Chapter 6

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Vincent Everything was going good until Mason and Crystal got home from work. Since Claire and Levi had their argument on the porch, everything was recorded by the security camera. They weren’t really mad or upset. They were proud that Claire stood her ground and used the safety word to warn Leon. The night was fun. We stayed up playing board games and my parents even came by. It felt like it used to. That is until Mason asked to see me in his office. “So how is school?” “School is good. How was work?” “Busy as usual” “I suppose we didn’t come in here to talk about our day” “I suppose you’re right,” he smiled and laughed slightly, “I wanted to ask you about Levi” “What about him?” “Do you think he’s stable?” What did he mean stable? Why was he asking? I looked at him confused. “Do you think he might be angry enough with Claire to hurt her?” “I don’t think so. He can be an i***t, but I don’t think he’d go that far” “Okay. Can you do me a favor?” “Yeah, anything” “Keep an eye on her. She’s been distant towards us lately and we’re not sure why. I just want her to be safe and I know she feels like that when she’s around you, so,” he sighed, “just watch her” “Of course”.. *** It was still dark out when I felt something touch my nose. I swatted at it and could hear Claire giggling next to me. When I felt her touching my nose again I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bed with me. “What time is it?” “Too damn early,” she laughed “Watch your mouth” “Come on. We need to get up to open the cafe” She sat up and started pushing me out of bed. I panicked as I felt myself actually fall out of the bed, but not without taking her down with me. I looked into her eyes and then down to her lips. We were laughing when we heard Leon shout from his room. “It’s four in the morning! Even mom and dad aren’t as loud as you two!” “Leon!” Crystal and Claire shouted. The hall light was on which let me see her cheeks turning red. “Come on. If we get there early I can make us something to eat” She got up and went to get dressed. I got up and did the same. I had put on some tan khaki colored jeans, a black shirt and a red flannel button up that I left unbuttoned. I slipped on my black vans, combed my hair back and went downstairs to get my keys. Claire was already waiting downstairs holding my keys. Her long hair was in waves. She had on a little mascara, eyeliner and some chapstick. She was wearing her usual grey slip on vans with black ripped up jeans, a white crop top and a red flannel. “Oh no you don’t” she waved her finger at me. “What?” “Don’t you ‘what’ me. Go back upstairs and change” “Why?” “You’re totally copying me” “I am not. Besides, it’s not like I have many options here. Why don’t you change?” “Because this is my favorite outfit” “Why does it matter?” “Because I don’t want people thinking we’re a couple” Hearing that kind of hurt. Does she not have the same feelings that I have for her? I stepped closer till her back was against the door and my lips were just centimeters from hers. “Would that be such a bad thing?” I could hear her breath hitch in her throat. I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Backing away to give her room to go out first. She turned quickly, whipping me with her hair. We turned around and said bye to the camera so Crystal and Mason could see that we’d left. I tried to grab my keys, but she was quick. “Don’t,” I pointed at her as a mischievous grin spread across her gorgeous lips, “Claire I’m not” and in a flash she was gone, “Damn it” I started running after her. I was able to stay just behind her, but that was only because she was taking it easy on me. If she wanted to, she could’ve left me in the dust.. Claire We got there only ten minutes early, but Pops was already in the kitchen getting things set up. “Well there’s my little lady,” he held out his arms to me. “Morning poppy,” I gave him a hug. “And who…” he adjusted his glasses “oh Vincent is that you?” Vincent stepped closer when pops hit him in the back of the head. “What was that for?!” Vincent rubbed the back of his head. “That’s for not coming to see me” “I saw you last week!” “Well not as much as this little lady here. She comes by almost everyday” “You walk here everyday after school?” “No” “So she doesn’t come everyday” “I run here before school and after school” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Yep. Sometimes it’s her and Crystal in the morning and sometimes it's her and junior that come in the afternoon. Lately though it’s just been little lady here” Vincent looked at me in amazement. “Why are you up so early? Did I get the days wrong?” I took out my phone to look at the schedule my mom sent me. “No. Just been having trouble sleeping lately. Figured I might as well be of some use and help out. Employees are hard to come by when school is going on. No one wants to work weekends when they have friends and parties to attend” “Well lucky for you there is nowhere else I’d rather be than here with you,” I kissed his cheek and reached behind him to grab my apron. He smiled and took out his wallet and placed a five in the tip jar. “How come you tip her and not me?” “Because she’s my favorite” The look on Vincent’s face was priceless. I tied my apron and put my hair into a high ponytail. “You can’t have favorites” “Watch me,” he placed another five in the jar and went to turn on the open sign. I laughed as Vincent came up next to me to plate the muffins. “Little does he know that’s my cut for