The Proposal

1484 Words
Rylee I hurriedly left the hotel, making sure to avoid any attention. I didn't want anyone to recognize me, especially after the scandal at my wedding. I hailed a taxi, but going home didn't feel right. Instead, I decided to head to the beach, a special place where I seek solace in times of sadness. There was a wooden deck that extended into the sea, leading to a small gazebo with a bench at the end. It was a secluded spot that I frequented. The sky was overcast, hinting at an impending rainstorm, mirroring my somber mood. Everything seemed colorless, a reflection of the betrayal I had experienced from two people I loved. As I strolled along the deck, gazing at the horizon, I allowed my mind to unburden itself from the weight of my emotions. Thoughts of the stranger I had been with last night flooded my mind. I couldn't believe I had been so reckless. Even during my years with Jonathan, I had never let him touch me. Yet, in a moment of drunkenness and anger, I had surrendered myself to a stranger. I berated myself for my foolishness. How could I have thought that such an act would alleviate my bitterness? Memories of the previous night flashed before me, including the sight of the man I had been with. He was undeniably attractive, with a body that was nothing short of enviable. I was relieved that I wouldn't have to face him again. The thought of his opinion of me after our encounter made me cringe. I attempted to shift the direction of my thoughts, but my mind persisted in bombarding me with memories of everything I had encountered in just one day. I halted at the edge of the deck, gazing out at the sea as the rain began to intensify. It won't be long before the area becomes unsafe. I crouched down to dampen my fingertips, and then I heard hurried footsteps approaching. I swiftly turned around to see two men with outstretched hands, urging me to calm down and move away from the sea. They were impeccably dressed, but their imposing stature was intimidating. "Miss, please listen to us and come with us. The sea is rough, don't make any rash decisions," one of them said. "Who are you?" I inquired, feeling bewildered. They resembled characters from a spy movie, dressed in matching black suits with stoic expressions. "We just want to ensure your safety. Let us accompany you," the other man insisted. "I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't know who you are or what you want from me. It's best if you stay away!" I asserted, attempting to sound resolute despite feeling terrified. I saw from the corner of my eye that the man who had been silent was now on his cell phone, speaking softly. I strained to hear what he was saying, but couldn't make out the words. They were getting closer and closer to me, and fear began to grip me. What did these men want from me? I was just an ordinary person; why would anyone want to abduct me? "Stay back! I'm warning you!" I shouted. "Warning us about what, Miss Rylee? What can you possibly do against two strong men like us?" I took a few steps back, my back hitting the wooden railing of the deck. I climbed up and hung on the other side, causing them to pause and look at me with uncertainty. In the distance, I noticed another figure running towards us through the rain and wind. It was impossible to tell if they were a potential savior or another threat. Glancing down, I saw the rough sea and felt the strong wind. I knew how to swim, but even I knew that what I was considering was risky. Yet, if they tried to capture me, I was prepared to jump. "Miss, we mean you no harm. We just want you to come back safely." "Then please leave! I don't need your help. I never asked for it. I just want to be left alone!" When the man I was expecting finally arrived, I was shocked to see him. It was him, the man from last night. I must be incredibly unlucky! What are the odds of this happening? How did he find me here? I never thought I would see him again! Maybe I'm fortunate and he doesn't recognize me. "Rylee, you need to leave now! It's not safe here." The fact that he knew my name startled me. How did he know who I was? I had never met him before. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" "You must know who I am... you left my room this morning, I'm sure you haven't forgotten that." If I wasn't so scared, I would probably be blushing right now. "And what is it that you want from me?" I inquired, but before I could hear his response, I lost my balance and fell into the sea. The saltwater stung my nose and chest as fear overtook me and I accidentally swallowed some. I struggled to orient myself and swim, but I felt a strong tug, and the man who had just been speaking to me, the same man I had woken up next to that morning, was pulling me back to the safety of the shore. Both of us emerged from the water exhausted, gasping for air. "Do you think it's worth risking your life for people like them?" "What? What are you talking about? I wasn't trying to end my life, you scared me half to death." "Don't play dumb, you know what I mean!" he stated in a stern and authoritative tone. "It's not worth doing something so reckless!" "Who do you think you are to dictate what I should do? I don't know you!" "I have a proposition for you... Marry me!" I can only hear water in my ears, or I'm going crazy. What did he say? To marry him? He must be out of his mind. "Are you joking with me? Look, I'm not having a good day, and you made it a little worse by making me fall into the water. I'm leaving. If you'll excuse me." "I'm not joking, Rylee. I'm serious. I want you to marry me. I can help you... and besides, it's my responsibility to stand for what I did. You were a virgin, and I feel responsible for what happened." "Help me? Help with what? You're crazy, a strange crazy person. There’s nothing to be responsible for. I wanted what had happened between us. We’re adults, and we can move on." "I can help you get revenge on them, your sister and your ex-fiancé. I can help you make them pay for what they did to you." "No! No! I'm not going to marry you, and you know what, I'm not going to take revenge on anyone. They're both equal! They deserve each other! I will not sink to their level." "They don’t deserve to be happy after what they did to you. If you marry me, we can get back at them." "And why do you care about that? What makes you think that I would accept such madness, and who are you, anyway?" "I have my own reasons." "Okay, but my answer is still no. I'm leaving, I'm freezing." "I'll take you to your house." "No! Thanks!" I left as quickly as I could. He must be crazy! How do you ask someone to marry you like that? And without even knowing them? I hailed a cab and headed home. Today couldn't have been any different. As I walked into the house, I saw my parents with Rosie and Jonathan, all hugging and smiling. Rosie was getting ready to leave for her honeymoon, and they were all acting as if they hadn't just ruined my life. "Oh, look who decided to show up. Where were you last night when we got here?" Rosie asked. "What does it matter to you, Rosie?" I retorted. "I'm just worried about my sister. Jonathan, can you talk to her? I'm pregnant and can't handle the stress," Rosie said. "I know you're upset, Rylee, but please be respectful," Jonathan added. "You're disgusting! You'll never be happy after what you did!" I shouted. My father slapped me across the face and defended Rosie. He was never there for me. He never showed me any love or attention like he did to her. "Don't talk to your sister like that!" he yelled at me. I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran out of the house. Outside, I bumped into someone. My eyes couldn't even focus properly because of the tears, but I recognized the voice when he asked what had happened. "I accept. I accept your proposal. I want revenge on all of them!"
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