Chapter 17: Betrayal

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental It was unusual to see Miko’s brother, Louis, to be seen in such an event; Louis with the powerful mafia, Calixtro, it doesn't seem right. Just to have the idea that Louis is an innocent and quiet son of Mayor Batumbakal, who received lots of academic awards is a big question as he steps inside the house of a mafia who deals with illegal such things. “Why is he here? Where’s Miko?” Fernand whispered under his breath as goosebumps crawled to his body. “Sh*t.” he cursed and gulped his saliva when Louis suddenly looked at him. “Good day, Mr. Calixtro, I’m Lois, nice to meet you.” Louis introduces himself and extends his hand. Mr.Calixtro takes his hand and shakes it. “Nice meeting me? Haven't we already met?” he replied sarcastically. “Why are you here?” he asked in a dull tone. Fernand suddenly furrowed, “they know each other?” he asked out of nowhere which made everyone in the room look at him. He froze out of shock, “oh!” he said to divert their attention. “W-well do you like coffee?” he asked. Mr.Calixtro smiled at him, thinking that he might feel jealous as Calixtro knows someone handsome. “please.” he nodded. Without any words, Fernand walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. “Sir Fernand, what brought you here?” the maid asked him. He looked around and saw that the maids were preparing food. “Oh, Jamie asks me to give them coffee, do we have a coffee machine?” he asked. The maid nodded and escorted him. “Thank you,” he said to the maid and grabbed some mugs. He opened the coffee machine and put the mugs on it, while waiting he sighs and sits on the floor. “How did they know each other?” he asked himself. He tried to remember anything about Miko’s brother but he only thought of what Miko always says. He's a top student, he’s handsome and most of all he knows nothing but being perfect. “Geez, this is making me insane!” He then shakes his head and stands up. Miko is used by Mayor Batumbakal as a bridge to his illegal activities while Louis is the face of Batumbakal, that is what Miko always shows. “So, Louis has no reason to be here, right?” he once again asked himself. With a clouded mind, Fernand accidentally dropped one of the mugs he was holding. “F*ck.” he cursed and bent his knee to reach the broken pieces of mugs. He carefully put it all together but because he was still absentminded he lost concentration and pierced himself with broken pieces. “Stupid” he said to himself after seeing the long cut on his fingers. He immediately went to the sink and cleaned his cut. one of the maids went to him with a worried face.“Sir Fernand, are you okay?” Fernand looks at the old lady who’s wearing an apron and holding a spatula. “Oh, yes. I’m okay ate Marie.” he said and smile. The maid walked towards him and was shocked to see the broken pieces of mugs on the floor, “what happened here?” she asked. Fernand didn't answer and gave her a forced smile. “Nevermind i’ll clean this.” she said and left. Fernand continued cleaning his wound. When he saw that his fingers were no longer bleeding he reached for a tray and put all the coffee he made on it. “Oh, look where you are walking!” the old lady maid warned him as he’s about to walk on it. He didn't notice that Marie was already back. “Sorry ate Marie.” He apologised and turned around to use the other way. “Okay, okay.” Marie said and used a broom to clean the left pieces on the ground. “Thank you, Marie.” he thanked the maid before he went back to the office room. As he knocked on the door, Ralph opened it and helped him with the tray of coffee. “Thanks. “ he said. He walked in and heard Louis speaking. “The election is coming and we need your support.” Louis said while resting his back to the chair in front of Calixtro. “Oh? Really? I thought Batumbakal didn't need us?” Mr.Calixtro then raised his eyebrows. He turned his attention to the door as it opened. He smiled when Fernand came in with a tray of mugs.. “Things change, and besides sampaguita is giving you a headache right?” Louis tried to bargain while getting confused by Calixtro's smile. He traced where Calixtro was looking and got suddenly annoyed