13 - Payback

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Candace     “Candace, stop looking at your feet!  Keep your head held high!  You are a princess!  You should carry yourself with nothing but pride and confidence!” my mum barked for the thousandth time.     She could say those words until her face turned blue, and I still wouldn’t feel like royalty.   I was trying to act the way she said to act and walk the way she said to walk, but I had always been awkward and clumsy.       I don’t know what made her think I could be anything other than what I was.  A nobody.     “Candace!  Get your head out of the clouds and pay attention!” my mum continued to bark with her voice raising an octave.     Throwing my hands in the air, I dejectedly mumbled, “What’s the point?  Nobody is going to believe I’m the first-born daughter of the king.  This is

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