Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 The party Ryker When we got home, we strolled into the kitchen, and mom looked up from doing dishes. “How was school, boys?” “Same old s**t, different day,” Ryder said. He opened the fridge and searched for food. I leaned against the counter as Dad walked in and smacked Ryder upside the head. “What did I tell you about your language?” “Not to get caught.” “One of these days, your mouth will get you into trouble.” Dad kissed mom as he pulled out pans to start dinner. “What about you, Ryker?” Mom asked. “It was okay,” I said. “By the way, there’s a party tonight,” Ryder said. He leaned on the counter. “Whose party?” Dad asked. “Melanie’s.” “Ryder, I hate that girl.” “Yeah, well, I like her,” he said with a retort. The one thing my brother and Dad always argued about was Melanie. Dad couldn’t stand her, and neither could the rest of my family. “So, can I go?” He gave Ryder a look. “She invited Ryker, Evan, and Frisco,” Ryder added. “Only because you threw us under the bus and made her invite us,” I said. He shot me a glare as I shrugged. Yeah, Ryder’s glares didn’t faze me. Dad looked at Mom. “What do you think, Liz?” “It’s up to you, Drew. If we say no, he’ll sneak out,” she said. “You’re no help. You realize that?” She shrugged while smirking. “Fine, but if the others go. If you have a problem, call us,” Dad said. He cut up potatoes. “Sweet. I’ll call Evan and Frisco now,” Ryder said. Dad looked at me. “Keep an eye on him tonight. Your brother has the worst judgment with that damn girl.” “I will. Hell, I don’t even want to go to this stupid party. I can’t stand the b***h,” I said. My parents laughed. “Smart boy,” Dad said. He continued prepping food for dinner as his phone rang. “Ah, hell, this should be good. Hey. Yeah, the boys told me. No, Matt. I don’t like her either, but what can you do? Yeah, we’ll see you soon. Later.” Mom looked at him. “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” Dad asked. Great, the family is coming for dinner. I love my family, but they always have drama. Thanks to Ryder and his poor judgment skills, I have to listen to everyone yap about it. I headed to my room. I needed time alone before having to deal with the family. I walked in and shut my door, shuffling to my bed and lying there. I stared at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts, when someone knocked. I didn’t bother to say anything. My door opened as my older sister Ryanne stood there. “Rough day?” I patted my bed as she strolled over and laid next to me. “The usual bullshit.” “But.” “How do you there’s a but?” “Cause I understand you, baby brother.” “Okay, fine. You can’t tell anyone. I met a girl.” “Oh, Ryker, please tell me she is nothing like the last one.” “Nobody is as terrible as the previous one.” I stared back at the ceiling. “God, I hope not. She wasn’t good for you.” “Sort of like Melanie.” Ryanne laughed. “Call me if you need help tonight.” “I take it you know about the party.” “Yeah, Ryder isn’t quiet about things.” She got up and left. I didn’t want to attend this party since the last one was a f*****g disaster. God, why did my twit of a brother drag me into things? I made my way downstairs. I had more family greet me. Great. “Hey, Ryker,” Matt said to me. “Matt.” Yeah, I never refer to them as an aunt or uncle. “Excuse my moody son,” dad said. I rolled my eyes. Evan was talking to his dad while Frisco was talking to my brother. “The whole emo thing is so 90s, Ryker,” Sasha said. “Not emo, and don’t give a flying f**k,” I said to her. “For f**k’s sake, Ryker!” Dad exclaimed. “What? Sometimes, we don’t need opinions like hers,” I said. Sasha shot me a glare. I didn’t understand how Frisco dealt with her. “I see things haven’t changed,” RJ said. He leaned on the counter next to Matt. “Yep,” Matt said. “I’ll stay in my room until everyone has left,” I said. I made a hasty retreat. I didn’t feel like dealing with anyone right now. ***** Drew “It doesn’t seem like he has gotten better,” Matt said. “Man, I want to kill that b***h. Since her, he hasn’t been the same,” I said. “Have you talked to Jordan?” RJ asked. “Yeah. Jordan said to give it time. But it’s been months. How much time do we give Ryker?” “As long as it takes, I guess,” Emma said. “It affected not only Ryker but everyone. She did a number on the boys.” I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. “I realized, but Ryker got the worse of it.” “Don’t worry, Uncle Drew. We’re keeping an eye on things this year,” Evan said. “Do me a favor. Watch out for Ryker at the party,” I mentioned. “Yeah, no problem,” Evan said. ***** Ryker After a few hours, we headed to Melanie’s party. I didn’t want to be here. I can’t stand the girl for obvious reasons, but there’re other reasons as well, and Ryder knows it. My cousins had my back. After what she did, they still did. That night still haunts me, but I don’t tell anyone. I didn’t want to feel like a crackpot. I didn’t need their sympathy or pity. When we arrived, we walked into the party. People stopped and stared. I shoved my hands into my pockets, scanning the room. God, I