Did I Just Finish the Game?

1321 Words
My eyes were wide opened the moment I recognized the liquid that splashed on my face. What happened? Did someone nearby have an accident? Too bad it’s dark for me to see further. I can feel a cold sensation creep on my skin though. For some reason, I feel scared. What if something bad happened to those who went before me? After all, I cannot see anyone anymore. Also, were not there many people who went before me? Where are they now? Why can’t I see anyone? I felt that something strange is happening. However, I don’t know what it is.   My feet are trembling. I am literally encouraging myself to be strong this time, but my body is not listening. Afraid of blood since my mom died, my mind is being crippled by fear. Ah, I can still remember when my mom bathed in her own blood at that moment I opened the door of the place where we were staying before. My lower lip is trembling again. Ah, what if I see people bathing in their blood like mom in this place?   “No…no…” I whispered in between my deep breaths. This is not happening. This should not happen at all. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply to ease my mind. That has been working before. I know that I will be fine the moment I keep doing this.   “Be strong, Aldrea…” I whispered to myself. “There is no one to help you here. You are all by yourself now. You have no choice but to survive this no matter what happens.”   I am trembling. I am aware of that. All parts of me are also starting to get stiff. I know what this means. If this continues, I know that I would lose consciousness as what normally happened before. However, I need to fight this. I can faint here. Unlike the palace, there’s no one to carry me here. I can hear my rapid, shallow breathing but I kept speaking to myself. I should survive this. I’ve got no choice. What’s more, this cave seems to be full of many cliffs. I might fall into one if I won’t overcome my fears.   “Ah!”   I closed my eyes again as I hear another scream. This time, the one who screamed seems to be a woman. I should do my best to survive and help whoever needs my help. Forget about all these fears and feelings of self-insufficiency. These are all citizens of Ekron kingdom who need help. I should do my best to save as many as I can in case they’re hurt. At that thought, I felt my body get stronger. Immediately, my steps became faster, and my senses became more sensitive than before. I never thought that I could be this capable.   “H-help...help…” someone whispered.   Wait, that’s audible. That means that the person could be so near me. Before I could think of anything, my feet stepped on something soft.   “Ah…” someone complained.   I gasped. I guessed I hurt this wounded man unintentionally.   “I’m sorry…” I whispered as I bent to help him. With the dim light tied to my forehead through an elastic thing, I tried my best to understand what happened. My hand froze midair though the moment I saw the man’s face.   His face is almost unrecognizable. I closed my eyes and shook my head. This can’t be real.   “H-help me…” he whispered.   I slowly opened my eyes after letting out a heavy sigh. With trembling hands, I reached for his face. I palpated his pulse below his neck. Wait, the mere fact that he’s talking, he’s alive. What a stupid move I just did. Immediately, I scanned his body by lighting the other parts using the dim light on my forehead. I was shocked at what I saw. His right knee is almost twisted around. Still trembling, I turned the part to its original position.   “Ah!” the man shouted.   “I’m sorry…” I whispered. “It’s painful but it will help return back the part to its original position.”   No response. I can hear his deep and heavy breathing though. I tore the lining of my shirt and tied the part that could stop the heavy bleeding.   “T-thank you…” I heard him say after I did that. “C-continue the race…”   “But – “ I protested. There’s no way I am leaving him here.   I’m not sure if I heard him laugh a little. I frowned.   “I guess you’re new here…” he whispered. “This kind of thing is normal for us in this training field. Regardless of what happens, we should find a way to survive…”   “You’re…badly…injured…” I barely said those words. I cannot make him know how he really looks like.   This time, I saw him smile bitterly as he tried to look at me.   “What you did is a big help already…” he said and paused for a while. I’m not sure if I saw it right but I guess he is teary-eyed. “Tell me your name…”   “Aldrea…” I whispered. At this point, I don’t know what to feel for him. I would have cried the moment I saw his condition if only I am not thinking of the possible impact of my reaction to him.   “You have a good heart, Aldrea…” he said. “I will find you when I get out of this cave. Now, continue the race. See you outside of this cave later…”   “A-are you sure…about this?” I asked once again, reluctant to leave him alone.   “Yes…” he answered. “Roman… that’s my name…”   I nodded then stood up.   “Then I’ll see you at the top, Roman…” I said that as a sort of encouragement. This man just opened my eyes to one truth. No matter what happens, I should not give up.   “Be careful, Aldrea. There are a lot of traps inside this cave. That’s the nature of this game.”   “I will…” I answered and walked away from him. “Thank you.”   After Roman, I didn’t see anyone again which made me wonder where the others are. Are my teammates that fast to reach the other side of the mountain? After a few minutes of walking through, my eyes caught a sign inscribed on a rock. Wait, is this what I think it is? I can see some signs that mom taught me before. Yes, I can’t be mistaken. It says I should crawl. Without thinking much, I did as I saw. I crawled. Surprisingly, I crawled out of a very small passage. I can see another sign the moment I came out of the small hole. It says I should swim. True enough, the next thing I encountered is flowing water. I cannot go against its direction, so I swam towards where the river current is flowing. I don’t know how many minutes I swam before swimming out to the surface.   “Look! There is one more survivor!” I heard someone shouting. Turning my head, I saw a few people out of a cave. Wait, did I just make it out? Did I just pass the test?
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