Chapter Seven

711 Words
Mark’s POV Jude was a little annoying at times but I found amusement in the fact that he hated this girl so much. Why wouldn't I take advantage of that and piss him off a bit? I laughed to myself as I fell backwards onto my bed and stared at the half lit ceiling. There's just something about her though. She has this kick to her that I've never experienced with any other human. No, it's not love. I'm damn sure on that one. It's...lust. And I'm not so sure I can live without her sweet body under mine. Last night just might as well been the best s*x I've had in the hundred years I've been on this hell hole of a planet. The best part? I had the ability to make her think she wanted it. She thought of me as a close friend now. Just where I wanted her. But I knew soon Jude was going to fall for her. Maybe I could sneak her out from under him before he does. I also knew that soon he would be throwing her back into my room. He couldn't handle being around her for more than a few hours. A smile crossed my face at the thought. I closed my eyes to remember her soft skin against my cold hands. She would flinch every time I slid my hands between her legs. And her screams? Best sound I've heard come from a human's mouth. She tasted so good I just had to have her again. A knock at the door snapped me from my fantasy. I sat up and groaned at the bump in my shorts. Every part of me wanted her. I swung open the door and stared at Kara, an old girlfriend who I couldn’t seem to get rid of. She was the last person I wanted to see and tried closing the door on her. “What? No hello?” She stuck her foot in the door, keeping me from closing it. “It’s been a long time, Mark.” “Yeah. For a good reason.” “Don’t tell me you don’t want to catch up. Talk about old times…” “That’s exactly what I’m saying. But your foot is in my way.” She grabbed a hold of the door, prying it from my hold. I sighed at her. I pitied her. She was obsessive and I couldn’t seem to get rid of her for long. She had daddy issues and would kiss the ground I walked on. Once upon a time I was her Dom and she my sub. The things she wanted me to do to her…I wouldn’t even agree with. “What do you want?” “I want to talk,” she smiled at me. I was about to tell her to get lost when an idea popped in my head. Since Jude took Amabell from me and I was stuck with this stiffy, she might come in handy for tonight. I pushed the door open letting her come inside. This pleased her and she bounced inside like a child entering a candy store. Her long blonde hair wrapped around one shoulder and after I closed us into the darkness I brushed it off her shoulders so it dropped down her back. I grabbed her from behind, pulling her into me so her back side brushed the bulge that grew in my shorts. “Remember the rules?” I asked in her ear. Her breathing got heavy. “What happens in this room stays in this room.” “Good. Lay on the bed on your stomach.” She obeyed. I leaned over her, tangling my fingers in her hair and tugging hard so her neck bent back. She moaned with pleasure. “What’s your name.” “Kitty.” That was her sub name. “Not tonight.” I nibbled the top of her ear. “Tonight, you’re name is Bell.” A sick obsession for the girl roared deep inside me and soon I wouldn’t be able to control it.
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