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*** The first Fridays of September were always field trip days at Crestfall high. Lily and I had been looking forward to it all year, and even though we had no idea where we would be going, we knew it was going to be good. After our crying session yesterday, she seemed much happier today, and she was actually smiling. "I hope we get to go to Lake Dahome," she said. "That place is perfect for selfies." "I hope we get to visit the Glover Museum," I replied. "There's an exhibit on African diamonds that I want to see. Dad's been too busy to take me, and the exhibit is only for a month." When we got to school, we were instructed to gather in the gymnasium, where the principal was waiting for us. Mr. Holt was a large and imposing man who we believed had been born in a crisp black suit. His eyes seemed to stare deep into your soul, and he talked in a flat and monotone voice which could put you to sleep within minutes. But today, nothing he said could make anyone feel sleepy. "Good morning, students," he said in his familiar dry tone. "Today is the Annual Junior Field Trip, and we have decided that this year’s trip will be to the Totem Grounds on Mount Ohara. Your teachers have informed me that this decision was reached after consulting with your class president, and we have everything prepared." There were murmurs of excitement, and Lily was practically jumping in her seat. When I gave her a questioning look, she leaned over and whispered, “It’s the most popular hookup zone in town. Most people go there to get laid.“ “Are you planning to get laid up there today?” I asked. “We’ll see,” she chuckled, and I shook my head as I turned my attention back to Mr. Holt. “Now,” he continued, “Ms. Santiago and Mr. Bruner will be accompanying you to the mountains, where you will be allowed to explore your surroundings and talk to the nature guides who work there. You will all be required to write a report on your experience, and give a detailed explanation of how the totems relate to the original settlers of Crestfall. Reports will be submitted on Monday. You’re dismissed.” We rushed out to the bus as a single unit, and as Lily and I took our seats at the back of the bus, I spotted Asher sitting beside Alicia up front. He was staring out the window, dark circles around his eyes while she was pretending to ignore him. I wondered whether they’d made up after what happened yesterday, but it seemed like they had since they were sitting together. Eventually, she leaned over and took his hand in hers, and that answered my question. Lily kept talking about the wisteria trees that surrounded the mountains, but I was barely listening. My mind was on Asher and Alicia the entire time, noticing the subtle moments when she’d lean in closer, or he’d glance in her direction then get a funny look on his face before he turned away once again. They were talking now, though I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Everyone was talking excitedly on the bus, and I couldn’t even read their lips as their backs were turned to me. “E, are you even listening?” Lily asked suddenly, jabbing her finger into my side. “What?” I asked, jumping. “What is it?” “I was saying we should ditch the class once we’re up there and head for the oldest totem at the top of the hill,” she said. “They say it’s the first one that was ever built, and that it holds the spirit of an ancient and powerful witch.” “You’re not still hung up on that, are you?” I asked. She shrugged in response, just as the bus pulled into the parking lot. We were at the foot of Mount Ohara now, with a single gate leading up the trail to the Totem Grounds. The last time I’d been here, it was over a decade ago with my mom. And as I looked at the gate, a sudden burst of loneliness swept over me. Ms. Santiago gathered us around in a circle and stood on a platform in the middle as soon as we all stepped out of the bus. "Students," she began,"today, we stand on the sacred land of the Aborigeni—the first settlers of Crestfall." “The abo-who now?” somebody called from behind, drawing a round of laughter. "The Aborigeni are the first people who came to Crestfall and turned it into a community,” she continued, pretending not to hear the question. “Now, it should be noted that the Aborigeni revered the wolves as sacred creatures. To them, the wolves were more than just animals—they were guardians, protectors of the land and its people." Billy Cosbin raised his hand just then and asked, "What about the recent wolf sightings, Miss Santiago? Are they connected to the Aborigeni?" She was about to answer, when a roar of laughter swept over the entire class. "Are you kidding me? Wolves in Crestfall? That's just a bunch of nonsense," Connor Grint scoffed, howling with laughter as he clapped Asher on the shoulder. "I can't believe anyone actually thinks that crap is true." “That’s enough, Grint!” Miss Santiago snapped. “The sheriff has already said that they’re handling the matter. There’s nothing to worry about, Billy. I’m sure it’ll all be handled very soon.” Billy nodded in response, and the tour guides arrived just then. Miss Santiago broke us up into groups of six, assigning each of the groups a tour guide who led us through the gates. I searched for Asher in the crowd, and