the day,” he stuck his tongue out at me. I responded by shoving a muffin in his mouth. When everything was set up I had to give Vincent a little refresher on the menu. Pops just sat there watching us as he read the paper. It was pretty slow for a Saturday morning. “Hey princess,” Sarah said, walking in with her daughter Baylee. “Claire! Vincent!” Baylee ran behind the counter and hugged us and then Pops. “Why are you here?” “Oh, James had to cancel, but luckily for me Crystal came over yesterday to help us, which cleared my schedule for today,” I saw a glint of excitement flash In Sarah’s eyes as she looked at me, “So, Claire,” she smiled, “given anymore thought about being a model for the new clothing line?” “I haven’t, but I think I might try it” “Really!” She clapped her hands together. “Yeah. I mean mom seemed to really like it and it would definitely give me some extra money for college” “Your guys mom’s are going to be so excited,” she looked between Vincent and me, taking a step back, “Actually… Vincent, would you mind going along too?” “What why?” “I think there are a few pieces we could definitely use you in” “You want me to be a model?” “Just for a few shots and if we can’t use them then at least you guys will have some cute photos,” she gave us a sly grin. “When do you need us to come in?” Could you drop by later when you’re done here?” “Yeah that’ll-“ Vincent cut me off. “Hold on now I don’t want-“ I grabbed his arms, making him stop mid sentence. “Please Vincent? It would really help me out if you did” His face softened and he just nodded his head. “Wonderful. Alright Pops, Baylee it’s time to go” We waved them off and then waited till we got some customers. It didn’t take long till the customers just kept rolling in. I had to switch Vincent and start making the orders since he was a little rusty at it. I thought he would be happy about this, but he ended up being in a sour mood. When it finally slowed down and we only had four customers in the cafe I told him I was going to bust the tables. I grabbed the spray and towels along with the broom and started cleaning. When I was nearly finished I saw a few kids from our school come in. I knew one of them was Travis, but I could remember the other two. “Welcome in,” I waved at them. “Hey Claire,” Travis waved back. I always liked Travis. He was nice to everyone. The girl they were with though had a big grin on her face when she looked at me. It almost felt like she was looking down on me. I finished up quickly, but instead of rushing back to the counter I decided to do some inventory in the back and get ready for tomorrow. I was heading into the back when Vincent called me back. “Claire, I’d like you to meet some people” I put the clipboard and pen down and wiped the invisible dirt that was on my hands on my apron. I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling so uneasy. What if his new friends didn’t like me? Would he decide he doesn’t want to be friends again? My heart was pounding in my chest. “Claire, you already know Travis” I nodded. “This is Wayne. He’s the quarterback on the football team and this is Alyssa. She’s Wayne’s girlfriend” “Nice to meet you,” I smiled and gave them a small wave. “Anyways,” Alyssa rolled her eyes. I wanted to slap her eyes straight. Maybe it would help them stop rolling. I looked up at Vincent. He gave me a look like he was trying to say sorry. I felt his hand rest on the small of my back. “Wayne here was going to have a little get together tonight. We’ve been trying to call you but you’ve been ghosting us,” Alyssa said to Vincent and then looked me up and down. I was about to lose my damn mind with this girl when I heard someone shout my name. “Claire!” It was Baylee rushing into the store with Sarah and Pops. She ran behind the counter wrapping her arms around me. Pops came in and hugged me. I was grateful for the excuse to leave. Sarah asked if I could watch Baylee for a moment while she helped Pops upstairs. “Sure things come on Baylee. You can help me make something for poppy to eat” “Oh now that sounds good. When you’ve all finished up down here, come on up and join me for a minute,” pops smiled. “Okay,” I reached my hand out to Baylee and led her to the back. We started making sandwiches and lemonade for everyone. I would look over towards Vincent and notice Alyssa’s expressions change when she looked at me. We were just finishing up when I heard Travis shout my name. I handed Baylee a pen and asked her to write our names on the cups. “What are you doing after you're off work?” He was leaning on the counter. I didn’t want to tell them I was going in for a photo shoot. I was honestly a bit embarrassed by it, but I would like to be able to save up my own money. “I have a job interview at the mall today” “Why are you looking for a job?” Alyssa sneered at me. “Because I like to work and I need money” “Aren’t your parents super rich? Don’t they have money?” “Exactly, they have money. I don’t know what you think of me and frankly I don’t care, but the financial status of me or my family has nothing to do with you. You’ve been giving me dirty looks since the first day you started school. If you have a problem with me then say it, but think about what you have to say first. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to finish making our food” I was getting sick of people thinking I was some spoiled little rich girl and if this was the company Vincent liked to keep then I’d rather hang out by myself.
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