1586 Words

CASSANDRA's POV "Let's sit over there!" Sab beams while pointing the seat at the back of the seat of the soccer players. We are here at the soccer field, to watch the practice of the players. Of course, I will be seeing Khai. As much as I don't want to watch, I have no choice since Steph is in her practice and I have to wait for her. I was supposed to watch her practice, but non-cheerleaders are not allowed to stay inside of their practice room. If I wait for her in the car, it will be boring. Moreover, Sab is forcing me to watch the practice, to support our friends. Jeez, it's not the final game yet, but anyway, since I am here already, we are already sitting on the bleachers, I will just watch. Well, the players are not here yet. They are still at their locker, changing uniforms. "H

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