I found him standing just outside the gates, a strange look in his eyes as Alicia kept pulling him forward. He seemed hesitant to step forward, like he was afraid of something. I could have sworn I heard him whimper as he finally stepped through the gates, but I didn’t get to even think about it as our guide led us up the trail. He was a tiny little man who talked very quickly, and he was rattling off about ancient rituals, a stone table and the connections between the town and wolves. We saw the first totem about a hundred yards from the gate. It was a large and terrifying sight, with intricate carvings and different symboles etched into its side. At the top of the totem, a wolf head had been carved in, and its eyes were a deep shade of red. It was a gruesome sight, and I felt a chill creep down my spine as I looked at it. “This was one of the last totems that were ever made,” the guide explained. “It is said that this particular one was made by one of the last witches who remained in Crestfall, a powerful mage whose powers rivalled even that of the most powerful wolf.” A few students rolled their eyes, while Lily and I fell silent as we walked past the totem. The deeper we got into the mountain, the more gruesome the totems became. Some looked like they were smeared with blood, while others looked like they had been carved with a chainsaw. Why anyone would come up here to have s*x was beyond me. When we finally got to the clearing which was surrounded by six different totems, Lily and I finally got the chance to slip away. We snuck off just as the tour guide started explaining the symbolism of each totem, and we found a trail which led high up the mountain. “This place gives me the creeps,” I said, folding my arms across my chest. “It almost feels like the totems are alive,” Lily said, moving closer towards me. “I change my mind, E. I don’t want to hookup with anyone here.” “Well I’m glad this scared some sense into you,” I said. “Anyway, what’s the big deal with all these totems? It sounds like they aren’t just pieces of art.” Lily’s eyes darkened for a bit, then she looked at me and said, “My dad used to say that each totem represented a witch that had fallen. When a witch died, her soul would be concealed within a totem, and her powers would be reincarnated when someone from her bloodline touched the totem and reawakened her spirit. That way, even after she dies and her body is buried, her spirit will live on.” “But if the totems are linked to witches, then why do they have wolf symbols on them?” “Wolves and witches have their destinies tied together,” she explained. “There is an ancient ritual that they used to do, which involved a witch being marked by a wolf. In exchange, she would imbue some of her powers in the wolf, and they would both become stronger. At least that’s what he said.” “So wolves and witches are allies?” “In a manner of speaking,” she replied. “There are other forces that pose a threat to them, so they work together to keep their enemies at bay. It’s a smart strategy, if you ask me.” “But it’s all just folktale, right?” I asked, suddenly feeling uneasy. “None of this is real.” “I think so,” she said. “Mom used to say that the totems were commissioned by the first mayor of Crestfall in order to create a tourist attraction that would make the town popular. I guess he succeeded. And the accompanying story certainly makes it more interesting.” We finally reached the large clearing, where I was surprised to find Asher and Alicia sitting on what looked like a stone table, with a fallen totem behind them. I froze at the sight of them, and they turned around at the sound of our footsteps. “For the love of Christ!” Alicia cursed, whirling around to face us. “Can’t you leave us alone for two minutes?” “Back the f**k up, Alicia,” Lily said coldly. “We weren’t looking for you or your boyfriend. We’re just passing through.” “I wasn’t talking to you,” she snapped, glaring at Lily. “b***h, don’t even go there,” Lily spat. “Unless you want to ruin that pretty face of yours, I suggest you shut the f**k up.” Asher said nothing, but his cold glare settled on Lily before it shifted towards me. He looked like he was in pain, and his eyes were hollow and shrunken. It looked like he’d been crying, and I wanted to reach out and comfort him. But Alicia’s scowl stopped me in my tracks, as she stepped between the two of us. “Just stay away from us,” she spat. “Maybe if your mom was still alive, she’d have taught you not to interfere in other people’s lives.” It was like a blow to the gut, and I couldn’t even say or do anything as tears immediately sprang to my eyes. I turned around and bolted before either Asher or Lily could say anything, and I ran as fast as I could, not even sure what I was running from or where I was going. My chest tightened as the tears fell, and my vision blurred as I kept running. Suddenly, I crashed into something large and hairy, and a chill crept down my spine as I looked up and found a large grey wolf towering over me, with yellow eyes that screamed death. Words cannot even begin to explain the fear that gripped me in that moment, or the terror I felt as the wolf bared its teeth at me. The last thing I heard was the wolf's growl as it pounced on me. ***
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