Resistance squad.

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Chapter 5. The next day. All together, the guys sat down in the hall to talk about what was happening in the city of White Sky. And also how they will proceed further. The first step is to collect as much information as possible. Since they really do not know anything yet and are only assumptions. “Well, I'm glad. That we all came to a unanimous decision. Now it follows, carefully to understand what happened and find out what kind of horrors and terrible things are happening here. Well, the whole city was intimidated. " Jake spoke about the most important things. And he spoke with a great desire and desire to help people in need. This time, he doesn't want to stand aside and watch class discrimination. In the war with Edward Reinhard, his hands were tied and he was forced to contemplate all the abominations that were going on there. But now, he is completely free and his hands are no longer constrained. He is free to do as his heart commands and his soul desires. “I propose. Collect data, Jake and Schultz. And Fel and I will walk around the city and talk to the locals, disguised as police investigators, who are investigating a secret case about the kidnappers. " Lale offered to split up as follows. Since the Nortons are masters of intelligence and data acquisition. They even, being under the supervision of the head of the Human Market, managed, somehow imperceptibly, to know about what was happening. Better than them, no one will do it. And Lale and Fel will pretend to be the investigators. They will forge documents and will walk undercover around the city. They are allegedly trying to solve a certain crime. Thus, examining the situation and how, in general, things are. How do they live? What do they breathe? But the most important thing. What exactly are they so afraid of? "What am I to do?" Sarah didn’t want to stand aside and just be an ordinary housewife. The girl, too, wanted to take part and help her friends in some way. She intends to also contribute, be useful and fight enemies. Mrs. Norton is not some weakling who can just be taken and left overboard. "Expensive. Get busy setting up a secret base in our house. " And for her, the husband, of course, found a use. It was very dangerous to do clandestine affairs in the house, in the open. Suddenly, they will be hunted down. Therefore, a shelter is definitely worth building. So, it's safer. "Good." Then there was a moment's silence. Everyone looked at each other with such an interesting look. Expecting some kind of reaction. Maybe someone wants to make adjustments, or is he not satisfied with the proposed arrangement? But no one spoke a word. This means that everyone is fully satisfied with the responsibilities and conditions. “It suits me, Lale's proposal. Who is against it? " Fel elaborated further, just in case. Suddenly, someone does not like something and just keeps silent. Yes, he is waiting for someone to directly ask him about this in order to express his opinion. "No." But absolutely everything suited everyone. They were given ideal positions. Everything was chosen so that the guys had to do exactly what they are really good at. And what is easy, must be dealt with. Without any mistakes. But there are always force majeure situations. And you shouldn't relax. “Then it's settled. Let's start right now. " The team dispersed and went straight to work. Jake and Schultz sat down at their computers and started surfing the internet. Sarah went to the backyard. It is there that their secret base will be located. And Fel and Lale made forged documents and made a long walk around the outskirts of the city of White Sky. In the city of the Black Dungeon, meanwhile, everything went on as usual and nothing happened until it happened. Except for the mansion, one of the gentlemen. For Rin, there was a huge buzz that was heard throughout the building. "Heck. All this data is fake. They created fake identities when entering White Sky City. Here you bastards. " Nialla was beside herself with anger. Everything that was possible flew. She destroyed the first thing that came into her hands. Her chambers were turned upside down. Because when the girl read the data received from her servant. It was hoping to receive reliable and clear information, and not fake data. She immediately understood it. Just at that moment, a slave who had just returned to his assignments passed by. This was no ordinary slave like everyone else. He was special to his mistress and she appreciated him very much. And his name was Bale. He could not walk by and was worried now about her condition. “Madam. You are very alarmed. What happened to you? " “Bale. My dear slave. You are back. " Going into the chambers, the guy asked affectionately and tenderly about her health. And as soon as Nila saw him, her sadness and sadness abruptly changed to joy. She jumped to his neck and hugged him tightly. Because she really missed him all this time. "Yes. I finished negotiations with the resistance squad. " The mistress sent him to an important meeting. With a group of people who are fighting over the foundations and rules of the Black Dungeon city, it has been more than one year. And they are also fighting against Yogan Langar. The ruler of these places. This is the only uprising of all that they cannot suppress in any way. "How is it going?" Rin asked, with a wild desire to know how her slave's meeting went. "They fell for our trick and are ready to accept help." Everything went perfectly. Bale successfully coped with the task and