Chapter 17

1718 Words

Chapter 17 New home situation Ryker With our lives in turmoil, the guys were thinking about how it happened. It started over a girl who caused us grief her way. She played us the best way, using manipulation. After that night at Zachery’s place, I couldn’t deal with the experience. I shut down. I didn’t realize she made her rounds, starting with Frisco. ***** Frisco I don’t know how it happened, but it did. One minute, we were sitting in the backseat of my car, smoking. I didn’t tell the others I smoked. Drugs of any kind were a big no in my family, but I found it relieved my stress big time. I knew Sam did. Ryker had mentioned Sam smoked pot. We blazed in the backseat. Sam pulled me into a kiss. God, her kisses were like a drug. She wanted more than a kiss. She went for my belt, a

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