35. Breach in the barrier

1334 Words

“You’ve what?” Doran shoved his hand into his pocket, digging for the piece of paper with the coordinates on it. “She was the informant.” He said stretching his hand out to give Vanna the piece of paper. “She gave me this.” Vanna went silent when she received the paper, staring at it like it were a bomb about to go off. She flipped it over multiple times as if trying to ascertain that it was actually a piece of paper and nothing more. “What did she say when she gave this to you?” Vanna asked, finally placing the piece of paper on her desk and looking up at him. “Just that she’d kept her own end of the bargain. Nothing more.” Doran explained. Who would have known he’d met such an important person on a casual mission. Vanna’s face was hard. “What is her game this time?” Vanna mu

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