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*** The first day back from the summer break was always the most chaotic. I’d grown accustomed to my regular routine of keeping my head down, but now I also had to make sure that no one found out the truth about what happened over the summer. If anyone found out Asher was now my stepbrother, I would literally throw myself off the nearest cliff. As I made my way through the hallways, I imagined that everyone was looking at me with a knowing smile. How could I keep this secret from everyone in school? It seemed impossible, but I wasn’t ready for the chaos that would unfold when the truth came out. I already knew the judgemental looks I’d get, and I knew that most girls would flock to my side in an attempt to get closer to him. I did not need that kind of drama. Taking a deep breath, I adjusted the strap of my backpack and headed for my locker, still keeping my eyes glued to the floor. I knew that it was impossible to wish that no one had heard the news, but for once in my life, I was glad that no one paid any attention to me, otherwise I would be bombarded with questions. At least things got better when I spotted Lily beside my locker, checking her reflection in a small mirror and flaunting her new Gucci handbag. Despite my own personal problems, I cast them aside and beamed at my best friend. "Hey L!" I called out, hurrying to her side. “Where in God’s name have you been?” "E!" Lily beamed, her smile infectious as we hugged each other. "Oh, I missed you so much! How was your summer? Tell me everything!" “Girl, it’s a long story,” I said. “I’m just happy you’re back.” “I missed you, E,” she said. “I spent the whole summer trying to reach you, but my dad and I were staying in this tiny little cabin on the beach, and for some reason, I had no internet or cell service. Dad thought it was good, of course. But I thought it was stupid.” “I tried calling you several times,” I said. “But the good thing is that you’re back now, and you owe me a s**t ton of stories.” “I’ll get to that,” she said, waving dismissively. “Just tell me, what did I miss? How was your summer?” "My summer was... eventful," I replied, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. "Lots of family time and some unexpected surprises. What about you?" "Nothing much," she replied. "We were in the Cayman Islands all summer. Dad said he needed some fresh air." "It's alright," I said. "I'm glad you'll have to hear this from me first." Lily's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Ooh, I smell some juicy gossip! What’s up?" I took a deep breath, grappling with the weight of my secret. "Well, you know Asher Coleman?" Lily's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You mean the hottest guy to ever walk on this planet since Brad Pitt? What about him?" I hesitated for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "Well, he's kind of my stepbrother now." Lily's mouth fell open, a mixture of shock and confusion crossing her face. "No way! Seriously? That's... wow! How did that happen?" "It's a long story,” I replied. “Basically, my dad has been dating Asher's mom for a while now, and they got married over the summer. It was quiet ceremony, which I’m more than grateful for because I do not want the whole town to find out what happened." Lily was silent for a while, just staring off into the distance and lost in her own thoughts. "Wow, E, that's just… wow! What are the odds? I can’t believe you have to live with that hunk in the same house. Lucky you." Lucky me indeed. She leaned in closer then, looking around to make sure nobody was watching us before she asked, "You're not still in love with him though, are you? Now that he's your stepbrother, that should pretty much end whatever feelings you might have had for him." "Of course," I lied automatically. "He lost his appeal the moment his mother said ‘I do’." I didn't look into her eyes, afraid that she would see right through me. If she looked me in the eye, she would immediately know that I was lying. But it really wasn’t my fault. I didn't know how to tell her the truth, that I spent most nights thinking about him, my heart racing at the knowledge that he was right down the hall, separated only by a few steps and my own cowardice. I didn't know how to tell her that he was all I could think about in that house, the scent of his cologne following me everywhere. No one would understand the turmoil in my heart, the knowledge that I was well and truly fvcked in the head for even thinking about him this way. "Good girl," Lily said, patting my arm. "We'll find you a boyfriend very soon so you don't even have to think about your step brother again, or his juicy biceps and those dreamy eyes that would make anyone swoon." "Lily!" "Sorry," she giggled. "I won't say another word." And she truly didn’t. One thing Lily always understood was how to avoid making me upset. It was one of the reasons why I loved her so much. She was always considerate of my feelings, and I was always considerate of hers. Spending almost a decade being friends with someone, you kind of automatically learn how to avoid pissing them off. “We should get to class,” Lily said, checking her watch. She looked up at me and paused, then slowly shook her head. “What is it?” I asked. “I was going to tell you something,” she said. “But now’s not a good time for that. Maybe later.” “Can you at least tell me what it’s about?” I asked as we reached the classroom. “It’s a secret,” she whispered, and I could have sworn that her eyes twinkled before she walked into the class. Thankfully, I didn't see Asher the entire day, and that made things easier. I skipped lunch so I wouldn't run into him in the hall, and I carefully avoided anywhere I heard even a whisper of his name. And trust me, that was incredibly difficult. When the final bell rang, relief washed over me. I’d gone the entire day without anyone finding out the truth, and now it didn’t seem so bad. I had just dumped my books in my locker and drawn the hood of my jacket over my head, when I suddenly saw Asher at the end of the hallway, surrounded by his entourage while he talked and laughed about something. His gaze shifted towards me, and my heart stopped for a brief moment as we simply looked at each other. And somehow, I immediately knew that he hadn’t spilled the beans. I smiled at him discreetly, and he nodded before they walked away. