
1099 Words

“Faster! Help her out of the water!” the man whom I suppose to be trainer shouted.   Yes, that was the man who gave the instructions last night. Wait, is it morning already? I can see the light shining brightly now. Did I just spend the whole night inside that cave? Wow, I must be too scared to notice the time pass by so fast. After all, everything I was concerned with is for me to get out of that cave and help those who were injured.   “Great! Only ten made it this far,” one among those who helped me get out of the water said joyfully.   I turned my head and glanced at him. I shook my head when I saw his happy face. Did I hear that just right? The one who commented seemed happy that only ten of us made it this far. Did he even see the ones injured inside the cave?   “Alright. Ge

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