Chapter 7

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Vincent I was a bit surprised by Claire’s outburst and felt kind of bad for Alyssa, but she had it coming. Everyone just always assumes Claire is a spoiled little brat and they let her know it, but she never had a problem putting them in their place “We tried to tell you,” Travis laughed. “Shut up,” she smacked his arm. “I like her,” she crossed her arms and looked at the spot where Claire was standing. “So what’s the deal between you guys?” she pointed at me and the empty spot next to me. “I don’t know what youre talking about,” I tried to hide my smile. “When did this happen?” Travis looked shocked. “Nothing happened” “Whatever you say,” Alyssa smiled, “when are you guys out of here?” “Just have to bust the last tables over there and say bye to pops then-“ “Hey Vincent, we gotta go. There are already people lining up at the doors. I’ll see you and Claire when you’re done here,” Sarah gave me a hug and left. “I didn’t see your car here. Do you guys want a lift to the mall?” Wayne asked. “It’s around back. Thanks though” “Maybe we can all still go in one car. Get to know Claire a little more,” Alyssa said. “Here,” Travis held his hand out, “I’ll go bust the last tables while you go and ask Claire and say goodbye” “Thanks man,” I gave Travis the spray bottle and towel. “Can we help?” Alyssa asked. I smiled and handed her a broom and asked Wayne to put the chairs up. I went upstairs to see Claire and Pops talking and laughing as they went through some old photos. “What do you got there?” I asked. “Oh just some of the old family photos. There are just so many of you guys now it’s hard to keep track,” pops smiled. Pops never actually had a big family. Our parents told us how he kind of adopted them after they became friends with his only grandson JJ. Mason likes to say that he adopted them before they were friends with JJ. After that though he’s been Pops ever since. “This was your guy's parents at graduation. We had just finished JJ’s and rushed over to see your parents. It was a big mess. Your parents didn’t want to miss JJ’s so they were all dressed in their gowns and cap attending a different school graduation. Needless to say we got a lot of funny looks” It was nice to see all the old photos of my dad, but I noticed at the same time as Claire that these photos had an extra person in them. We pointed at the same person at the same time. “Hey poppy, who is this girl hugging my dad in the group photo?” Claire asked. As I scanned the rest of the pictures I only saw one group photo with Claire and Mason and one photo with them by themselves. “Oh, well I think she was just some random fan your dad had. He was a very popular guy,” he closed the book, “I suppose you better get going if you want to make it to the photo shoot,” he smiled, giving Claire and I a hug as we said goodbye. We slowly descended the stairs, leaving with more questions than answers. “Did you notice that when my mom was in the group picture everyone looked so happy?” “Yeah. Looks like nothing has changed” “Did you notice that when the other girl was in it their moods seemed to sour? And who was the guy in the back next to Josh and Sam? I had to think for a minute. I knew almost everyone in that photo. My dad, Mason, Josh, Sam, JJ, Chase, Aiden and Andrew, but there was only one guy I didn’t know. Now that I think about it. I never asked who he was. I figured it was just some guy that kind of fell out of the group. “Have you ever asked your parents about that guy?” “I did when I was younger, but my mom told me that he was a friend who went down a different path then the rest of them” This just left more questions spinning in my head. “Have you seen that graduation picture at your house?” “What?” “The picture with that random fan of my dad’s?” “No. I don’t think so. We only have the one where your mom and Erika are in it” “That’s right! Erika was only in the pictures if my mom was,” she brought her fingers to her mouth, resting the tips of them on her bottom lip, “I don’t think she was just some random fan, the way they changed their looks was so-“ she stopped as she looked at the cafe. Travis was in the kitchen drying off the last of the dishes. “There you are. We’re just about done. Alyssa and Wayne are just sweeping up” We looked at the front and saw Wayne holding the dust pan while Alyssa swept the dirt into it. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that. Vincent can leave now if you guys want to go” Travis smiled and covered his eyes with one of his hands as he let out a deep sigh. “You didn’t ask her, did you?” “Ask me what?” “Well lover boy here was suppose to see if you’d like us to give you a lift to the mall” She became noticeably uncomfortable with the idea, crossing her arms and looking over towards Alyssa and Wayne. “Thank you. I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think she’d want me to go. I’d rather not get into more fights then I’m already in” “Oh?” Travis crossed his arms and stood next to her, “who dares to fight our princess,” he nudged her with his elbow, making her laugh. “Don’t call me that and it’s nothing I can’t handle” “Tell you what, you let us give you a ride to the mall and in exchange you get to know us and think about coming to Wayne’s party?” She looked hesitant and to my surprise she nodded. “Okay” “Okay?” She nodded. “Thank you!” He hugged her, lifting her off the ground and spun her around a couple of times. “Put her down. You’re going to hurt her,” I said, but couldn’t help but smile as she laughed. “So you’ll come with us?” Alyssa asked with an apologetic look. “Yeah. Thank you,” she just smiled at them. We locked up and piled in the car. Alyssa and her had a lot more in common than Alyssa thought. Claire was fitting in just fine, but she’s always been able to fit in with everyone.. *** We