Advances in information search.

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Chapter 6. In the cities, the White Sky and the Black Dungeon, various movements began. Which can somehow harm the Children of Gold and Johann Langar. If the new inhabitants manage to find out all the secrets, then they will become a new dangerous enemy. Also, the resistance squad is still there. It is not known how strong and how much harm it can inflict on this rule. But they are already preparing their plan, to attack the masters and soon, they will make their first move. Archive: Rin's mansion. Bale sat all day and looked diligently through all the newspapers from the Gray City. And there were so many of them. A whole rack, completely crammed with them. Moreover, everything is so scattered that you cannot make out. Where and what? Also, what is the date? Therefore, I had to watch each and check. Not to miss anything. "Crap! I haven't even done half of it yet. And already tired, I don’t know who. It was impossible to fold everything neatly. Enrages. " Bale was terribly angry and angry at such carelessness on the part of his colleagues. The slave is already there was sitting for ten hours and that's all, to no avail. There was not a single article he needed. Nowhere was it mentioned about the new inhabitants of the city of White Sky. And that's when he almost despaired. He got under his arm what he needed. "Here it is. Precisely, in this newspaper. I saw those people. " This was the very first article written in the newspaper about Lale and Fel. When they escaped, from Maby Cullen's mansion. It was then and for the first time that they were written about. The guy looked at the title and immediately understood. This is the information they need so badly. “From Maaby Cullen's mansion, especially dangerous criminals have escaped. Lale and Fel. " They were on the front pages. From that very moment, their war began. They knew all the horrors that took place in the human market. Pain and pounding. Loss and separation. In general, then a lot of things happen to them. But the guys overcame everything together and now they are here. "It's them". He pointed to the faces of Lale and Fel with his finger. Lale and Fel have already passed half of the city of White Sky. We interviewed a huge number of residents and received them everywhere. Almost the same answer. Everyone, as per the script, spoke the same words. And they constantly mentioned the name of this person and praised him as very great. "Good day! We are investigators, from the police. We are investigating an important kidnapping case. You can answer us a few questions. " "Oh sure. What are you interested in?" Leibint Street. This was their final destination and last home for today. Room, 38. This couple was all greeted, joyful and friendly. For all the time, they have never heard the negative in their direction. Moreover, none at all. Very kind and nice people. As it seemed, only at first glance. In fact, everything was not so clean and smooth. "Are you happy to live in this city?" "Yes. Thanks to Yogan Langar, from the Black Dungeon. We have one of the most peaceful cities in the world. If it weren't for him. We could never live so well. " Everyone idolized this man. Ruler. Because they live so well. Where no one lives like that. In the city of White Sky, there is a constant, stable income and a very good standard of living among residents. But other people suffer because of this; slaves from the city of the Black Dungeon. Not fair, of course. But all people worry primarily about themselves and not about others. "Where is this city located?" I asked Lale. Having squinted, like a fool. Pretending that she was on the machine, she blurted out without thinking. And she accidentally burst out of her mouth. Fel, in turn, simply remained silent and listened carefully to what others were saying. He has a pretty good memory, so it's easy to remember important points. “Don't you know? Of course, below us. Underground." He answered, looking at the girl as if she were a complete fool. And she smiled and pretended. Like. Of course I know. Simply, I am all nonsense. Pay no attention to me. And it's good that no one ever suspected anything suspicious of them. At least he didn't show it in any way. “Oh, yes indeed. Stupidity said. " On the streets of the city, it was already late. Evening. Although it is not possible to determine it, only by the hour. It was as bright as day. The guys still can't get used to the constant light. Lale and Fel headed back to the house. To tell your news to the rest. Brothers Nortons all day, sat at home at the computer and did not leave it. They dug everything they could. They didn't even go down to eat in the kitchen. And Sarah didn’t have time for that either. Of course, she prepared everything in advance, and left it in the refrigerator. But to wear, no. After all, she was equipped with a secret base. Schultz. Look at this. This city is divided in two. And all this is happiness, just a view on the surface. Real horrors are happening inside. Underground." Jake found the history of the city. In the database, Ornflix. These two were able to hack her. And there was complete information. How this place was created. The truth about whose blood it was built. And who is the head of it all? “And really. But from somewhere, I know this man. True, I can't remember exactly where. " Also, there is data about class specifics and how, in general, this city lives. Which of them has something in abundance and luxury? And who simply drowns at the bottom? Without the right to do anything. Very similar to the Human Market. Like this place, its prototype. Made in his image. “Johan Langar. Was one of the rulers in Ornflix. But, for his cruelty and disagreement because of the rules. Others drove him out of that sacred place. " Jake also knew about the person who runs this city. Back in the old days, they often intersected. It even happened that he came several times to Edward Reingard at Norvex Castle. But he always left, angry and displeased. Because they just chased him away, always. "Come on. He's so powerful. Not expected." Schultz was very surprised. He always believed that the worst enemy was the one they defeated and Ornflix. But he could not even think that there was someone else who was not inferior in cruelty to Reinhard. Moreover, he is much worse than him. "Yes. And he has a class policy that is much tougher than Edward Reingard. " Johan Langar. He was a very strong enemy and the battle with him would not be as easy as they thought. And it is not yet known whether Lale will agree to this when she finds out. If you get involved with him in the battle. You can lose a lot of things. You can’t be sure that they will be able to win. "Means. Here, for sure, dark things are happening. This is unambiguous. " This place is definitely a breeding ground for villains. Moreover, in addition to Yogan, other serious enemies may be caught on their way. And before you make a decision, you need to get together and talk again to weigh the pros and cons. Yes, make a unanimous final decision. "Yes. We are getting into a very dangerous business. He really is a serious opponent. " Meeting, resistance detachment. All the wings and their leader, Phoenix, are gathered in the main hall. Everything looked so luxurious and beautiful. You can't even say that they are located in the Slave Valley. The leaders of the detachments themselves were also wearing masks in the form of wings and hiding their faces, as the head did. "So. It's time for battle. We sat on the sidelines for a long time and endured all this injustice. Humiliation and mockery of slaves. Now it's time to fight. We must save these people. Just like the heroes did, from the IPPI organization, in the Human Market. And also to get revenge, Yogan Langar. " Phoenix gave a very long speech. And he inspired everyone to fight. They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, when they can finally take revenge on the Children of Gold and Yogan Langar. For all the evil that he did to them. This would be revenge. Just why? Why do these people hate him so much? At first they thought that it was only a struggle for the people, but they also had their own personal problems. "Well, who will we start with?" One of the wings said this curiously. After all, they have not yet discussed who will be their first target. And what, in general, will be the scheme of actions? It is very important to know who in the near future they will have to face. “Our enemy, one of the Children of Gold. Billy Beam. It is on him that we will unleash all our anger. " And so began a full-blown discussion of the plan and strategy for one of the Children of Gold. He was the very last and weakest to join the ranks of high society. Therefore, it was for him that they decided to be the first to declare the hunt. In addition, it was in his ranks that there was one mistress. Which provides support. Nialla Rin.
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