11. Chapter 8

2551 Words

“ Sorry I’m late,” Cheryl said as she rushed into Day’s store. “Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to your client. She’s waiting in the back.” Day pointed to the back corner of the store where Cheryl did her readings. “If you didn’t show up soon, I was going to go back there and give her a reading myself.” Day and Cheryl were friends, but Cheryl’s tardiness was definitely bad for business. She’d gotten all wrapped up in one of her calls for the hotline, and it had ended up going much longer than she expected. When it was over, she collapsed on the couch to close her eyes for a few minutes but somehow she’d drifted off to sleep. She awoke to Beau standing on her chest, staring into her face with his inquisitive green eyes. She hurried past Day to the back of the store. “I’m so sorry. My

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