when he saw Fernand looking at them. “If we win we might be a great help.” he said while turning his head back to Calixtro. “I don’t think so,” Mr.Calixtro said and grinned at Louis. “We are powerful enough that sampaguita can’t even touch any strand of my hair,” he confidently said. “Really?” Louis smirks. He looked at his back again and this time he purposely looked at Fernand. Fernand suddenly felt goosebumps as Louis smiled at him, he looked at Calixtro confused and shrugged his shoulders. “Are you not going to serve the coffee while it’s hot?” Louis said and crossed his arms. “Oh!” Fernand exclaimed and immediately got the mugs from Ralph. “Let me help you,” Ralph offered and helped him serve the coffee to Mr.Calixtro and Louis. “S-sorry.” he apologised to Louis and continued to give coffee to everyone in the room except from the bodyguards of Calixtro, since they refused to ha “Fernand, right?” Louis suddenly asked after he sipped a coffee, which made Calixtro look at him. “Oh!” Louis acted as if he forgot something. “You might be thinking , why I know his name ,right?” he asked Mr.Calixtro. “He’s my brother’s friend! Didn't he tell you?” He mischievously asked. “What are you playing Louis?” Mr.Calixtro said in a deep tone. “I’m not playing, Jamie.” Louis smiled at him. “ Right, Fernand?” he asked and turned his gaze to Fernand. “ you can’t deny that,” he said and put the mug on the table in front of him. “I saw you when you went to our house.” Fernand furrowed, “I did not-” Louis cut him out and continued, “and that’s when you went to Sampaguita base right?” Louis smirks. Calixtro's head wrinkled. He was surprised and confused at the same time. He looked at Fernand waiting for his answer. But louis didn't stop and added fuel to the fire, he touches Calixtro’s hand that was on the table and question Fernand, “Kier, you know him right?” He then winked at Calixtro and removed his hand from him. He wants to make Calixtro feel that he was helping him to know the traitor in his house. But Calixtro felt nothing but annoyance, he thought that Louis just wanted to make him believe his words so he could manipulate him. doubting Louis' words, he turned to Fernand, and asked him confidently “is it?”. Fernand gulped and looked directly at Calixtro. “Well uhm…no-” Dug! “F*CK!!” a voice shouted from outside of the room Fernand words are cut as the loud noise from outside of the rooms immersed. Batumbakals guards immediately line up to protect their boss while Calixtro’s guards stand still waiting for the people outside to open the door. “Sir, it's Dell!” the man shouted from outside. Ralph looks at Mr.Calixtro and after he confirms that he was given a command to open the door he opens it. Three bulk men suddenly enter the room dragging a young man wearing a school uniform. They made him kneeled on the floor with his hand on his back. “s**t let me go!” The young man complained. Fernand furrowed as he heard a familiar voice, when he took a look of the guy being dragged his face suddenly turned pale. “Miko?” he asked. Calixtro looked at Fernand in surprise. Talking about good timing huh, Louis said as he looked at the scene. “Fernand?” Miko scrunched his face as he looked at the guy who just called his name. He wondered his eyes and his anger grew as he saw his brother sitting comfortably on a chair. “F*ck Louis! Why did you call me here?” “Miko? “ Louis laughed and acted surprised. “I’m sorry, Can you tell your men to let go of my brother?” he said to calixtro while still smiling. Mr.Calixtro raised his eyebrows but didn't talk back. He waved his hand and his men let go of Miko. he was so confused that he didn’t know what’s happening. “ Wow, thank you, Jamie.” Louis smirked. “I guess we don’t have to ask Fernand furthermore, right?” he asked and stood up from his chair. He went to his brother and dragged it in front of Calixtro. “Since our evidence is here!” Miko jumped to his brother and held his collar, “Sh*t Louis, what are you planning ha?” Miko angrily asked his brother. “Shut up useless Sh*t!” Louis said and kicked his brother’s knee. Miko fell down and was immediately locked by his father’s guards. He fought back but was forced to kneel by one of