Chapter 33 I Will Never Let You off

1331 Words

When Cindy angrily rushed back to the company with the camera, Tina was not in her seat. "Where's Tina?" She looked furious as if she were going to eat people alive. Seeing this, her colleagues were frightened and pointed to the conference room. Cindy immediately went there in high heels. When she angrily pushed open the door, everyone inside turned to look at her, but she had lost her mind in anger, so she could only see Tina and threw the camera at her without hesitation. Screams immediately sounded in the conference room. When everyone else backed off to avoid being attacked, Tina calmly leaned aside to dodge the camera, looked at her indifferently, and asked, "Cindy, what do you want to do?" "How could you still have the nerve to ask me what I want to do? Why did you tell me Chris

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