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all. At least that was what I thought, until I stepped outside and saw him leaning against his motorcycle, smirking like he was the devil risen from hell. "Hey, sis," he greeted me, his voice laced with a hint of cockiness. "Need a ride home?" My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly looked around to make sure no one had heard him. Once I made sure we were safe, I turned and glared at him. "No thank you , Asher," I replied, my tone guarded. "I think I'll just walk home." His eyes gleamed mischievously, and I could tell he was enjoying making me squirm. "Come on, E, live a little. I promise you’ll enjoy it. I’ve seen the way you look at the bike in the garage. I know you want to find out what it’s like to ride one. Besides, aren't we supposed to be nicer to each other now that we're family?" Curse you, Asher Coleman. He knew exactly what he was doing. I could see it in his eyes. Maybe he wouldn’t tease me in front of others, but when we were alone, apparently that was the only thing he wanted to do. “Like I said, no thank you,” I replied. “And yes, I do want to ride your motorcycle but maybe some other time. Especially not in front of school, where everyone will see us. For a brief moment, a flicker of disappointment flashed across his face, but he quickly masked it with a grin. "No problem , sis. Your loss," he said, revving the engine. As he climbed onto the bike, I told myself it was for the best. There was no way in hell I’d get on that bike, and wrap my arms around his torso while he drove us. That was a recipe for disaster, and I knew it. And yet, a part of me wondered what it would be like to do that, to hold him and feel those rock-hard abs. I imagined resting my head on his back as we rode home, and every fibre of my body quivered at the thought. Suddenly it was the only thing I wanted, and I almost turned around and told him I’d do it. Thankfully he peeled off at that moment, and I let out the breath I’d been holding as I watched him speed past me. Look away, Enaya. Look away. When I finally got home and prepared to put this day behind me, I paused on the driveway when I saw a sleek black sedan with tinted windows and no license plate. That seemed suspicious to me, and I wondered who it could be. Dad surely wouldn’t be home by now. So was it Amelia having a guest over? I snuck into the house quietly, as silent as a mouse. I felt ridiculous sneaking into my own home, but it was necessary. I paused at the foyer to make sure the living room was empty, before I headed for the kitchen, where I could hear voices. It sounded like Amelia was talking to a man, which I found strange since she’d never had anyone over. I paused outside the kitchen and listened to their conversation, my heart beating wildly in my chest. "I can't stress this enough, Amelia," the man said, his voice holding a hint of urgency. "You need to be careful in this town. I’ve been against you coming back since the first day." “Just give it a rest, Caleb,” she said. “I understand the risk, but we've come this far. We can't let anyone jeopardize what we've built. Besides, Asher needs to be here. I can’t keep him away from his birthright." "Does the boy know?" he asked. "He knows only what he needs to know," she replied. "He's just a normal teenager now, and he hasn't realised the whole truth yet." The man's voice grew sharp now, his words dripping with caution. "Just remember, Amelia, the stakes are higher than ever before now. Carlos won’t be so forgiving a second time." My heart raced as I strained to listen properly, my mind racing with questions. What were they hiding? Who were they protecting? And who was the mysterious Carlos they referred to? "I should leave," the man said. "We heard reports of some rogues sniffing around the east. Dominic and I will head them off tonight, before they report back to their master." "Thank you," Amelia said. "Asher and I are grateful." The man stood up, and in a quiet voice, he whispered, "Take care of him, Amelia. That boy is our only hope. He might not know his true destiny yet, but you must be the one to guide him through this journey, with his father now gone. Our entire existence hangs in the balance, and we cannot maintain this ruse for long. I don't think we'll have another summer of peace before Carlos decides to strike again." "Ryder will be ready soon," she said. "Trust me." "I hope you're right," he said, and when I heard the sound of footsteps, I bolted upstairs. I only stopped when I was safely in my room, and I sat down on the floor as I thought about everything I’d just heard. What were they talking about? Who was this Carlos they kept mentioning? And what exactly was Amelia up to? I needed answers, and I needed them now. I trust Amelia, but I know a shady conversation when I hear one. I needed to get to the bottom of this. One way or another. ***
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