the guards. “Argh!!” Miko screamed in pain. “You see, My useless brother is working under sampaguita. He’s our only connection to them. If he died, we can’t communicate with sampaguita anymore.” Louis casually said to calixtro. Calixtro frowned, “And ?” Louis smirks as he sees the eagerness of calixtro to know more. “But if you support us in the election.” he paused and pulled out his gun from his pocket and charged it. “We will say goodbye to him.” He then pointed his gun to his brother. Fernand froze to his feet. He didn't expect that a quiet Louis is someone who’s greedy than their father. He gulped while looking at his friend kneeling and while a gun was pointing at him. “Ha! Seriously Louis?.” Miko asked and chuckled. “Calixtro right?” He asked calixtro. CAlixtro nods and attentively hears him. “My brother has the tongue of a snake, don’t let him bite you.” he said and smirk. “Shut up!” Louis Angrily said and pulled his gun trigger. Miko felt a cold sweat on his head as the bullet went straight to the ground. “MIKO!” Fernand shouted. Miko remained kneeling as the bullet didn't hit him. “Another word and this will hit your head straight!” Louis warned Miko. “Hey Louis, we didn't talk about this,” Mayor Batumbakal suddenly felt the tension in the room, so he went to his son to stop him. “Shut up old man,” Louis warned his father. “He’s not your legal son, he has no use, so fck off.” Calixtro looks at Fernand whose face is pale due to happenings. “Fernand.” he called him. Fernand faces him and doesn't dare to look in his eyes, “are you… working under sampaguita?” Calixtro asked. He wanted this to end right away so that he could work to reject Louis and his offers. And also to tease Fernand. “C’mon Jamie, you are the head of the phoenix hive and you’re asking him a simple question?” Louis chuckled. But he suddenly stops when he realises something. “Don’t tell you you’ve changed?” He asked with a grin. “Didn't you check his background?” Calixtro bangged his hands on the table making his mug of coffee fall down. He pulled out his gun from the table cabinet and walked towards Fernand. He sighed and asked, “Tell me, are you?” . his eyes are like talking to Fernand, begging him to say no. “Tell me.” he said in a gentle manner. Fernand took a deep breath and answered, “Yes, I’m part of Sampaguita.” The room suddenly became quiet. Calixtro froze in disbelief, his head starting to spin as he tried to calm himself. “Did you just say that you were part of that?” Calixtro asked again for confirmation. “I’m still part of Sampaguita, “ Fernand's straightforward answer. Calixtro suddenly laughs, making the whole situation awkward for Fernand. “I get it, you’re joking. You're just like your sister, you both have this weird humour.” Fernand gulped, “But, I’m not joking.” Calixtro looked directly into his eyes. “You’re not.” Calixtro said. He can’t believe what he is hearing. He slightly hit his head with his gun a couple of times while thinking if everything he heard was real. He stopped and asked Fernand once again when he realized that maybe Lisa was also stabbing him on his back. “is your sister also-” “She’s not” Fernand cut him. Calixtro felt somehow relieved, he released a deep sight and was about to turn around and sit on his chair when Louis suddenly grabbed his hand. “You believe him?” he asked. Calixtro suddenly stopped and was stunned by the question. I did. He claimed to himself. He can’t deny the fact that he still believes in Fernand’s words. But he lied to me right?. He asked himself. He looks at Fernand who’s now helping Miko to stand up. He gets annoyed as he sees Fernand gently smile at Miko. “Geez!” “Why didn't you tell me!” Calixtro suddenly asked. The room suddenly filled with silence. “Why would I?” Fernand asked back and helped Miko to stand up. “If I told you, you will kill,” he said Calixtro brushed his hair in frustration. SH*t that one is kinda stupid question. He told himself. “I didn't know at first that Lisa was part of this mafia thing, If i know I woulndn’t-” Fernand did not finish his sentence when Calixtro suddenly pointed his gun at him. “No more explanation, you traitor.”
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