Is He Really My Dad?

1074 Words

Aldrea’s POV   “Princess, his Majesty the King is coming here,” Faith whispered to me after hurriedly walking towards the table where I am sitting at.   I frowned. My dad? King William? Is this for real? He has never paid any attention to me before. Why is he coming now? What for? When Sena told me that he came to see me after I fainted at the party, I found it too hard to believe. However, if it’s true that he is coming here now, then is this the same father I have months ago before I ran away from this place? What made his heart change towards me? For all I know, he hates me for who I am and that was clear even before. What changed now?   A sudden knock on the door cut my thinking. Faith, who was standing on my side, looked at me before walking towards the door to open it as if say

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