Chapter 32 It Was A Trap

1365 Words

Of course, Cindy's attitude could not make a 180-degree turn within a short period. Otherwise, the other colleagues would feel strange and speak ill of her behind her back. So, she came over to Tina when it was about time to get off work, politely had a small talk with her, and told her she had criticized her for her good! Tina also talked with her politely but got more and more disappointed in her heart. She asked, "Can I ask for a day off tomorrow?" "Why? What's wrong?" Cindy immediately raised her vigilance. A few strangers had come to the office at noon, and Tina had whispered with them in the restroom for a long time. According to Cindy's experience, she thought those people must be Tina's informants who had come to give her information. It was hard for Cindy to work as a director

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