If I can't have him, no one else can

4306 Words

trigger warning: death (don't worry, it isn't any character you know or love) I stepped out of the pool, scampering for safety like the rest of the people around. It made my heart race even though I hadn't particularly caused any trouble. I was lost on what to do. The shooting intensified and I realized that a gang was messing the place up. This was why I should never try to act like I owned a different life. As if the deafening sounds of the gun wasn't enough to make me want to faint, the screams from the fearful people around made me nauseous with endless cries. "Save me God." I called. I froze to the ground when the girl standing beside me crashed to the floor. She had been hit by a bullet. I noticed myself go dizzy at the blood oozing around us. I wanted to go down on my knees and

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