I’ll Drink To That

1146 Words
The cab turns the corner onto a busy street and we begin to slow down as we meet the end of a long line of traffic. We must be getting close by now. I slip my lipstick and mirror neatly back into my purse and peer out the window. There it is! It is more splendid than I could have hoped. My pulse quickens with excitement. What a scene! Above us in bright white lights are the words “The Moonlight Lounge.” The entire street below is glowing in the light as the long line of fancy cars stop one at a time to let people join the buzzing crowd. I am starting to feel a little fire being ignited within me. What if this is it? When it is my turn to get out, the porter opens the door to the cab and I am suddenly feeling exhilarated. My instructions were to skip the line and inform the concierge directly of my meeting with Mr. Cash. So instead of joining the long line of chilly onlookers, I proceed to go straight to the door. I am walking past some elegant ladies and gentlemen when I hear a snicker directed at me. Something along the lines of my embarrassment once I am turned away from the door. A slight arrow of panic shoots through me. Did they know something I didn’t? “Can I assist you ma’am?” Says the polite gray haired concierge with a dull smile. “Yes, I am Miss Raine Albright.” Before I can even inform the man of my meeting he lights up. “Miss Albright, I have been expecting you. Right this way ma’am.” He moves aside and gestures for me to go ahead of him. The snipe that made the ugly remark gets a quick smirk from me before I slightly raise my nose up and walk into the building. I feel like an actual glitterati...all eyes on me, green with envy. This is a feeling a girl could get used to. *** Drew is in the middle of explaining to me some new business idea of his, when he suddenly stops talking mid-sentence. Something has caught his attention. I follow his gaze. Right away my eyes lock on to the most beautiful woman in the room. I can actually feel my breath catch in my chest like a weight. Then, I feel something almost primal as I run my hand through my hair. This is the first time in a long time that I have felt this way while looking at a woman, especially since Frankie and I went our separate ways. The most beautiful dame I have ever seen just walked through the door of my club. The concierge helps her slip out of her fur coat to reveal her amazing body and then points her in our direction. She is absolutely stunning. When I look back to my partner he is clearly enchanted by this young beauty as well. He smooths back his hair, straightens his tie, and checks his cuff links while never removing his eyes from her. My attention flashes back to this goddess that has started to walk towards us. Each step carefully goes in front of the other making her curvy hips swing effortlessly. I can not help myself when my eyes begin to travel up her long legs, past her thin waist and bouncing bosom, up to her luscious lips. When I finally meet her big beautiful blue eyes that are lined with long dark lashes, we are staring at each other and she has this satisfied look on her face. As if she knows exactly what I am thinking. Maybe she does. This woman could be quite dangerous. She extends her feminine hand out to us and introduces herself as Miss Raine Albright and she is perfect. *** The tall man with brown hair and light honey colored brown eyes, smiles and reaches his hand down to pull mine up to his lips. This man is handsome and charming. Quick to make a move. My past experiences warn me to keep an eye on this one. “Miss Albright, of course! We spoke over the phone. My name is Andrew Cash. You’re here for an audition, but I must say the pleasure is all mine.” Says the familiar voice I spoke to over the phone. He has a very nice smile that suits him well. Around us the atmosphere is very lively, crowded, and sort of loud as people try to talk over the jazz music coming from the band on the back of the stage. Waiters are walking back and forth from the bar to the tables to serve the wealthy guests that are still flooding in. I recognize a couple of influential VIP members right away. This is the kind of place that is hard to get into. You need to be a regular or have a reservation. It is so beautiful here, I guess I must be lucky to even have an audition. You can never tell over the phone what a place is going to be like once you get there. The club itself is extremely impressive, elegant, and classy. Clearly no expense was considered too much in the designing of this establishment. It is definitely an older building, you can tell by its charm and character. Giant chandeliers hang from the ceiling and each table has its own little glass lamp, their soft glow reflecting off of the shiny marble flooring. There are touches of red velvet carpeting and hand carved wooden accents. This place is like a dream. “I’m flattered Mr. Cash. You must be so proud of your club, it’s truly breathtaking!” I say honestly. The dark haired muscular man in the expensive Italian suit to the right of Mr. Cash, smirks and raises an eyebrow as he holds up three fingers to the bar tender. Wow! He is devilishly handsome. That confident smirk looks so good on him...also there is this playful twinkle in his small dark brown eyes. It is hard not to stare at him now that he has my attention. There is something alluring about him. “Miss Raine, my name is Benjamin Edwards. I am the owner of The Moonlight Lounge and if your audition goes well tonight, I’ll be your new boss. That is, if you are interested in filling the position of lead singer.” He hands me a cocktail glass from the waiter’s silver tray. “I’ll drink to that.” I say with a slight laugh. Fueling the fire within. I am ecstatic as our three glasses clink together. Completely unaware of the angry blonde that has just joined us.
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