Chapter 15: Lisa part 3

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. “You assh*le,” Lisa tried to move her legs but she realized that this man actually tightly tied her in the chair. “What did you do to him?” “ME?” Kier pointed at himself and chuckled. “I didn't do anything to nandie.,” he laughed. Lisa furrowed. “Look how pitiful you are, “ Kier pulled his chair and sat on it. “You don’t have any idea that your lovely brother was actually working with us?” he smirked and crossed his arms. “My brother has nothing to do with you, don’t you dare confuse me with your lies,” Lisa said with a threatening voice. “ I may not have seen my brother always, but he would never dare to have a connection with you.” Kier looked at her in disbelief and started to laugh, loud enough to make Lisa feel angrier. “Haha, I’m sorry,” Kier said. He put his right hand on his head and tried to hide his laughter. “Your brother is just like you,” he said smiling. “He has no idea that you were a mafia’s right hand.” He then removed his hand from his head and pulled his chair closer to Lisa. “ You know, if you just told him the truth.” he paused and put his lips closer to Lisa's ear. “He might have left us and didn't have to do such things,” he whispered. He moved away from her with a broad smile on his lips. “But what could he do?” He looked and looked straight into Lisa's eyes, “ He must finish his task, or else I can't save you and you’ll die.” “Task?” Lisa suddenly realized his words. “What do you mean?” she furrowed. Kier raised his eyebrows, “Well, you probably know that after that stupid act of stealing information,” he said and sighed. “ You're so-called, Mr.Calixtro will definitely have our eyes on his neck.” “Go straight to the point,” Lisa complained and rolled her eyes. She’s a little impatient with Kier’s words. “Easy,” Kier chuckled. “Well, I just asked him to kill your boss so that you both could be safe,” he said without any scruple. “Good thing, you dragged him into that house in exchange for you.” Kier laughed. “It will be easy for him to grab a knife and stab your boss.” “Stupid,” Lisa whispered and grinned. Kier furrowed, “stupid? Who? Me?” he said, pointing his finger on his chest. “Do you actually think that Mr.Calixtro was that simple? “ Lisa smirked. “And my brother? Seriously?” she paused and looked at kier with a disgusted face. “Enough with your lies boy, My brother was not that capable.” She said confidently. “Killing a cockroach is way too hard for him. What more if you asked him to kill someone?” Lisa laughed. “He’s way more capable than you are,” Kier smirked at her and stood up. “You never know what your brother can do.” Lisa suddenly paused and thought of Kier’s words. Impossible. She thought. Lisa may not have been there for Fernand all the time, but she knew that he wouldn't be doing such a thing. Also, he was in college, getting remarkable grades. He wouldn't care about such mafias and gangs, right? She asked herself, trying to hold her trust to her brother. Not long after, Lisa was distracted by the sound of the phone ringing. She didn't bother to look around since Kier was the only person she was with. “Hello?” Kier said as he picked up the call. He raised his eyebrow when the man on the other line replied. “Chael?” he said and turned his back to Lisa. “What do you mean?” his voice suddenly raised upon hearing Chaels report. Lisa tried to focus on her hearing, geez, I can’t hear their convo. She thought as she kept focusing on Kier. “Calixtro brought his lover, sir.” chael reported. Lisa's eyes widen to hear those words. Even Though she has been serving Mr.Calixtro for years now, she never heard him go on dates, except from Mr.Calixtro late-boyfriend. Nevertheless, it’s impossible for him to have a lover since he has no trust in relationships at all. Lisa thought and her face scrunched. After the day Mr.Calixtro’s ex boyfriend died, he never had a chance to date someone, he only gave his time to work and make his group bigger. “Lover huh?” Kier smirked. “Then there will be a Romeo and Juliet scene,” he paused and chuckled. “Is it Juliet though?” he laughed. Lisa shrugged her head. “Then proceed to our plan. Let’s help nandie.” he said smiling. Even though he was the one who asked Fernand to kill his sister’s boss. He knew that he couldn't do it easily. Just like Lisa said, he’s not that capable. He thought and looked at lisa. “Gregorio will be happy if this succeeds.” he said and dropped the call. Fernand was not that capable of killing someone who’s closer to him. And since Kier noticed that he had developed closeness to his boss, It would take time before he decided to take his life. “Well maybe it’s time to say goodbye to your boss?” Kier smirked and turned around to face Lisa. “Maybe not,” she said confidently. Knowing Mr.Calixtro, Lisa knows that he can’t be killed easily. “Hmp. really?” Kier raised his brow. “Let’s see.” he said and left the room, Leaving Lisa alone in the wide room. After Kier leaves, two men suddenly barge inside the room, “Don’t make a scene, we can’t promise your safety. “ A man with blonde