was able to win their trust. And also conclude a joint alliance against their own enemies. They had their own motives. But what are the goals pursued by this woman? So far, it remains a mystery. “Anyway, the news is good. You are the only one who always makes me happy. My dear slave. " One of the gentlemen was very satisfied. From the anger, from past failures, not a trace remained. It was the most important part, and much more important, that there were some newly arrived guests that hid personal data about themselves. “So what happened to you? During my absence. " Beila became very interested. That situation with Rin, because of which, she threw such a strong tantrum. You don't often see a lady in such a bad mood. She is, of course, a hot-tempered woman. But he always tries to restrain his anger and not show it in public. “New residents have appeared in the city of White Sky. He ran away from me, a boy from the Gray City. It was subjected to experiments to create artificial praecipua sunt. " Nialla started the whole story from the very beginning. And as it turned out, this child died in the alley. It was a test subject. But where? They have Bickslow's experiment? One of the three keys that bestows power on Malmo. Didn't they evaporate when Fel opened the box and connected them to the Gray City? And also Maeby Cullen, who was supposed to be the last survivor. Untouchable, killed everyone. Who is this child? "Where is he now? I'll finish him off in no time. " The slave suddenly became very serious. His aura and lust for killing were incredible. It seemed to be the one right in front of him. Not even a second had passed before he would have finished him off with his own hands. Not even a hand would twitch. Such a terrible aura. He is clearly not an ordinary person and has already seen a lot in his lifetime. "Do not worry. He's already dead. Just before his death, this child met with new residents. And we don't know. Did he tell them something or not? I asked to get information about them. But all the data is fake. " Just kill, you don't need anyone. After all, the target is already dead without their intervention. But the main thing that worries Rin. So this is the man with the fake personality who met the boy. Why are they hiding? Who are they? And what do they want in the city of White Sky? It was these questions that worried the lady. "Show them to me." "Here, take it." The guy took it from Nila's hands and looked at the photographs with their faces. His expression changed abruptly. On it, there was no face. As if he knew who they were. And if so, it is. The guys may have serious problems. " These people. They are from the Gray City that was wiped off the face of the earth. I saw their faces on some of the articles. " Bale actually saw them in the articles. Rin's mansion was secretly collected all the articles of the Gray City and kept them near them. The girl was a fan of an aristocrat. Therefore, I was constantly in the know. It was rather difficult to get them, but until the destruction of the Human Market and the entire city. In their ranks there was a spy who supplied them with everything. For a fee, of course. “Go to the archives and find these articles. We need to find out who they are. " Nialla ordered her slave to take care of this situation. He was the most reliable of all, and only on him could she completely rely. In addition, he finished his assignment and is now completely free. "Yes, madam." After they finished, their conversation and Bale left Rin's quarters. And the lady was left alone and plunged into her thoughts. She did not know the end of the confrontation between the IPPI organization and Edward Reingard. Nobody knew. But she was very worried about what had happened to one person there. “How did that war end? Are you still alive? Maeby Cullen. " Slave Valley. This is a specific place that is fenced off from the rest of the city of the Black Dungeon. The place where all the slaves that were not bought or assigned are gathered. To any of the gentlemen. In general, the most useless people who lived here were not needed by this city. And as a last resort. Suddenly, slaves were needed, then it would be possible to get from there. More precisely, there were slaves. They did not live, but survived. Trying to eat at least one crumb of bread. Or leftovers from the landfill. It is a terrible way of life they have to lead. All of my life. It is also here that the base of the resistance squad is located. They help these people in every way they can and try from the shadows to attack the upper strata of society in this city. But so far they have little to do. Because it is very difficult to fight such a powerful enemy. And almost the whole city. "Phoenix. Time to go. All the wings of the resistance squad are assembled. " The head and leader of this resistance was a man who called himself Phoenix. And all the wings are squad leaders and the strongest resistance fighters. They, like in their time, the IPPI organization, hide their identity. Therefore, Yogan Langar has not yet managed to destroy them. "Yes. It's time to finally start. A plan to destroy the masters, the city of the Black Dungeon and Yogan Langar. We have been waiting for this for 5 years. When we have such an opportunity. " For many years, these people have been waiting for this very moment. They always sat in the shadows and attacked, only secretly. But now it's time to go to the front line and show your fangs. It's time to start an open confrontation with their main enemy.
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