of an immortal. It would be a waste for him to follow the knights in the mortal world, so I accepted him as my disciple and asked Bai'er to carry him to my mountain. When he left, he said that he was worried that his master and mother would be worried. I promised to take a letter with him and went to find Xing Zhou. Who would have thought that I accidentally saved the disciple of the seventh brother, named Shi Lin. He was also poisoned by the evil spirit and was about to die. I rescued him and sent him When I returned to the mountain, I learned that the man surnamed Zhou had come to you. When I came in just now, I saw a man sitting in the Buddhist hall. I thought it was this man. The woman replied, "Just now Zijuan said that a man surnamed Zhou came to me. I was about to go out to meet him, but it happened that my senior brother came here, so we haven't met yet." The man said again, "Just now, the monster looked very powerful. My Xuanying sword only forced it away and couldn't hurt it at all. I didn't dare to act rashly because I didn't know the details. You are so close, why do you let it be so rampant?" The woman said, "I really spent a lot of effort on this monster. I finally found the thing to control it, but I don't need help. It's great that my senior brother came." After that, she said to the window, "Master Zhou has come from afar, why don't you come in to talk, just sit there and listen?" Zhou Chun was listening in a trance. He blushed when he was asked by the person in the room, so he had to go in. I saw a nun sitting on the cushion, about 40 or 50 years old; sitting above him was a Taoist with a long beard and bright eyes. I knew he was an extraordinary person, so I bowed my head. The monk and the Taoist hurriedly held each other's hands and said, "We dare not." The nun asked Zhou Chun to sit aside and said, "I think you have heard what we said just now. This is my senior brother, the bearded immortal Li Yuanhua. My name is Yuanyuan, and I am known as Master Baiyun. Your disciple has been accepted as a disciple by this bearded senior brother. I wonder if you are willing to give him up?" Zhou Chun said, "He is so young, and he is lucky to be favored by the senior sword immortal. I am afraid that his talent and shallowness will hinder his future. Now I am fortunate to meet the immortal, so how can I be unwilling. But just now I met a man on the road who was poisoned by a demon and his life is in danger. I hope you two great immortals will have mercy on him and save him." The bearded Taoist said, "The man's name is Shi Lin, and he is my nephew. I just passed by and rescued him back to the mountain." Zhou Chun hurriedly thanked him. Master Baiyun said, "Brother, you have come at the right time. Without further delay, follow me to slay the monster tomorrow morning." The bearded Taoist asked, "What kind of monster is this? Why is it so powerful?" Master Baiyun said, "This mountain was not originally called Yunling Mountain. It was because a snake monster appeared in the mountain. Every morning and evening, it spewed poisonous mist from its mouth, which formed into clouds and reflected the morning and evening sunset on the top of the mountain, which became a wonder of this mountain. People saw the brilliant clouds and mist on this mountain and found it very pleasing to the eye. For more than a hundred years, this mountain has been called Yunling Mountain. At first, this monster was just breathing in clouds and spewing mist on this mountain, and it was not used to fight. Who would have thought that the situation has changed drastically in the past three years. From the hour of Chen to the hour of You, the monster is practicing in the cave. If pedestrians pass by during this time, it is not a problem; otherwise, only one or two out of ten can escape its clutches. In the past three years, I have fought with it several times, but I have never hurt it. It also knows how powerful I am. As long as it is not far from my temple, it will flee back. Just now I heard the sound of the wind and knew that the monster was coming. Later, there was no movement, and then I heard the warrior knocking on the door. "Zhou Chun knew why the monster suddenly stopped chasing. Master Baiyun said again: "One thing subdues another thing. I know that this monster is most afraid of centipedes. I have heard for a long time that Master Canxia of Huangshan has this strange thing, so I asked Zixiao to borrow it. The master refused at first, saying that the centipede is her treasure to guard the cave. Later, I went there in person and borrowed it yesterday. It happened that the warrior and my brother came here, so I think the day when the monster will be killed is not far away."
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