Chapter 9

2963 Words

Chapter 9 Janet answered the door with her eyes rimmed in red from crying. “I’m so glad you came.” She held out a hand to Adam, welcoming him into the house. He noticed the dark, heavy feeling as soon as he stepped inside. It was different from the last time he was there. “No problem. It’s important that I check out everything as close to the time it happened as possible. Thank you for calling me.” He noticed one of his cameras set up on the tripod in the living room. He’d tucked it back into a corner to keep it out of the way. Janet turned to see what he was looking at. “Do you think it captured anything?” Her eyes grew wide. “I don’t know. Let’s hope so.” Janet watched him silently. Her expectations weighed on him. “So, it happened in the kitchen?” He looked through the living room

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