Chapter 17

1375 Words

Chapter 17 - Just Remember Our Love Myles took Diana around town and they went to the mall.  Diana looked around in adoration. She had never been to such a big place like this before and being here scared her a little.  Myles saw how uncomfortable she looked so he took her hand and they looked around.  "This place is so beautiful, Myles." "Yes, what would you like to have?" He asked happily. "Nothing yet. Let's just look around." "Let's buy you some clothes first." Myles looked around and choose a few clothes for her.  She admired the little things she saw.  They walked around and Myles was just enjoying the happy look on Diana's face. That look was priceless and it made his heart swell.  As he stared at her, he realized how fragile she looked and he felt the need to protect her

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