hair said and walked closer to Lisa. They both get a knife from their pants and cut the ropes that tied Lisa’s hand and feet. Lisa quietly thinks of using this opportunity to escape, but the man seems to read her thoughts. “We told you don’t make anything that can hurt you.” Lisa smirked and turned her gaze to the man cutting the rope on her hands. She was stunned to see a familiar face. She was shocked that she couldn't even get her eyes out of the man. “Jayven” she said out of nowhere. The man looked at her with a blank face and finished untying her. “Kier told us to untie you because Fernand won't like it,” Jayven said and pulled his gun out and pointed at Lisa. “He also told us to shoot you if you tried to escape.” he then charged his gun. “Don’t move,” he paused and whispered “please.” He looked straight into Lisa's eyes and stared at her for seconds before turning his gaze and signaling the blonde guy to move. They walked backward while their guns were still pointed at Lisa. Lisa sighed and shook her numb hands. “We met again, yet you’re pointing your gun at me?” she said while moving both hands in a circular motion. “I see my knife was splendid, right? it cuts through your skin.” She looked at her thigh and smirked. Jayven stopped moving, “I can’t even feel it right now.” “Really?” Lisa commented and stood up from her seat. “Sh*t my ass hurts,” she said while rubbing her numb ass. “That assh*le made me sit for the entire day. How cruel.” She whispered to herself. The two men got alert as Lisa looked at them with pouty lips. “Why are you pointing a gun at me, I don't have any weapon here.” “You still suck at acting cute and pretty, huh,” Jayven mocks. Lisa shrugged her shoulders, “I guess, I never change- unlike you.” she replied and held the chair’s top rail. “Oh!” Lisa exclaimed as she pulled the chair up and threw it at them. Jayven was luckily alert and used both his arms to protect himself. However, the guy he was with was a bit slow and caught all the impact of the chair. Both of their guns fell to the ground when they hit the ground. ”F*ck” the guy cursed and held his bleeding nose as, he was the one who got the chair’s impact. Jayven looked at him in pity and shook his head. He checked himself and was relieved to find out that he only had scratches on his arms. “What the hell do you think you are doing, Lisa?” Jayven asked. He was about to meet Lisa’s eye when he saw her about to attack, he immediately picked up his gun and pointed it at her. “Stop,” he said, but lisa didn't listen to him, “Sh*t,” he cursed and aimed his gun at Lisa. Bang! Lisa suddenly stopped and raised her hands. She was lucky to dodge the bullet in a small time. “Or not,” she whispered while looking at the gun jayven was holding, it was not pointed directly at her. It seems that Jayven pointed the gun in the wrong way. “Have you lost your skills?” She mocks him. “Sh*T” Jayven cursed and stood up immediately. “I told you not to move, you-” he angrily glared at her. “What a hard headed Phoenix.” he grinned. He picked up the rope from the floor that they used to tie her and used the gun to signal Lisa to turn around. “Hands on your back.” he said. “Don’t move or I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger.” he threatened her and quickly held Lisa’s hand. He put his gun in his pocket and used the rope he picked up to tie Lisa’s hands. “What are you playing?” Lisa furrowed. She felt that the rope was not the thigh unlike before. If she wanted to escape it was easy for her to untie it. Instead of answering her question Jayven smirks at her and points his gun to her temple. “Let’s say, I’ll pay my debt.” Lisa looked at him with confusion, “What?” she asked. But before she could react, a heavy force suddenly pushed her on the ground. It’s jayven’s foot that pushed her. “Argh,” she complained when she felt aching on her back. “f**k!” she cursed and turned her head to see jayven. “WHAT THE HELL MAN.” she angrily shouted at him. She tried to get up but Jayven put his feet on her back. Jayven pulled out his gun. He removed his feet from Lisa’s back and held her shoulder to turn her body towards him. He smirked as he grabbed Lisa's hair, making her scream in pain. “Letgo!” she commanded. Jayven pulled her hair and pushed her hard to the ground. “Arghh.” Lisa cried in pain. “I told you not to move,” Jayven said and moved closer to her. “How many times do you have to repeat that, huh? I didn't even move, assh*le” she annoyingly complained. “Don’t you have any words to say? Is that the only phrase you're stupid brain can think of?” she asked. Jayven sighs and sits beside Lisa then reaches for Lisa’s hair. He stroked her hair like a psychopath who’s addicted to her hair. Lisa felt goosebumps to her whole body when Jayven suddenly moved his face closer to her ears. “If it wasn't you who trained me, I wouldn't have survived in the Phoenix hive,” he whispered to her. “Consider this a thank you and sorry gift.” “Gift? If you’re sorry, shouldn’t you let me escape rather than give me a stupid gift? ” Lisa confusedly asked. Jayven shook his head and tightened his