My Ex-friend's Supposed Bride

1318 Words
Viggo A few months back, I got a wedding invitation, which was quite unexpected considering who it was from. Jonathan was tying the knot. If you had asked me years ago, I would have called him a great friend, but now all I can think about him is that he will have to answer for what he did to me one day. I had a gift sent to him with my best wishes for the wedding, but I made up my mind not to attend the ceremony. I'm sure he only invited me to prove that he's doing well and happy, despite everything. I'm a well-known businessman, with my name associated with many successful and highly profitable ventures. I'm known for being cold and calculating, and it's no surprise that I became a billionaire at such a young age. I steer clear of scandals and try to keep my private life out of the spotlight as much as possible. "Hey, how's it going?" Tyler, one of my few friends, barged into my office. "You know you're supposed to wait to be announced before entering my office, right?" I asked without looking up from the documents in my hands. "Geez, you're always in a bad mood. Why do I still bother being friends with you?" Besides having a company that we're partners in, he's very close to me. "What are your plans for later?" "Work, and when you're done, come over to my place!" I replied in a curt tone, hoping he'd get the hint that I had no intention of leaving. I glanced at him for the first time, his eyes filled with hope, like a child waiting to unwrap a Christmas gift. "Absolutely not!" I anticipated his persistence. Tyler was relentless, and that's why we made a great team—always chasing and achieving our goals. "I refuse to accept a no from you! You've been MIA for months, Viggo. There's more to life than just work. You're still young, don't be a grump when you're older!” "It wasn't by going out that I accomplished everything I have today; it was through hard work." I let out a defeated sigh, knowing he wouldn't back down. I reluctantly agreed to his invitation. "Now, get out of my office and let me work before I change my mind," I concluded. "And what's the point of having all this if you don't enjoy it? Same place, same time, see you there." He exited my office, whistling. Despite his absent-mindedness, Tyler is a smart guy. We've been friends since childhood, just like Jonathan. I wrapped up work just before closing time, and rushed home for a quick shower, with no intention of delaying. The security guards didn't even bat an eye at me, knowing better than to stop me. The venue was packed, as usual, but the attendees were typically high-class or at least accompanied by someone of importance, so there was no chaos. All my buddies were already there, and I could count them on one hand, even though they weren't all as close as Tyler. They welcomed me, already a bit agitated, and they drank a lot whenever they all went out together like that. After a little over an hour and a lot of chatting, I was ready to leave, but they kept holding me back until someone I didn't want to see showed up, making me feel repulsed to my core. "Nice to see you all together," Anna said, looking at each of us. There was no need to speak so loudly, as the VIP area is soundproofed to contain much of the sound coming from the dance floor. "Good to see you, Viggo. It’s rare to see you socializing," she smiled, a little embarrassed. I just gave a slight nod, wanting to get out of there at that exact moment. Everyone present felt the atmosphere change as soon as she arrived. Anna was my girlfriend in college when I was still preparing for the business world, and she really disappointed me. "It's my time, have fun. I still have a lot to do tonight," I left amidst Tyler's protests, but this time, neither he nor anyone else would be able to make me stay, not with her around. On the way to the exit, I bumped into a woman who was dancing. I helped her up and apologized, but she told me she would only apologize if I danced with her, and so I did. She seemed quite drunk. I danced with her because I had knocked her down, but when I was leaving after the third song, she kissed me by surprise. "What are you doing?" I asked in disbelief, but she barely gave me a decent answer. I couldn't leave the girl there in the situation she was in, even though I didn't want to stay there any longer. I decided to take her to one of the rooms and leave her safe before leaving. I entered the room, and she immediately tried to grab me again. I attempted to avoid her, but she persisted. I led her to the bed and was about to leave when she held me once more, responding to my comments about her and her memory. "I know who I am and what I want. Right now, I want you," she said determinedly. She slowly convinced me to stay with her, and I gave in because I needed to relax. We had an amazing night, and I slept contentedly. The next morning, I woke up to sunlight flooding the room. It took me a few seconds to remember where I was. When I looked around, the woman from the night before was nowhere to be found. I found money on the bedside table and bloodstains on the sheet. "She was a virgin! This can't be happening..." I searched for my phone and called my head of security to find out who the woman was. I needed her information as soon as possible! I was still seated on the bed, trying to process everything that had transpired. The lingering taste of her lips on mine was still present, sending a wave of heat through my body as I reminisced about the incredible night we shared. Every touch, every sound she made, the way her body responded to mine—these all sent a shiver down my spine. She had captivated me, seduced me, and then disappeared. I needed to find out who she was. A few minutes later, my phone rang. "Hello?” I answered right away. "Sir, the girl's name is Rylee Anderson. She lives with her parents and sister." There was a pause, as if the person on the other end was debating whether to share more information. "What else? Just tell me!" "She was supposed to get married yesterday. There are reports on gossip sites that she caught her fiancé in bed with her sister on the day of the wedding. She exposed the truth to all the guests, and called off the wedding, but her sister decided to go ahead and get married in her place." Yesterday? But that would have been Jonathan's wedding too... Could it be...? Is it possible that...?" "What is the groom's name?" I inquired, eager for confirmation. "Jonathan Noveu." The world truly is a small place! "Find Rylee, watch her closely, and inform me immediately once you locate her. I'll head to the house, and once you know her whereabouts, I'll join you." It's quite a remarkable coincidence, how our lives have intertwined once more. This is the opportunity I've been anticipating. I just went to shower, and as I was getting dressed, I received word that she had been discovered on a beach at the edge of town. "Keep a close watch on her, ensure nothing untoward happens. I'll arrive as fast as possible. I'm already on my way."
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