She massaged his penıs

2194 Words

"Gigi!" Sebastian gasped from behind me, attempting to push me out of the way but I remained adamant and stood still in place, taking the curvy face of this woman in. Every detail her face possessed, the seriousness she had in her. She looked like danger. Her eyebrows were drawn together as she stared between us both. "How interesting is this?" Lizzy put her gun down and folded her arms across her chest. "The husband and the so called wife are willing to die together, okay, no problem." "What do you want from us?" I was tearful by now. I was afraid to see guns after last night and my children were still with Nikita. With Sebastian here, there was danger lurking around. "What do I…" She looked like she was surprised by my words. "What do I want from you? How can you seriously ask me tha

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