hold on Lisa's hair. . “You talked too much!” “ Wow, now it’s me who talks-.” Lisa was cut off when Jayven pushed her on the ground and went on top of her. He held her shoulder and pointed his gun to her head. Lisa looked at him straight to the eyes and got confused when Jayven kept pointing at the floor with his eyes. “What’s wrong with your eyes?” Lisa's eyebrows curled in confusion.. Jayven was disappointed and shook his head. “Are you really 29-year-old? How stupid,” Jayven commented and pulled her up. “No need to thank me.” he banged Lisa's head into his and acted hurt. He put his two hands on his forehead and cursed in pain “F*uck”. He rolled on the ground like Lisa was shocked at first and didn't dare to move as she tried to absorb everything that’s happening. “Eh?” she said blankly as he saw Jayven rolling on the floor. The headbang was not that hard to react in such a way, oh!. She suddenly realised what Jayven just done. How stupid. She smirked as she realized that Jayven was putting on an act to help her escape. She immediately reached for the rope around his hands and tried to remove it. She was still looking at Jayven who was rolling on the ground when she felt a string of rope. She pulled it and, without any difficulty, she untied herself. She then went on top of Jayven. “You're overdoing it.” she said and held jayven’s hand that was holding the gun. “WTH?” Jayven confusedly asked her. “Stay put, let’s make your acting more believable.” she said and smashed Jayven’s hand to the floor. “Ahhh!!” Jayven screamed in pain. “The F*ck.” he cursed in pain and completely loosened his hold to the gun. Lisa took the opportunity and picked up the gun. She then turned her body back and shot the blonde guy. The guy didn't have a chance to react as the bullet got straight to his head and fell on the ground. “Whoa? Good eyes huh?” Jayven said in surprise as Lisa perfectly shot the guy’s head. “Lucky for him I guess?,” Lisa smirked and turned to Jayven. She pointed the gun at him. “Don’t move.” But instead of mocking her, Jayven suddenly went silent and his eyes were wide enough for Lisa to notice that something was off. She mouthed the words, “what was it?” while keeping herself calmed down. Jayven turned his gaze at her and stared blankly at her. “You’re the one who’s supposed not to move, Lisa.” A man suddenly said along with the sound of a gun being reloaded. “Am I right?” it added. Lisa felt a cold thing press on her head. She raised her hand. “Good timing” she said while grinning. She held tightly to the gun she was holding and ready herself to but it seemed that the man knew what she was thinking. “Don't bother to do such a thing, Lisa.” it said. “Put down the gun, you can’t even use it, right Jayven?” Jayven chuckled and nodded. “Of course sir, Kier.” he then pushed Lisa to the side and stood up in front of Kier. “She can only use a short-range weapon.” he mischievously smiled. “Oh?really?” Kier said in a flat tone and pointed his gun towards Jayven. “But it was easy to pull a trigger.” Bang! In a snap Jayven's body fell on the ground. Lisa turned around after the bang sounds and was shocked to see Jayven’s body lying on the ground. “Jayven!” She shouted and walked towards Jayven's body. “What the hell?” She turned her head to Kier. “What?” Kier innocently asked. “He was stupid to help you escape.” he said pointing at Jayven. “Him?” Lisa chuckled, “He hates me more than you do.” “Oh?” Kier said acting all schock. “I don’t think so, just look how you run towards that boy.” “Do you think i’m that stupid?” Kier furrowed. “I was there,When both of you was doing some stupid play” he pointed at the room’s door and giggled. “You told me not to thank you,” he said, imitating Lisa. “Also you can’t blame me for killing your guy, he disrespected me when I was still in cebu.” Kier said and crossed his arms. “Who knows if he still works with you guys, Gregorio will surely kill me if that happens,” he shrugged. “I also ordered him not to touch or leave a scratch on you, yet he was bold enough to put bruises on you.”Kier said pointing at Lisa’s arm. “Tch.” Lisa smirked in disbelief. She looked at her arm and was surprised to see a purplish thing on it. It was probably when Jayven pushed me. She thought “You know, Lisa.” Kier walked closer to her. “If ever Fernand visited you and saw those bruises on you, he wouldn't like it,” he said and stopped in front of Lisa. he squatted down to level his head with her. “So, behave yourself,” he said and picked up Jayven’s gun from Lisa's hand. “You don’t want to worry him, am I right?” Lisa didn't dare to answer him. She just can’t take it when her brother is involved in their conversation. “Clean the mess, and don’t let her escape,” Kier ordered his man. Once again, Lisa was tied up on a new chair while Kier’s men were dragging Jayven’s body out of the room. “Untie her before you leave,” Kier added before he took a last glance at Lisa and left. “Sh*t Fernand, I hope he was not telling the truth,” Lisa said while looking at the man who was cleaning her room.
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