Chapter Six

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Jude's POV This human just kept going. Was there no end to her curiosity? The only reason I spent so much time out here with her is to please Mary and my father. With them both on my back about this stupid prophecy thing and "see if you'll feel something after spending so much time with her" talk I couldn't have my old life back until this was over. My dad said a week, right? After a week I will personally drag her down to the cells and throw her inside. And she can take her stupid love stone with her. Stupid Amabell. Stupid father. Stupid prophecy. "Hey!" I groaned and rolled my eyes as she ran up to yet another booth. We were making our way back to the house and she has stopped to look at almost all of the vendors. What a stupid girl. "We use to grow these back home," she said. The excitement in her voice made me peek at had her attention. "Yeah, that's nice! Come on," I demanded. She didn't listen. She bent down to stick her nose in the blue rose before her. The young male behind the stand smiled at her. "Would you like a flower, miss?" He asked. He bent forward and plucked the rose from the bush it grew on. "Oh, thank you!” She took the flower, smiling up at the man with the sweetest smile. "You are very welcome." The stranger stared at her with lustful eyes. Why did I hate that? "Alright," I said, grabbing her arm and yanking her away. "Time to get back to the house. There's s**t I need to do and you're wasting my time!" The stranger stared after her and I picked up my speed. Amabell let out a small gasp before tripping over her own feet. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" She stared up at me from the ground. Her eyes started watering and she bit her bottom lip. Really? Is she really going to start crying? I sighed and helped her to her feet. I slowed my pace so she could keep up. What I really wanted to do was run away from her. It felt like my heart sank when those tears welled in her eyes. What's wrong with me?! ** Once we were back at the house I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Finally, I will be free of this girl and not have to deal with her for the rest of the night. The front of the house was unusually empty. Even the few pictures that hung around on the walls were empty. Those pictures were there to keep an eye on what was going on around the house and when they are empty it meant something big was going down in my father's office. He was probably figuring out more ways to get me to fall in love with the human. "Stay here," I told Amabell. Mark was leaning against the wall outside dad's office with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He was dressed, which he only did when he came out of his room, and listened to the conversation on the other side of the door. "What's going on?" I ask. His head snapped up to me. "Another attack on one of the royals. They're getting closer.” Fresh bloods. They were the ones turned into vampires, instead of being born one, and wreaked havoc onto the earth. They did what they wanted when they wanted and listened to no one. Someone was building an army of them and it was getting out of control. "You don't think they would be stupid enough to come here, do you?" I asked. I wasn't sure why I asked. I could take down their whole colony if they came here. It was just a question that rolled around in my head ever since I heard of the attacks. Mark didn't answer. Instead, his attention went to Amabell behind me. His eyes filled with hunger and he shifted from one leg to another. I scowled at him and turned back to her. She was staring at the floor, trying not to catch Mark's eye. It was sick how he lusted over these things. If he really wanted her, he can take her off my hands for the night. I turned from Amabell and rushed down the hall, leaving her with him. It was a wonderful feeling to get away from her and an even better feeling seeing Mary sitting on my bed when I walked into my room. I was expecting her to greet me with that sexy smile I loved so much but instead I get punched in the chest really hard. As I rubbed my chest, she glared at me with angry eyes. She was sexy when she was angry. "What was that for?!" I asked, half laughing. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Where's Amabell?" I narrowed my eyes at her and shrugged. "Somewhere down the hall. Don't worry, she's with Mark." I thought that last part would calm her down but it only pissed her off more. Her mouth dropped open and she swung at my chest again. "Would you stop that!" "Why would you leave her with him?" "Because it gets her off my hands! What the f**k is the matter?" She leaned in, her breath hitting me in the face, and placed her hands on her hips. "The matter is, you're supposed to be getting to know her not feeding her to psychotic monsters! You promised me you'd spend time with her!" "I did!" I yelled back. "I spent half the day with her!" "Yeah, after the fact that you had already given her to your brother!" She dropped her hands and concern crossed her face. "Jude, she is the one you're supposed to be with. If you can't see that then how am I supposed to know you ever loved me?" I stepped close to her, wrapping my arms around her but not closing the space between us. I stared down into her eyes and tried giving my best smile. "Because you're the first girl I've fallen in love with and the only girl I want to love. I don't understand why you are willing to give me up to a human," I said. Her eyes teared up and she broke eye contact. "She is the one you're supposed to be with and we both knew it from the start. She didn't do anything to deserve not to find her soul mate and that's you!" She paused and pushed away from me. "Go get her from him or you'll never see me again." With that, she walked from the room. I didn't watch her leave. I couldn't. We didn’t fight much so I didn't know if I should go after her or let her cool down. ** The silence in the hall was peaceful and gave me time to think about what Mary said. I didn't want to lose her but I also didn’t want her mad at me. I reached Mark’s room and knocked hard. I didn't wait for his reply. I just walked in. Into an empty room. The deep breath I sucked in before opening the door leaked from my lips slowly and I searched his dark dungeon of a room. Where could they be? I quickly caught Amabell's laugh down the hall from the library room and sprinted towards it. I busted through the doors like the room was on fire and I had to save her. They both turned to look at me, amusement on their faces. Even Mark's face told me he had been laughing. His arm was on the back of the couch behind her head and their knees were only a half an inch apart. What the hell was going on? "Hey, little bro," he said, the laughter still not gone from his voice. Little bro? Usually when he sees me he calls me "dumb ass" or "human boy". But little bro? Plus, I haven't seen a girl make him laugh since...EVER! “Wait…you’re brothers? You didn’t mention that!” Amabell looked at Mark, astonished. "What's going on?" I asked, looking between the two as I made my way over. Mark looked back at Amabell. "Just talking. Bell here knows how to tell a good story," he laughed. "Bell?" I left them alone not even twenty minutes ago. How the hell did they get way down here, telling each other stories? "Leave." I demanded Amabell. She looked up at me then back at Mark. It was like she relied on him to speak for her. Anger fueled in me. "Now!" She flinched at my sudden out burst and stood up. Mark just sighed and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. After she slowly made her way out of the room, I glared down at Mark. "Would it kill you to be a bit nicer to her? I know it's not in your blood but it might make her actually like you.” "Why do you care? Since when did you care about telling stories?" He stood up and faced me. He wasn't angry. Of course not, the bastard doesn't let s**t get to him and it irritates me. "I thought that's what you wanted? To get her off your back.” He walked around the couch and past me. He took his sweet time to get to the door then turned around, with a cigarette in his mouth that he pulled from behind his ear. "Whatever man. She's your woman." He didn't wait for my reply. He just laughed and left me standing there with my fists clenched.
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