I'm going home, she said.

788 Words
I tried to reach for my towel when I met the eyes of the blonde who made no move to get out of the way. Clearly, he'd also been startled by my presence. "f**k it, will you look away?" I snapped at him. That seemed to get his senses to return because he gasped and turned his back on me. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" He had a British accent that I would have adored if I was in a good mood. I scoffed, reached for my towel that I'd hung on the shower and wrapped it around my naked self. "Who the f**k pulls shower curtains just like that?" I moved to stand in front of him, ready to hit him if I could. He looked like a frightened puppy, raising his hands in defeat and forsaking with a trembling voice. The slender piece of nothing was in a blue polo shirt and brown shorts and his pale skin made him appear dead. "I didn't know you were in there, I thought it was someone else, I swear!" He said in his defense. "You thought I was someone else? Do you even hear yourself? This is a f*****g shared bathroom and you walk into a shower and pull the… I could get you arrested for possible assault, you have no idea who I am!" I was going nuts at his level of ignorance. He sounded more like a dork to me. "Please, you must believe me, I…" he attempted to reach for my wrist but I hurried to pull my arm away from him. "Don't touch me!" I warned. With an angry growl, I turned to leave his presence and captured his image mentally. I walked into my room carefully, feeling as though someone was watching me from every angle. As soon as I got in, I closed the door and secured it lock with the key, letting the towel fall to my feet, picking it up and clutching it to my chest and hurrying to the bed where my phone was. I dialed Sebastian at full speed and tapped my wet foot against the floor impatiently, waiting for an answer. "Well if you're going to call me every thirty seconds, you might as well…" he began but I cut him off. "Seb! You'll not believe what happened to me just now!" I exclaimed, dropping the towel onto the bed. His previous tone was suddenly replaced by worry. "What? What happened to you?" He asked me with interest. "I was taking a shower and someone f*****g pulled the shower curtain apart." I informed him aggressively. "What?!" He gasped, "who's the i***t? Is she insane?" When it came to my matter, Sebastian went overboard. "It was a man." I added in corrections. "What?!" He thundered, sounding a lot more aggressive than before. "Did he try to manipulate you in any manner? Are you hurt anywhere? What happened?" He asked me so many questions at once that even in my angered state, a bit of enthusiasm lit me. "It was an English i***t, guy was like, it was an accident." I relaxed in my tone, rolling my eyes. "What was he even doing in there? We have to get him arrested." Sebastian was at the peak of his anger. "I guess it's a shared bathroom." I shrugged, feeling better about the situation after talking to him. "We won't go that far. He's simply just an i***t, f**k him." I complained. "But that's improper, I can't believe my ears." He snorted but he was speaking a lot more calmly. "It's okay. Don't worry about it, I'm good now. I'll get dressed and go on my tour." I smiled, wishing we could talk for an even longer time but I was trying my best to train myself not to focus too much on getting too attached. "Still waiting for that facetime though." He sighed. "And you'll get it baby." I promised him. "Love you." I added with assurance. "Love you too." He said, and after, I hung up on him. I tossed the phone on to the bed and got dressed, ready to leave the building. "f**k this, I can't do this any longer." I groaned as I walked down the school. It was damn boredom, especially with no one to talk to. "I'm going home." I groaned to myself one more time, turning around so I could head to the dormitory. It was decided, nothing could be this torturous. I had to see my family at least one more night, it was the healing I needed at the moment. I decided to make it a surprise. I would intentionally miss the first day tomorrow but it was worth it.
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