1306 Words

[FAST FORWARD] @AFTER PRACTICE SAB's POV Presently, Von and I are here in the restaurant near our school, eating dinner before we will head home. In the middle of our dinner, what I have seen in Cassandra's i********: account flashback in my mind which makes me stopped eating. "Hey, babe. I wanna ask you something." I say. "Hmm? What is it?" Von interrogates, without gaping at me. He is focusing on eating his food. "Did you also noticed something strange between Khai and Cassandra?" With my questions, he stops eating, lifts his head to look at me, and asks, "what do you notice?" "Well, I think they have a relationship but they just don't say it. Do you remember when Khai told us that he has a girlfriend? Could it be... He was referring to Cassandra?" "Aye. I don't think they

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