Sugàr daddy?

1113 Words
Someone was standing in the way of my bedroom door by the time I got there and that caused an ugly frown to take its place on my face. "Um, hello?" I called out to the brunette. She had really full lips, it was hard not to focus on it. "Hey." She called back, slightly looking up from her phone, then looking back at it. "I'm sorry but you're standing in the way of my bedroom door, I need to go in and..." I tried to explain to the nonchalant lady, crossing my hands across my chest with a disrespectful frown as I spoke but she interrupted me. "And what's that supposed to mean?" She put her phone aside for a second to glare at me. "This is my room, see?" She flashed her dorm key in my face. True to her words, she had the key to room C20. "There must be a mix up." I shook my head at her, "have you even gone in? Didn't you see there's stuff in there?" I frowned, not liking where this was headed. "Are you kidding?" She raised her eyebrows at me with lack of interest. "My boyfriend is out there trying to get my stuff upstairs, you must be mistaken." She began to dial someone's phone number and I could only assume it was her boyfriend's. "Austin, where are you?" She wondered, after he'd answered the phone. "Hurry up, there's some b***h trying to tell me shit." She scoffed, looking at me and eyeing me irritatingly. "b***h? Are you insane? You have no idea who the hell you're talking to." I stepped in front of her. "I have to take a few things in there and head back home, it's getting pretty late so if you'd love your life to keep going in a rosy manner, I'd most likely advise you to step out of the way and most importantly, watch your tongue while you speak to me." I cautioned her. "Ya'll look at this one trying to threaten me." She chuckled in the most dramatic way. Some of the ladies walking past stopped to listen to our argument but I paid no attention to them, concentrating on the i***t that was ready for trouble. "Oh yeah?" I snorted and attempted to push her out of the way since she chose to take this the wrong way. I managed to, thanks to her lack of stamina but that must have aggravated her to the peak because next I knew, she was slapping me across the face. I gasped, holding my cheek in surprise at her action. "The f**k? How could you?" I gasped, unable to believe what just happened. She didn't care. She pulled her phone out, planning to ignore what she'd just done but I wasn't going to have it. Angered, I settled for her hair and yanked it hard. That caused her phone to fall out of her hands while screams were birthed from the girl who was about my height. "What the f**k b***h? Let me go!" She struggled to pull free but I was adamant. "That will teach you to have manners, you don't go about hitting other people just because you have a hand, you f*****g cunt." I yelled in her face, peeved by her insolence. "Angie!" I heard a voice call from behind us. I turned to look at him and he gasped, dropping the bags he had in his hands and rushing to pull me from her. He was the same man from the bathroom earlier. He was clearly stronger than I was and so managed to pull me from the lady who only filled our ears with her bleeding screams. "Austin!" Angie cried, running to his arms, "this b***h, she tried to kill me." I scoffed and shook my head, folding my hands across my chest. This childish duo really thought they had something against me. How pathetic of them. "You again?" He wondered, looking like I was a spirit. "You need to f*****g give your girlfriend some speech training, she needs to learn how the f**k to speak to people!" I moved closer to them. Angie wouldn't stop crying on the other hand. Pathetic. "I think there's been some misunderstanding here." Austin kept giving her gentle pats on the back as he hugged her close to his chest. "What misunderstanding? This is my dorm room, I f*****g paid for a single room, why would she…" I tried to say but Austin cut me off again. "I think we should contact the dorm lady, maybe she has an explanation?" He suggested, clearly wanting this to get over quick. * "I'm really sorry about this, one of you will have to give thar room up." The robust woman shook her head. "Well, I moved there first, I'm going nowhere." I rolled my eyes, walking out on them without waiting for their decision. I'd called Sebastian to come pick me up since I was no longer interested in surprising him, thanks to the idiots and the commotion they had caused. Angie and her boyfriend followed behind me. "Please, there are no free rooms, you can't do this to her." Austin spoke calmly, trying his best to convince me to give up the room but that wasn't working on me. "Not my problem." I scoffed at them, going up to my dorm room while they trailed behind me. I got to the room and was surprised to find Sebastian already standing there. My eyes went wide in shock, it was so unexpected. "And who's this?" His rude Angie remarked, "another devil here to claim this is his room as well?" "What's going on?" Sebastian frowned, holding me by his side. "This b***h is a cunt that lacks manners." I was angered by her lack of self control when it came to talking. "What? You're asking your sugar daddy to hit me?" She mocked with laughter. "Hey, watch it!" I grabbed her by the collar. "You can talk s**t about me all you want but my…" "Let her go!" Austin barked, pulling her free from my grip. I smirked, knowing how well to get him in place. "Hey Sebastian, remember when someone pulled the shower curtain while I was having a bath?" I smirked. "Yeah?" He nodded, already clenching his fists by his side. "Well," I smiled at Austin's wide eyes. "Meet him." Before I could blink, Sebastian was pulling this slender man and pinning him against a wall. "Why you bastard?!" He barked in his face, pulling his collar and shaking him against the wall. Angie threw her hands up to her mouth while Austin trembled like a child.
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