Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Everyone has a story Ryker The next day, we were getting our book out of our lockers when Melanie made her presence. Here it comes. I looked at Ryder. “Don’t.” She walked up to him as we stood there. “What do you want, Melanie?” Ryder’s tone was cold. “Oh, don’t be that way, baby.” He slammed his locker shut, causing her to jump. “And what way should I be? Huh? I’m another toy for you!” He started walking towards her, making her back up. “Ah, hell. Here, we go,” Frisco said. We walked over to them. I stood between Melanie and Ryder, looking into his eyes. Ryder was beyond pissed. “Bro, she’s not worth it. Let’s go,” I said. “Yeah,” he said. She said, “Aw, little brother to the rescue. But no one can say that for you. Oh, that’s right. You didn’t bother to rescue one of your own, did you?” We stopped and glared at her. She learned how to get to us. It has always been a sore spot between us. Someone said, “You’re still running that big mouth of yours.” We watched as Valerie walked up to her. Melanie spoke. Val said, “Don’t talk. Listen. Leave these boys alone. The past is the past.” “And who are you?” She asked. “I’m someone who will do worse than punch you,” she said. We watched as Melanie quivered in fear, then took off running in the opposite direction. Valerie looked at us. “Does drama always follow you?” Her tone was friendly and humorous. Nothing like it was a few minutes ago. “Apparently,” Frisco said. She gave us a look and smirked. “Well, that needs to change, don’t you think?” We exchanged glances as Val grinned. ***** Val and I walked to class and talked. She made me laugh at the things she told me about Vegas. She was carefree and funny, not stupid funny, which I liked. It kept things light. We sat next to each other. Everything about Val was intoxicating. At lunch, she sat with the four of us, chilling. She always sat with me while the others sat around us. I relaxed when I was next to her. Something about her drew me to her. Ruby ran up to us. She argued with Evan about covering for her. He hated the guy who Ruby liked. Brent isn’t the nicest guy out there. RJ can’t stand the guy with good reason because he was scum. Valerie walked up. “What’s going on here?” “Girl likes boy, but boy is an asshole. Girl is trying to get big brother to cover for her.” “Ah, typical teenage behavior.” “Yep.” “How about you walk me home, and we can leave these two to squabble?” “Eh, why not?” We walked past the four of them since it’d take a while. We left school and started our trek to Val’s house. “Did you think you’d deal with a lot your first week?” I asked her. “Nothing I haven’t seen. Every school has the same thing. It has a different cast of characters,” Val said. “Nothing gets to you, does it?” “Nope. Life’s too short to sweat the small stuff.” I looked at her as we walked. “Let me guess. There’s more to you than meets the eye.” “Not really. I have parents who are still together. I have a good home life. I enjoy life.” “That’s it?” “Pretty much.” “But you didn’t flinch or raise your voice when you confronted Melanie.” “Life is too short to waste time worrying about trivial matters.” We made our way to a house. “Come on. You can meet my parents.” Odd, but okay. She opened the door. “I’m home!” I stepped inside, and my palms got sweaty. My nerves were kicking up. A couple walked into the foyer. “Mom. Dad. Meet Ryker,” she said. “Nice to meet you, Ryker,” her dad said. He extended his hand. I took it and shook it. God, I hope he didn’t notice my sweaty palms. Her mother greeted me the same way. They had a warm and friendly demeanor. Weird. Most parents are cold when a girl brings a boy home. “Do you want to stay for dinner, Ryker?” Her mom asked me. I was about to decline. Valerie said, “Sure, he will.” I gave her a look as she smiled at me. I looked at them. “Sure.” They smiled as they led me inside. Why did I agree? I shot my mom a text to give her a heads up where I was. I didn’t need a hassle for worrying her when I got home. We sat at the table and ate. Val’s parents talked to me, asking questions, while I spoke, trying to keep it short. Val looked like she was enjoying herself, sitting next to me. As we talked, I noticed she placed her hand on my leg, giving it a slight squeeze. It made me squirm. She’s forward. I tried to move her hand away, but she replaced it. Okay, so the new girl was feeling me up in front of her parents—no big deal. After dinner, she led me up to her room, and once inside, she closed the door. It’s a typical girl’s room. She stood there, leaning with her back against the door. “Nice room,” I said. “Thanks. It serves a purpose,” Val said. Then she pushed herself away from the door and strolled towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows as she walked towards me. I backed up, hitting the wall. I wasn’t used to a girl being this forward with me. Her behavior unnerved me. She leaned into me. She placed her hands on the side of my head. She moved her face until her lips were inches from mine. “Do I make you nervous, Ryker?” I looked at her as my ocean blue eyes met her forest-green eyes. “No.” That was a lie. “I do. Right now, you’re deciding whether to kiss me,” Val said. Her breath fanned my face. “When two people become attracted to each other, their bodies react. The heart beats faster, the urges get more frequent, and they lose all thought processes. Basic human animal instinct takes over.” She was right. I closed my eyes, trying to gain control when her lips brushed against mine but not kissing me. Then she pulled back. I opened my eyes and looked at her, confused as she stood in front of me. “What was that?” I asked. “Figuring out if this thing between you and me is real.” I looked at her. “I don’t do games. I like directness with people.” “Isn’t that what this was? A game?” “No. I’m deciding if you’re worth my time and effort. There’s a lot more to you than meets the eye. You have a story to tell. Everyone has a story to tell.” She leaned towards me. “You intrigue me, Ryker. I want to learn more, but when you’re ready.” I didn’t know what to say. I’ve never had a girl be direct with me. Most girls play head games, but Val was different. I realized there’s more to her. It made me want to know her. “Fine,” I said. Her lips twisted into a smile. ***** I walked into the kitchen to find Dad waiting for me. “Did you have fun?” He asked. “Define fun.” “Ryker, what are you doing?” I walked over and placed my fists on the counter. “It was only dinner.” “It’s never only dinner.” “I like her.” “Son, be careful.” I looked at Dad’s face. It doesn’t matter what I said or how I felt. He regarded me as a f**k up. I caused a rift in the family because a girl had played us. Everyone looked at me that way because of my past. I shook my head, going upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind me, then kicked off my shoes. Then I plopped on my bed. I’m even more desperate to leave this hellhole now. Girl or no girl, I was going the first chance I got.
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