Kitten was observed sitting by the campfire, adorned with a smile on her countenance. Based on my conjecture, she might have informed him. The evening had transpired favorably, as Frank impeccably arranged the fire, creating a cozy and warm ambience. Throughout this period, I deeply yearned for Cerberus; hence, I pondered upon the idea of checking on his well-being. Upon wandering into the woods for a considerable duration, I fortuitously encountered a lake, characterized by its pure and untainted water.
At the water's edge, Azariah and Cerberus were found in a state of tranquility. This prompted my curiosity, as I wondered about the events unfolding. Abruptly, an unexpected explosion erupted in the vicinity of their presence. Subsequent to the dispersal of smoke, Cerberus was discovered lying incapacitated, enduring a profuse loss of blood. Instinctively, I hurriedly rushed to his side, beseeching him to regain consciousness, fervently concerned for his well-being.
The intensity of my emotions overwhelmed me, resulting in the uncontrollable descent of tears. My anxiety for Cerberus grew, leading me to relentlessly shake him in an effort to revive him. To my astonishment, Hydra materialized, seizing Azariah by the neck. I distinctly recall his menacing proclamation, threatening the demise of our group. Unexpectedly, an unidentified individual emerged from a distance, admonishing Hydra's reprehensible conduct. Displaying an unseemly delight, Hydra suggested that we be taken captive, relishing the prospect of the impending amusement.
Pondering the identity of this enigmatic figure, they swiftly abducted Cerberus and Azariah, vanishing into thin air. Filled with trepidation, I hastily returned to the campsite.
After my return to Camp, I promptly awakened Frank, who appeared startled, and he inquired about the reason for my urgency. I proceeded to convey that Cerberus and Azariah had been apprehended.
Frank asked, 'Where have they taken them?'
'I am uncertain, but we cannot handle this situation unassisted. We must seek assistance,' I replied.
'Alright, let us remain composed, Kitten. We shall locate them and ensure their safety. However, let us take a moment to consider our next course of action. Do you possess any recollection of the direction in which they were taken?' Frank proposed.
'I do recall their rapid departure, though I managed to observe their general heading to the west. We must make haste, Frank,' I frantically responded.
'Refrain from hastiness, Kitten, as we require a well-thought-out plan,' Frank urged.
'Time is of the essence, Frank,' I argued.
Frank's logical statement resonated with me, prompting us to engage in an extensive discussion throughout the night. At first light, we embarked on a multi-day journey, skillfully tracking and deciphering signs, inquiring of passersby regarding any sightings of the convoy. Each evening, we meticulously fine-tuned our plan.
I was pleased to discover that Frank possessed intellect and proved to be a reliable companion. After a few more days, we eventually stumbled upon their camp.
Under the cover of darkness, I discreetly infiltrated the vicinity while everything proceeded smoothly. Frank cleverly provided a diversion for me, which was accompanied by a commotion.
Upon reaching the holding cell, I diligently searched through each individual cell, only to find that they were nowhere to be found.
Anxiety began to consume my thoughts as I pondered on their whereabouts. Suddenly, I heard a faint voice from a distance.
May I inquire as to the purpose of your presence here?
To my surprise, it was an elderly man confined in the farthest cell, appearing frail and fatigued. Without hesitation, I decided to unlock the cell.
Allow me to assist you in escaping from this place, I offered, supporting him as we proceeded, despite his sluggish pace. I knew deep down that extending help was the right thing to do.
However, my mind remained preoccupied with concerns for Cerberus and Azariah. The weight of worry burdened me.
In a feeble tone, the old man expressed, It seems I am not the individual you were seeking, am I?
Regrettably, I confirmed that he was not the one I was searching for, but assured him that we would secure his freedom.
Your friends are unharmed, Kitten, he replied, knowing my name. Intrigued, I questioned his identity.
He told me that they are not present here. Your friends are resilient, barely managing to escape, but they succeeded.
I was pleased to learn that we had arrived in this spacious room, as I was unsure of our location.
You have come a long way, but your journey ends here, I heard from a distance.
Hydra was standing there, and as I attempted to turn, I was suddenly seized by the throat and lifted into the air by Frank.
I could hardly believe it. Why was he doing this? Then, he spoke.
I have waited years for this. The lies I had to tell, and yet everyone fell for them. Yes, spells have the ability to make my kind evil, but that is simply because it is our inherent nature. I led my tribe into a trap solely for them to witness their true selves.
He laughed, and I was astounded. He had deceived his own people in this way. He lied to us, and yet we all considered him a friend.
He threw me aside, and I collided with the wall. He turned his gaze to the old man who attempted to strike him. Reacting swiftly, I intervened and shielded the old man from the blow.
I will not allow you to harm him. He is innocent.
As I shouted, a shockwave emanated from me, propelling Frank backwards.
I had never experienced such an ability before. Looking around, I noticed blood staining the surrounding area.
Many enemies lay lifeless. The old man commended me, saying 'good job.' Furthermore, the magical restraints that held me captive were broken.
I will not permit them to harm you. Despite realizing that I was bleeding, I refused to let anyone down. This old man required my assistance.
Frank rose to his feet and launched an attack, each punch and throw relentlessly assaulting me. I knew that I had to keep standing back up despite the pain. I had to persist.
Hydra laughed, claiming this was too entertaining. However, it was clear that it was all coming to an end. You can barely remain upright, Frank. Kill her.
In that moment, everything faded to black. It was over.