were walking around the mall for a minute when we heard some scream with excitement. “Claire!” Someone had nearly knocked her over from behind by jumping on her back. Luckily I was able to hold her up so she didn’t go face first into the floor. “Erika! Don’t do that. You nearly gave me a heart attack,” Claire held her chest. “I’m sorry. I was so excited. Sarah just told us you were going to work for us and I just had to come and find you” “Wait, Erika I-“ “Your mom is already waiting, let’s go! Your friends can come too,” she gripped Travis’ arm tightly. The look of sheer terror on his face was priceless. We laughed as we followed them to the store. There were about twenty girls in the store with resumes and photos of themselves in their hands. “What did she say she was applying for?” Travis leaned in and whispered. “She didn’t” “What is the position for?” Alyssa asked, glaring at a girl who brushed past Wayne. “Well…” “You guys come back here!” Erika waved us to the back. I laughed as Alyssa flipped off the girl who was drooling over Wayne. There were girls getting photos taken, others in changing rooms and the rest were in hair and makeup. That’s where we saw Claire. When they finished her makeup she saw us in the mirror. She stood out from all the other girls. She got out of the chair and even some of the other girls were gawking at her. She was wearing an emerald green A-Line long strapless sleeveless dress with a slit up the side. It fit her like a second skin, showing off her curves. Her black hair was in loose waves. She had on darker eye makeup with hints of green , making her gray eyes pop, her plump lips were painted with a bright red lipstick. “Hey,” she looked down. “You look amazing,” Alyssa smiled. “Thank you. You know I’m sure if you want my mom and aunts could get you in on this” “Oh no, I don’t think I-“ “You want to join? That’s fantastic! I’ve had my eye on you and I think I have the perfect outfit that would look amazing on you!” My mom clasped her hands together. “Hi mom,” “Hello sweetheart,” she gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, “are these your friends?” “Mom, you already know Travis. This is Wayne and Alyssa. You guys this is my mom Ellie” “Nice to meet you” “It’s nice to meet more of Vincent’s friends. Now, if you’ll step this way,” she started to pull Alyssa to one of the dressing rooms, “Claire you're up next.” “Okay” I could see her gripping the side of her dress. She was taking deep breaths and looking down. I could tell she was nervous. I placed my hand under her chin and tilted her head up to look at me. “Hey, you’re going to be fine. Just do what you do best” “What’s that?” “Just be you” She smiled. “Claire you’re up” “Ok,” she walked away, but turned back and smiled at me. “Wipe the drool from your mouth lover boy,” Travis nudged me, “come on. Wayne texted Alyssa. We’ll meet the girls at the food court. You can explain what’s been going on” I left, but not till I saw Claire was comfortable in front of the camera. She looked over at me and gave me one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen. We hardly made it out of the store when they started shooting questions left and right at me. “So what’s the deal? What changed?” Travis asked. “We talked it out and we’re good” “Just like that?” “Just like that” “I thought you two were related,” Wayne asked. “No we’re not. We were pretty much raised together. My parents are friends with her parents” “I see. I was gonna be really concerned if you were,” he laughed. “So come on man. Tell us what happened. A day ago you guys acted like you hardly knew each other and now it’s like we’re back in second grade,” Travis asked as we waited in line at a smoothie shop. “I told you. We talked it out. Turns out it we just didn’t understand each other” “So you two are together now or what?” “No” “Oh I forgot she was still with that i***t” “Actually she’s not. They broke up yesterday morning when he showed up at her house” “Why?” “He was getting to grabby and I guess she had enough. She told him to stop and he got mad and she broke up with him” ”That makes sense now,” Wayne crossed his arms. “What?” “He was pissed off at yesterday’s practice. He was losing focus and getting angry at everyone. I saw that one girl they’re always hanging out with waiting for him near the locker room. What’s her name?” he scratched his head trying to remember. “Katie?” “Yeah! Isn’t she the one you were with?” “No. I wasn’t one of her favorites because I wouldn’t bed her like the others” “How noble of you,” Travis grabbed our drinks, Wayne grabbed the girls' drinks and I paid. “Hey, I’m not just going to sleep with every girl who comes onto me” “Maybe try it out sometime. You might find that you like it,” Travis made a kissing face at me. “Get out of here,” I pushed him away. “The only way you’re going to get rid of me is when I meet my dream girl,” Travis sat down, but was staring straight ahead. The girls were walking towards us. They had on the clothes they came here in, but it looked like they had been altered a bit. They still had their hair and makeup done. “My god! Where have you been all my life,” Travis pulled out the chairs for them. “Travis,” Wayne said in a warning tone. “Simmer down super chief. It’s not a competition” “But he’d be winning,” Claire giggled. Her and Alyssa were getting along really well now. We talked for a while and realized it was getting late and Wayne was going to need to head back to get ready for the game. “Is it cool if Travis and I hang out with you guys till the game?” Alyssa asked Claire. “Sure, are you guys going to drop Wayne off?” They looked at her confused. “Aren’t you coming to the game?” She looked at me with those beautiful eyes. I didn’t know what she wanted to do, but whatever it was I would be there for her.
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