She’s Different

1000 Words

I opened my eyes and stretched my hands as high as I could. I woke up early today to do what I was commissioned to do. It has been days since I was assigned to strengthen the labor force of this kingdom by no less than my own father, King William. Much as I was surprised by this big assignment, I cannot just sit down in one corner and do nothing. I need to start acting and doing things. After all, this is not just to prove my ability to my dad but this is for the good of Ekron Kingdom. Strengthening this can help boost the economy. It can make this kingdom stronger. “Your highness…” Marga said on the other side of the door. “… Your sister, Princess Elizabeth, is here.” “I’ll be out in a minute…” I answered. I frowned. Why is she here? It has been a long time that she didn’t bother me s

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