
1857 Words
*** If it was up to me, I would have avoided the dinner table entirely. The thought of having to sit across from Asher and pretend everything was fine seemed impossible. He hadn’t said anything to me since he gave me the condom, but it was obvious that he was teasing me, a familiar smirk on his lips every time my gaze shifted towards him. “So, Enaya,” Amelia said, “how was school? I didn’t see you come back.” “School is school,” I shrugged. “You’re not missing anything, to be honest.” “When did you get back?” she asked. “Right before Asher,” I replied. “I had a slight headache, so I went straight up to my room.” Asher’s grin was evident now, and I had to resist the urge to kick his shin under the table. He was thoroughly enjoying himself, while I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. The condom he’d given me was still tucked in my pocket, and I didn’t even know why I held onto it. I should throw it in the trash. And yet it sat there in my pocket, while I avoided everyone’s eyes. “A headache?” dad asked. “Are you sure you’re alright, kiddo? You’re looking a little pale there.” “Don’t worry about her,” Asher said. “I’ve already given her the perfect remedy for her headache.” This time, I couldn’t resist the urge anymore. I took aim at his leg and kicked as hard as I could, grinning when his smile disappeared instantly. “Yeah, thanks for looking out for me, Ash,” I said. “Maybe I should give it to dad as well, in case he gets a headache too.” “You wouldn’t,” he growled. “Try me.” Both dad and Amelia exchanged confused looks, but my gaze never shifted from Asher’s icy glare. I stared him down, daring him to say anything else. I knew I had him right where I wanted, and that thought alone made me smirk. Why should he get to have all the fun, right? Thankfully, he kept his mouth shut for the rest of the night. Even though my dad and Amelia kept trying to find out what we were really talking about, I didn’t say anything and neither did Asher. When they realised none of us were going to say anything, they finally dropped it. After dinner, I made my way up to my room, relieved to finally be free of Asher's insufferable presence. I had just picked up a book when a gentle knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. Surprised, I looked up to see Asher leaning against the doorframe, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Mind if I come in?" he asked. I knew it was a bad idea, because the smile on his face was far from cheerful. But I shrugged, setting my book aside"Of course. Come on in." He entered my room, his eyes slowly taking in everything before he turned to face me. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk." “A walk?” I asked confusedly. “It’s a beautiful night,” he said. “And I feel like you and I need to talk.” I couldn't help but feel a shiver with excitement at the thought of spending some time with Asher, despite the lingering hesitations that swirled within me. A year ago, I would have killed for this opportunity. And yet here I was, actually wondering whether it would be a good idea. Come on, Enaya. Get it together. "Sure, that sounds good. Where should we go?" I asked. A mischievous glimmer danced in his eyes as he leaned in closer. "How about a stroll around the block? I’m still not entirely familiar with this place." I nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Alright. Let's go." As we stepped outside, a cool breeze wafted across our faces, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and the usual silence of a typical suburban evening. Asher walked closely beside me, so close that our shoulders actually bumped into each other as we walked. I tried to keep a straight face, trying desperately to make sure that I wouldn't embarrass myself in his presence. Asher was the coolest person I knew, so I wanted him to think I was cool too. "Did you tell anyone at school today that we're related?" he asked suddenly, raking his fingers through his hair. "Just Lily," I replied. "Who's Lily?" "Lillian Silva. She’s my best friend. We went to middle school together. You probably don't even remember her." He shrugged nonchalantly, and we continued to walk in silence for a while. My thoughts went back to the conversation I had overheard between his mother and that man, and I couldn't stop myself from digging deeper. "Asher?" "Hm?" "You've never told me anything about your past," she said. "What was life like before your mom married my dad?" A dark cloud swept over his face as he looked off into the distance. He seemed to be reliving a painful memory, and I immediately regretted asking him that question. What was I thinking? I was supposed to be getting him to like me, not causing him to look at me in rage and disgust. But after a while, he seemed like himself again. He talked quietly, keeping his head down as we walked past the Bruner household, where Mrs Bruner was currently yelling at Mr Bruner for something. "Before my father left us, things were difficult. He was… well I honestly don’t even know the right words to use to describe him." He paused, his eyes gazing into the distance before he looked back at me. "My dad was a complicated man. He was always so busy with work that he never had time for my mother or me. We rarely saw him, except during those brief periods when he would come back home for a few days and all would be right with the world once again. Looking back, I suppose we knew he was drowning, and he almost pulled us down with him. But then he died, and even though it was painful at first, we learned to accept it and move on. After this death, mom found her own path, her own happiness. I've never seen her more content than when she’s with your dad, and for that I’m grateful." I smiled at him, and for the first time in forever, he smiled at me the same way he used to back in middle school. “Anyway, we moved back to Crestfall about a year after his death, and she finally got the opportunity to rebuild her life. And in the process, she became a herself again." “I’m glad you and your mom were able to heal from all that trauma,” I said. “I remember when my mom died, and how awful I felt. I thought I would never be happy again, and that my life had basically ended. It took a really long time before I finally learned to accept it, and live my life accordingly.” “I know what you mean,” he said. “It’s hard to just pretend that everything is fine and move on. Sometimes, we need to face these sort of situations so we can grow and learn how to deal with grief.” The sincerity of his words was touching, and I felt the sudden urge to wrap my arms around him and tell him that everything was going to be fine. Maybe I needed to hear that too. We were two broken souls, after all. And we had more in common than I’d known. Maybe I was overreacting after what I heard. Amelia hadn't committed any crimes. As far as I could tell, she was a nice woman. And there was no need for me to doubt her. As we rounded a corner, he turned to me suddenly and said, "Enaya, I know our situation is unique, but I truly believe we can make the best of it. We have a chance to build a connection that goes beyond just being step-siblings. You and I have been friends since middle school, and I want us to continue that way." His words resonated deep within me, and I found myself smiling at him. The walls I had built around my heart began to crumble, replaced by the possibility of a genuine relationship with Asher. If only I wasn't so hopelessly in love with him, then surely we could have made this work. I reached out and squeezed his hand, a smile tugging at my lips. "I suppose we can give it a try. You’re not so bad after all." “Oh, you’ll soon find out that I’m even worse than you think,” he chuckled. “But for you, I am willing to try and be better.” “So does this mean I don’t have to pretend that we’re not related in school?” he asked. “I guess so,” I replied. “I suppose everyone is going to find out sooner or later. We might as well just get it over with and move on. Besides, you’re the most popular guy in school, and I’m sure your social status will remain intact even if you’re related to a nobody like me.” “Don’t say that,” he said. “You’re not just some nobody. You’re the coolest person I know.” “That was in middle school, Asher,” I said. He leaned closer to me, and my heart stopped as I thought he was going to do something. But then he simply brushed a strand of hair away from my face, and I shivered at the touch. “Like I said, coolest person I know,” he repeated. “And don’t you dare let anyone tell you otherwise.” “You know, you really have a way with words,” I said. “Maybe that’s why everyone likes you.” “I don’t think everyone likes me,” he said. “Trust me, everyone does.” “And what about you? Do you like me?” I pretended to think for a moment, just to piss him off. And then I said, “You’re not so bad, Asher Coleman.” His smile widened, and he threw his arm around my shoulder as we walked back home. It was a simple gesture on his part, but my entire stomach twisted into a tight knot as I leaned into his touch, selfishly relishing the fact that right now, in this exact moment, I was the only one who had his attention. If any girl from school could see us now, she’d eat her heart out. Neither of us was aware, however, that only a few yards away, Asher and I were being spied upon by a dark man in a hoodie, who had been watching us the entire time. ***
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