CHAPTER 46 Daddy This, Daddy That

997 Words

  I served Cayden his food while Ellis did the same to Solara. As we reached for the pancakes, our hands brushed, his fingers lingered on my skin, and I felt goosebumps appear on my skin. We both retracted at the same time as though we had been torched by a burning yet pleasant fire.   "Go ahead," I offered quietly. He shook his head and gestured for him to get first. Nonetheless, he insisted. I ignored him and reached for the bacon, however, we reached for it at once. This was seriously so nerve-wracking, especially with our children here, watching us confused. They didn't understand what was going on. They were happy that their father was here with them, and I had to get it together. I closed my eyes momentarily. I was calming my breath, and I could hear the steady yet loud beating of

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