hated house parties. A familiar screech echoed in our ears. “Ryder! Baby!” She ran over and jumped on my brother. She gave him a big sloppy kiss. Pretty gross. I walked away as my cousins made their way through the crowd. Everyone had gone back to their business. I headed outside and leaned up against a half wall. I said I’d come, but it didn’t mean I had to enjoy myself. Evan and Frisco made their way out to me. “Why are we even here?” Frisco asked. “To keep an eye on things. Ryder can’t think with anything but his d**k,” Evan said. He leaned on the half wall. His comment made me chuckle. Evan is straight to the point, which he gets that from his dad. Frisco prefers to use his fists over his mouth, which he got from his dad. I like to think and stay to myself. I got that trait from Granddad. Ryder reminds us a lot of our father. “I’d rather be anywhere but here,” I said. My anxiety was getting the best of me. My cousins both looked at me. “Hey, I promised your dad nothing would happen,” Evan said. “Yeah,” I said. A familiar voice said, “This looks familiar.” I looked up to see Valerie standing there, holding a drink. “Hey, Val,” Evan said. “Hey, guys,” she said. “What brings you to this monstrosity?” Frisco asked. “Being bored. Although, I’m not sure why I’m here. What is in this cup?” Val asked. She took a sniff and a sneer at the contents. We laughed. She walked over, emptying the contents into the grass. She tossed the empty cup into the trash can. “We’re going to check on Ryder. We’ll be back,” Evan said. They left, leaving me alone with Val. “You don’t strike me as the party type,” she said. “Nope. I came to keep my brother in check.” She gave me a look. “Oh, fine. I had to come or listen to Ryder pout like a big baby.” My remark made her laugh, not giggle but laugh. Something about her calm nature and the way she laughed put me at ease. “So, how was your first day?” I asked. I tried to make small talk, which I sucked at doing. “It wasn’t too bad. See, I met these four guys. They turned out to be pleasant, cool dudes. One guy in particular,” she said. “Tell me about the one guy.” “Well, he’s quiet and moody. There’s more to him than meets the eye. Someone had hurt him.” “Yeah.” “But in the end, it doesn’t matter. Our past doesn’t define us. Our future does.” I looked at her as she shrugged. As I enjoyed her company, loud crashing and yelling came from the house. We looked at each other, rushing into the house. I pushed through the crowd. People chanted, “Fight. Fight. Fight.” In the middle of the room, five guys jumped my brother and cousins. My blood boiled. I pulled my phone out and tossed it to Val. “Call my dad.” She nodded, and I jumped into the fight to help them. We fought. Ryder shouted, “You think you can touch what’s mine!” c***k. Evan yelled, “You think you can jump us! Think again!” c***k. A guy yelled, “It pisses you off because she played each of you!” c***k. My blood drained from my face, and my body ran cold, hearing that. Another guy yelled, “You’re nothing but a toy!” c***k. Twenty minutes later, someone kicked in the front door with the familiar sound of Dad. “Oh, hell, no! Not this time!” With those words, Dad, Matt, and RJ descended onto the ground. They helped us take down guys. They laid out the other guys. Melanie marched out. “Get the f**k out of my house! Everyone! How dare you come into my house like this?” She screamed. She came face to face with dad. We stood there, wiping blood from our faces. “You’re nothing but trash!” Melanie yelled at Dad. “Sweetheart, you’re nothing but a pathetic w***e who can’t keep her legs shut,” he shot back. Yeah, never piss off, dad. “Get out!” “Gladly. Come on, boys,” he said to us. We turned to leave. Melanie added one more insult to injury. “She was smart. She got out while she could.” We turned, and I could see Dad’s eyes turn dark. The impossible happened. Val walked up. Without saying a word, she punched Melanie, knocking her onto the floor. “You hit me!” Melanie screeched. “Yeah, and you have a big mouth,” she said. She walked by us, winking at me, and left. We turned and left. ***** We sat in the kitchen while Mom patched us up. Dad leaned against the counter as Matt and RJ stood with him. As Mom dabbed above my eyebrow with antiseptic, I hissed between my teeth. Man, that stung like a b***h. “I want you boys to stay away from that stupid b***h from now on, including you, Ryder. What were you thinking by getting involved with her?” Dad asked Ryder. “I know,” Ryder mumbled. “Do you?” “Yes, Dad. I do,” Ryder said. “Okay, that should do it,” Mom said. She put away the first aid. “Who’s the girl who knocked out Melanie?” RJ asked. We looked at each other. We said, “Valerie.” “Well, I like her,” RJ said. “That is good. Valerie took a shine to Ryker,” Evan said. Evan pointed to me as they looked at me. “What?” I asked. They raised their eyebrows. “I’m going to bed,” I said. Dad looked at Ryder. “Who’s Valerie?” “The new girl. There’s more to her than meets the eye.” “How so?” “She got Ryker to smile,” he said. Their bottom jaws dropped.
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